Chapter 4

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(Reb's point of view)

A few months of school had flew past as Luke and I became really close with each other. School became a living heaven as I was able to see the sex god himself every day, with his floppy blond hair and heart warming smile. His hugs and cuddles became a regular thing although I wasn't quite sure where we stood, relationship wise. At first I thought that I didn't mind, and settling with a few cheeky kisses on the cheek and some warm hugs was enough, until I noticed I wanted more. I craved Luke's warm body against mine, his soft lips brushing against mine and crawling up and down my neck.


Did he want the same thing? Safter not to think about it. Sophie, my only girl best friend at school, also had no idea about my sudden cravings, since she wasn't at school often enough to notice. Although I wasn't quite so sure about the other 5SOS boys.

'Reb, you want to come over to our flat tonight?' Ash would often say, with a cheeky hint in his voice. 'Luke will be there.' He'd say with a wink and a wiggle of his eyebrows.

I'd always reply with the lame:

'Oh we''s not like...uh...we're just friends.' Then my cheeks would flush as they normally do, scaring me with the impossible thought that any of the boys could read my thoughts and craving. Yikes.

Luke would often come over to my flat for study dates since my parents usually worked till very late at night. After around 2 minutes of studying (we got bored easily) we would proceed to the kitchen where I'd make Luke's favorite meal- pasta bolognese. It wouldn't be long before we'd start a food fight.

'LUKE' I'd scream, giggling. 'I know you're in here...come out come out wherever you are' I'd sing, testing the weight of the pasta in my hand, ready to be thrown if suddenly attacked.

Then out'd jump Luke from behind me, two cans of whipped cream in his hands, pressing the button hard as I would whirl round in shock and surprise, cream soon dripping from my face.

I wouldn't give up without I fight though.

I run to the fridge out in the spare room and grab a secret can of whipped cream, the whole time with Luke chasing me and still spraying whipped cream at me, into my hair and down my back. Giggling I'd grab the extra can and aim at his perfect face, sad to be in any way ruining his perfection.

Wait, what was I thinking? Luke looked perfect no matter what was on his face.

He'd chase me all the way to the couch and as I'd lie there in defeat. He'd jump on top of me, his legs on either side of my waist, tickling me until I couldn't breathe. Then slowly he'd lick whipped cream off of my nose making his way down to my lips. I can't help it now. I pull him closer, aching to be as close as I possibly can to him. He'd pull back, stare right into my eyes and smile slightly leaning in to give me a harder, harsher more passionate kiss.

I know what you're thinking next (naughty). No, we did not have sex because I made it very clear that we were not ready and also too young. Surprisingly he agreed, and we'd guiltily clean up the house together, racing against the clock.

The boys' flat was very comfortable and messy, exactly what you'd expect from four teenage boys who live together. Thank gosh for Liz, Luke's mum, who often cleaned up after the boys or gave them actually food other than Vegemite on toast. I'd often hang out there and occasionally Sophie would come along too. We'd often have a nerf gun fight, when everyone hides around the flat and has to hit the opponents with the little foam bullets. It was good fun, especially since I often beat the boys at their own game.

It was one particularly cold evening when I was at the boys' flat left alone with Luke and Ash. Mike and Cal were already in bed after a full, hard day of school.

'So...' Ash began, looking awfully like the third wheel. 'What do you suggest we can do?'

Instantly Ms. Big Mouth (me) had to chime in with 'Oooh let's watch a film!'

'Uughhh yes that's a great idea' Luke agreed (oh god he was perfect)

'How about...The Grudge? Oh yes let's watch that mate it'll be awesome haven't watched it in agesss' Ash smile.


I'm quite a fearless girl let me be honest. Especially with blood and gory and things like that. But give me a scary film and I'll have a mental breakdown right there in front of you. Frights and scares? Not for me just like cancer films scared the shit out of me. I couldn't admit this to Luke or Ash now could I?

'Uh yeah The Grudge love that movie hehe' I stammered giving them the worst poker face I have ever made in my life.

'Rebby Webby don't tell me you're scared?' Pouted Luke looking deep into my eyes.

'Pfffffffffftttttttttt what? No...' I replied, in the most unconvincing tone I've ever heard.

'It's ok babe' Luke winked at me. 'I'll be here to protect you' He smiled relieving the famous dimple.


Did the sex god just call me babe? Did he frikkin just say he'd protect me? Oh mother of Jesus was I still even breathing I don't even frikkin know. All I could think was ACT COOL. So I just smiled, shut my mouth and buried my face into the blanket, just in time to see Ash making barf faces at me and Luke. Great. Just great.

The only thing I could think of throughout the whole film was Luke's arm which had managed to snake itself around my shoulders, giving me the permission to lean in closer to Luke's chest. I didn't remember anything of the film except the frightful bits which, to my embarrassment, made me jump up from the couch, only to be comforted with Luke's reassuring snuggle. And suddenly I couldn't concentrate any longer. Luke's warm chest against my cheek, his steady warm breath on my hair, his hand loosely caressing my arm, all in all came with the heaviness of my eyelids. Trying hard not to make it too obvious, I slowly closed my eyes and blackness followed.

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