Chapter 27

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'Hmmm...I dunno...' I laughed, pretending to walk away.

'Cmon.' Luke said, smiling. 'Don't leave me hanging.'

'Well.' I said, walking back and stepping over the trees. 'Mr. Hemmings, today is your lucky day. It'll be my honour to join you.'

He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek as I looked around us, breathing in the scent of fresh grass and nature.

'Hey look at me...!' Said a faraway voice. Realising that Luke wasn't besides me anymore, I looked around. High up in a tree sat a gorgeous blond boy, waving at me.

'Luke don't tell me you're climbing trees.' I laughed, picking up his guitar as I started walking ahead.

'Awh babe don't leave me behind.' He said, jumping down. 'It's not my fault I have monkey in my blood.' He said in a weird voice. Then he leaped up onto the next tree and the next.

I couldn't help laughing.

'Luke you're so immature, I swear you're like five.' I grinned, eyeing his beautiful legs hanging off of a branch.

'Come sit beside me.' He said, gesturing for me to climb the tree and join him.

'I don't really think we want the branch to break off.' I laughed, nervously, trying not to give away the fact that I was insecure about my weight.

'Uhmm...ok.' He said, confused, jumping down.

He took hold of my hand as we strolled under the bright green trees.

'Have you ever noticed it?' He finally asked.

'Noticed what?' I grinned, looking up at him.

'How our hands fit into each other's like they were meant to be...' He trailed off, suddenly interested in looking at the ground.

Before I could answer, we had reached the lake.

'Wow.' I said, in awe, peeking down to look at the water. 'It's so pwetty.' I squeaked, truly amazed.

Then, Luke grabbed hold of my waist, and pushed me slightly, making it seem as if he was going to push me in.

'Luke!' I scolded, putting my hand over my heart. 'You almost gave me a heart attack.' I laughed, still shaky from the fright.

'Sorry Rebby.' He answered, sitting down and crossing his amazingly perfect legs. 'Couldn't help it.' He winked at me.

Slowly we took off our shoes and dipped our feet into the cold water.

'Ooh it's a bit chilly isn't it.' I laughed as Luke stuck his fingers in and sprayed my face with water.

'Quite.' He giggled, as I did the same.

I lied down, my back against the cool grass, eyeing the beautiful sun trying to peek through the trees.

'So...' I began. 'Had I ever come here before...before the uhm...accident?' I asked.

'No actually,' he said, lying down besides me, he face so close to mine I could smell his aftershave. 'This one's a first.' He said, staring at me with those passionate eyes.

'Luke stop.' I said, laughing, covering my face with my hands.

'What did I do?' He asked, innocently.

'Stop staring at me like that, you make me really uncomfortable.' I mumbled, turning away.

'But I can't help it.' He whispered.

I turned around to face him. He had a particular look in his eyes- a firing passion.

My heart fluttering, I leaned in. Our lips met with a force of craving as we became one. Standing up I lowered myself onto Luke's chest, my legs on either side of him. Smiling, he pulled me in as I ran my hand up and down his back, moist from the grass. Subtly, he let out a moan as I sank back onto the ground, breathless.

'Thank you.' I whispered, arranging my now-messy hair.

'Don't thank me.' He laughed, touching his lips and then smiling as if missing my touch already. 'I'm the one who should be thanking you.'

'No because you see, you just saved me, really.' I said, turning on my side so that we were facing each other. 'After the accident I was truly lost and I had nothing to live for. You gave me reason. You gave me hope.' I shivered, passion surging through me. 'So I'm the one who needs to say thank you.' I dropped into a whisper. 'Always.'

He reached up to stroke my cheek as I realised how on point his hair actually was. 'Everyone deserves a second chance, but not everyone gets one.' He whispered, his thumb stroking my cheek. 'How was I lucky enough to have you come my way again? I didn't deserve it. No one deserves you, you're too good for anyone. I made a mistake letting you go. I let you slip out of my fingers...I don't deserve this second chance...' He faded out, his face frozen with emotion and his warm hand still on my cheek.

'Well I do deserve one.' I laughed, thinking of the horrible few months after the accident. 'You're just lucky to be on the other end of my second chance.' I winked at him, sitting up.

I watched in admiration and his perfect face broke into a breathtaking smile, as he pulled himself up. 'Lucky I am indeed.'

Then, he reached to one of his socks and threw it in the lake.

'Luke what are you doing?' I asked, starting to get up.

Reaching in for his soggy sock, he just looked at me. 'Oh...nothing.' He smiled, revealing what he was about to do.

'No Luke don't you dare!' I screamed running away.

He threw the wet sock at me, but missed by a few metres.

'I used to be known for my throwing skills...' He laughed, running after me.

Panicked, I climbed up the closest tree. 'Luke.' I said, shaking. 'Cold, wet, smelly socks don't go well with me.' I laughed, frozen as I balanced myself onto the tree branch.

'It's ok, Rebby.' He laughed, squeezing all the water out of his sock and throwing it besides his shoes. 'You can come down.'

'Yeah...' I giggled nervously. 'I'm stuck.'

'You're...?' He asked looking up and me and laughing hysterically as I just stood there, shaking.

'Luke help me down.' I pleaded, panicked.

'Coming babe.' He said, wiping tears of laughter from his cheeks.

I watched as he easily climbed the tree, careful not to step onto my side. He reached over and leaned in, close to my face.

'Helllooooooo.' He said, cutely. 'Mr. Hemmings needed to help a certain special young lady down a tree?' He teased, laughing at his own joke.

I swiftly kissed his nose. 'That would be me, sir.' I laughed, continuing with the joke.

Slowly and steadily he climbed down the tree and told me where I was suppose to put my feet to get down safely.

When we were on the ground again I slapped him softly on his shoulder.

'It was all you and your moist sock's fault.' I laughed.

'At least I helped you get down from the tree.' He said, showing off his muscles.

'So it's true, not all heroes have to wear capes.' I said, smiling at him.

Looking deep into my eyes, he got hold of both my hands. 'Just like not all angels have to have wings.'

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