Chapter 34

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I woke up on a comfortable bed of soft clouds as I reached over to rub my hands soothingly on Luke's warm chest. Reaching over with my eyes still closed, I realised that he wasn't in bed.

Sitting up, I yawned and stretched loudly as my heart flipped, recalling all the things that had happened last night.

Tiptoeing out of the warm bedroom and into the cold corridor, I leaned over the railings to try and listen to what Luke was doing in the kitchen. I heard a sizzling noise as a sweet smell hit my nose. He was making me some Hemmo pancakes. My tummy rumbled hungrily as I made my way to the bathroom.

I stared at a pale girl staring at me in the mirror, her chest and jaw line full of little scratches and her black makeup gathered under her eyes. After trying to make myself look casually and naturally ok looking, I plonked down the cold, hard stairs and entered the kitchen, the air thick with the heavenly smell of pancakes. Out of a small window, I could just make out the table on which we had had dinner the night before.

'Good morning, Rebby.' Luke said, coming over to give me a peck on the lips. His lands were filled with pancake batter as he immediately got to work again.

'Good morning. Do you...uh...know what time we have to be at the airport?' I asked, my voice still thick and tired.

'Yeah.' He answered, laying down a plate of pancakes on the kitchen table. 'We have to meet your parents outside the hotel at eleven. But forget that.' He laughed, as I nervously looked over at the clock. Ten o' clock.

'Luke I am starving.' I broke into a smile, as I sat down on a chair, taking a plate with me. I watched Luke as he washed the frying pan and bowls and was finally ready to eat breakfast with me.

'Hemmo pancakes for my lovely.' He said, looking deeply into my eyes, making my heart flutter and stomach flip. 'Go all out today, okay? C'mon I've got syrup, whipped cream, Nutella, ice-cream, nuts and icing sugar. Obviously, I'm going to use them all. I suggest you do the same.'

I laughed softly as I helplessly gave in and piled my pancake with all the things he had brought. We rolled them up so that everything oozed out slowly, and I purposely waited for Luke to take the first bite.

'Why are you staring at me?' He asked, stopping what he was doing.

'Because,' I laughed, crossing my arms. 'I want to see you attempt to eat that massive pancake first. And also you're pretty irresistible so I kind of have to look at you.' I blushed, suddenly realising what I had just said.

'Oh.' He said, blushing too. 'Thank you.' He said very softly, but cockily. 'And for your sake, I will take the first bite.'

Opening his mouth as wide as possible, I laughed as he squeezed the pancake so that it was able to fit, the contents spilling out and down his top. I rolled on the floor as tears steamed down my face with laughter.

'Luke...' I panted, sliding back into my chair. 'That was hilarious.' I reached over and wiped ice-cream off his nose, licking my finger happily.

We laughed at each other and with each other as we shoved our breakfast into our mouths and playfully licked and kissed the sweet creams off each other's faces.

One hour later, we had locked the door and cleaned up around the house, and made our way out to the front of the gate, waiting for Ash to pick us up.

As he rolled up outside the hotel, a sudden sinking feeling settled into my chest as I became aware of what was happening. The day had come. The day of goodbye.

Waiting for us in the hotel lobby was my mum and dad, Mike and Calum. They all greeted us nicely as the boys helped load the luggages into Ashton's car.

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