Chapter 18

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Life wasn't getting much easier after the accident. More and more tests kept coming, and I couldn't seem to spend more than a few days out of the hospital bed.

At home, I sort of got used to things, and I found that I was actually familiar with the things around me, even though I had lost my memory. My phone had been destroyed, so I got a new one with a new number, my only contacts being home, mum, dad and Roxy. School was also a struggle. I had to learn most of the things I had already studied all over again, making me lack behind.

Just my luck.

I was allowed to put my singing on hold, for the moment, as the owner immediately understood my situation and what a hard time I was having.

Together with the memory loss and aching head, came very weird dreams which I couldn't shake off. The most common one was me, running in an endless desert, my head pounding with the heat. I was approaching something- someone. A blond boy. The same boy who was in my dream the day I had woken up from the accident for the first time. I needed to get to him, I needed to reach him. I was running. My legs were aching. I needed him. I pushed. I had to arrive to him...

And then I'd always wake up, panting and sweating, confused.

I couldn't understand my dream. Maybe the boy was from a film I had watched? I had no idea.

One fine Saturday morning, I woke up with a slight headache. Nothing new there. It had been around two months since the accident had taken place- two months since my crazy dreams had started. I stomped down the stairs, my parents already up and about, making breakfast.

'Good morning honey.' My dad greeted me, smiling. I was suddenly conscious of what I was wearing, seeing this man stare at me. Sure he was my dad, but I still felt uncomfortable, not recalling any recent memories of him as my dad.

I looked down, face flushed, glad to see that I had actually looked past my bad mood and put on a bra.

'Good morning.' I croaked, smiling back.

'We've just received some great news.' My mum said, cracking eggs into the frying pan. 'Your cousin, Lara is getting married next week, it was kind of a quick thing, and we're all invited to the wedding.'

Cousin Lara?

'Of course you don't remember who she is.' My dad laughed, his voice sounding a little strained. 'But never mind that, we'll all still have a great time.'

'Sure, I'm up for that.' I smiled. Of course I was excited. A chance to get out for a bit, open my tight mind a little further.

'One thing, though.' My mum added. Of course something had to ruin it. 'The wedding's in Sydney. Do you think you can make it honey? With the whole head thing? I hope you won't be in too much pain.'

Was she kidding? I couldn't wait to go already. I needed to get away, even if it was just for a short while. Away from hospitals, away from all the sympathy.

'Mum, my head is feeling much better I swear. I can't wait to go.' I smiled. 'So,' I added with a cheeky grin. 'When do we go shipping.'

My mum laughed. She had such a beautiful laugh. 'That is the best part, isn't it. Maybe you'll even meet a nice boy there, honey.' Oh gosh. 'Umm...well the plane leaves on Friday night, and the wedding's on Saturday. Maybe we can go on Tuesday? How does that sound?'

I smiled, sitting down and pouring myself a glass of orange juice. I had to hand it to her. She was trying so hard to please me, since the accident and I couldn't help feeling thankful. She handed me a plate off eggs and toast.

'Sounds perfect.' I smiled.

Now I was excited.


The mall was crowded as my mum and I busted through the glass doors, people rushing along, some shouting through their phones and others just running, trying to get as much shopping done as possible. My eyes immediately stopped on H&M. I dragged my mum along, as we stepped into the shop breathing in the fresh scent of new clothes.

Let me just be honest. My figure was hard to flatter. Tight dresses? No. Long dresses? No.

The hunt for the perfect dress began.

Half an hour later, my mum and I stood outside the dressing room, ten dresses each waiting patiently to be tried on in our hands. Embarrassed, we smiled at the lady who was by the dressing rooms, as she just rolled her eyes as if bored and handed us the number thingies.

The fashion show began.

Ignoring all the other people who were trying on stuff, my mum and I modelled each dress, laughing at ourselves and posing dramatically. Maybe I couldn't really remember this woman, but truth to be told, she was a pretty cool person. Eight dresses down, I put on a lovely blue short dress, the type which was tight from the top but flowed outwards towards the bottom. I stepped out of the dressing room and just stared.

This was it.

My mum came busting out, all excited to act silly once again in front of the mirror, but paused as soon as she saw me. And so did the other shoppers.

'Wow, honey.' She said, bringing her hands up to her face. 'You look like a princess.' She whispered.

And for the first time since I could remember, I felt like one too.

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