Chapter 6

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I found myself enjoying life more than I ever had before. Sometimes, having that one person who's just as crazy for you as you are for them is such a confidence boost and Luke's love meant more to me that I could ever imagine I deserved. It got to the point were I couldn't even live without him, so I was constantly craving his soft, husky voice talking to me whenever I needed it.

Getting over attached was bad though, and I knew it. How could I help it though? For years and years I looked down on myself, convincing myself that I wasn't pretty enough, I wasn't skinny enough, I wasn't smart enough and not funny enough- just a useless, worthless failure.

Until Luke aka Mr. Sex god came along.

Then I could finally feel as if I belonged somewhere and with someone. As if I was wanted by someone, and let me just tell you, it was the best feeling in the world.

But everything soon changed.

One Monday morning, Luke didn't show up to school which was quite strange. Now I know what you're all is that strange? He was probably just sick and couldn't make it. Yeah you're right, but he hadn't texted me, or called me which was unusual of him. Ash, Cal and Mike also had no idea where he had gotten to and said he wasn't in the house when they had left, assuming that he had already left for school.


Being at school without him was ok I guess, because I still had my wonderful daydreams to rely on. However, not knowing where he was, why he was missing or what was going on made my heart jump and by the end of the day I was sweating through my shirt with worry. (Sexy right?)

I sent him around thirty text messages that day and another thirty on Facebook, craving to see his wonderful smile and knowing that he was ok.

No answer though.

I even walked it to his flat which was a good half an hour away from mine, that was how worried I was. Ash, Cal and Mike were there, but no Luke. His room was clean and smelled of his cologne and his bed was freshly made. Oh god please tell me he was ok. For the next whole week, Luke never showed up for school, resulting in me getting less and less sleep every night. No one had heard of him- not even Liz.

But then, after the weekend, he showed up to school, acting as if nothing had happened. He just walked in and gave me a quick hug, careful not to look directly into my eyes.

'Luke...?' I began.

'Uh yeah? Everything ok babe?' He answered with a false smile.

'You haven't come to school for a whole week, you didn't answer any of my texts or calls and you were never home. Of course I'm not ok! I've been worried sick...' I angrily stormed at him, forcing him to look me in the eye.

'Oh uh...yeah I was uh sick babe. You see, I had a very contagious flu and I couldn't afford to be around anyone so I took off and stayed at a hotel for a few days. I must've left my mobile at home though, sorry for the absence, but I really was ill.' He shakily began, careful not to hold my gaze for too long.

What was going on?

I decided to let him be, since I trusted him with all my heart and knew that if something serious was up he'd let me know. However, I was starting to have my doubts. Throughout the week, he seemed to be avoiding me, and other than our usual lunch together, he was never around. He never surprised me with a tickle attack, or gave me a quick squeeze from behind. He stopped showing up next to my locker to give me my goodbye hug and kiss.

Something was wrong.

He kept answering my text messages and Facebook messages with the same

'Im fine, Reb, I promise. I'm just in a bad mood today'

Today turned into weeks and I was getting more and more confused. My heart ached every time I looked at him because we grew distant in such a short time that I couldn't adapt so quickly. This was what I got for getting over attached.

Everything was closing in on me

I couldn't breathe

I couldn't see

I couldn't function

Darkness was swallowing me up and I was letting it.

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