Chapter 26

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This chapter is dedicated to Mikay :) her twitter name is @/Micahlarity xx follow her on Wattpad @/Micahnicaal :)

hope you enjoy the new chapter xx


'Meet me outside my flat at around 11?' He asked, stroking my hair lovingly. 'Go to your hotel and wear something warm.' He advised me, giving me a gorgeous half smile.

'I will...' I said. 'Thank you for everything.' I added, softly, walking away, trying to seem as cool as possible.

As soon as I rounded the corner and I was out of Luke's sight, I let my face break out into a huge smile and victoriously punched the air. Letting out an excited leap I ran most of the way, too happy to care if anyone was seeing. Luke was the one, I could feel it. AND HE LIKED ME BACK.

Outside my hotel, I doubled over, trying to catch my breath. Then, I skipped into the hotel and ran up the stairs, two by two. Knocking on my room door I was suddenly nervous to see my parents.

Clutching my dress in my hands, I quickly scanned it, trying to see if their were any stains left from last night. Thankfully, no.

My heart stopped as the door swung open, revealing a worried mother in the doorway.

'Oh honey...' She cried, pulling me in for a warm hug. 'DAVID SHE'S OK SHE'S RIGHT HERE.' She shouted to my dad, partially deafening me for a few seconds.

I walked in and put my dress, folded, into my suitcase. Then, I sat down on my parents' bed.

'Mum.' I began. 'You're never going to believe what happened to me last night. It was the most magical night ever...' I said, dreamily.

'Oh honey, really?' She asked, smiling. 'Tell me everything.'

Everything? Yeah, right.

'Umm...basically I met this really amazing boy. Luke, you met him last night. Apparently we were kind of together before the accident...'

'Reb...' My mum said, cautiously. 'I had never seen or heard of that boy until yesterday. Are you sure you knew him?'

'Well of course I'm not sure, mum, I don't remember anything.' I said, giving her my duhhh look. 'Anyway, it was the most magical night of my life...' I trailed off, the memories still fresh in my mind.

'Oh honey don't tell me you...did it?' She asked, her face pale with worry.

'No, mum.' I laughed, seeing her face break into a relieved smile. 'I only just met him! I'm not that irresponsible.' I winked at her.

'Anyway...I'm going to meet him in about half an hour again. He wants to make the most of my week here.' I giggled, my heart soaring with passion. 'He's taking me somewhere special.'

'I'm so happy for you, honey I really am. But please be careful. He may not be who you think he is.'

Shaking off that terrible thought I pranced into my room, excitement bubbling through me. Something warm, he had said. I picked up the cutest thing I had which was warm and put on a cream colored beanie.

In my bathroom, I brushed my teeth then put on some light, neutral make-up. Mascara and eye liner.

Outside, I shivered in the cold, fresh morning breeze, then put my earphones in my ears and blasted some of my favorite music.

'Hi again,' I said, shyly, eyeing Luke up and down and removing my earphones from my ears. He looked amazing. He was wearing black, skinny jeans and a cosy, large jumper. He looked so cosy and perfect to cuddle.

'Why are you staring at me like that?' I asked, looking down at my shoes.

'Because you're just so beautiful.' He laughed, biting his lips.

'Luke stop you're making me blush.' I whispered, wishing the ground would swallow me up any second then.

'But you look so cute with rosy cheeks, Rebby.' He smiled. He really was gorgeous.

'Well you look pretty darn good yourself.' I said, eyeing something slung over his back. 'You're getting your guitar?' I asked, puzzled.

'Uhh...yeah.' He said, trying to reveal as little as possible. 'But shhh, no hints.'

Grabbing my small hand, he started walking the opposite direction from where I had come from. I followed, butterflies fluttering inside my tummy.

After around ten minutes of comfortable silence, we arrived at a small clearing of trees.

'So green.' I whispered, dazzled.

'Oh, you haven't seen anything yet.'

Letting go of my hand, he jogged to the trees. I watched as he amusingly slipped on dog poo. Unable to hold it in I let out my dorky laugh, my ribs shaking with the force of my laughter.

'Oh my gosh, Luke are you ok?' I asked, breathless from laughing so hard. I ran up to him as he lay on the grass, a line of moist dog poo on the floor. Even though I really tried to hold it in, another laughing fit came over me.

'Im fine.' Luke said, smiling. His face was bright red with embarrassment. I stuck out my hand, as he gladly took it and helped himself up.

Then, he leaned in so that his face was close to mine.

'I may have slipped on dog poo, but I got to hear your amazingly beautiful laugh. So I think I'm the real winner here.' He smiled, looking down at my lips than back at my eyes.

'My dorky laugh is neither beautiful nor amazing.' I smiled, as he rubbed his black vans on the grass trying to scrape off all the poo from them.

'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' He said, trying to sound very smart. ' the...ear I guess.' He laughed.

Then, he bowed. 'That was all done on purpose.' He assured me.

'Haha, you wish.' I laughed.

'Anyway.' He said, rolling his eyes. 'Now for the real reveal.'

Picking his way carefully across the grass, he reached two large trees and poked his head through them. Smiling, he called me as I ran across towards him, excited.

Sliding under his arms which were holding the trees so we could peak through, I poked my head in.

A forest lay inside this opening- the most beautiful forest ever. I couldn't help gasping as I looked around. Dark green trees lay everywhere as strings of moss and leaves hung down, giving the forest a magical appearance. The most breathtaking thing had the be the little lake which was of a crystal blue color.

'Luke, this is beautiful.' I said in awe, unable to take my eyes off it.

'Just like you.' He whispered.

I looked up at him. 'Thank you' I smiled.

Then, he stepped over the two trees, and put himself into the forest. Holding out his hand to me, he said with a smile:

'Care to join me?'

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