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***I have finally successfully updated two mondays in a row! WHOOP! Let's hope I can keep it up. I have a sticky note on the wall in front of me that just yells at me to update, and the reminder is working***

When I woke up, I immediately was ready to check to make sure that Devan and Nate were gone, but the first thing I noticed was that it was light in my room. It was morning already. Then I noticed that someone was lying next to me, holding onto me. I flipped around and braced my back against the wall before kicking Devan off the bed. He landed on the ground with a thud and an 'ow, you idiot!'

"You are a disgusting piece of trash if you think that you can go and just sleep with me," I said to him. Then I saw the time. "I'm late for work!" I jumped out of bed, changing quickly, ignoring the fact that Devan was still lying on the floor. But then I found out that the door of my room was still locked. "Nate, open the door!"

"No," He said after he wandered up.

"I need to get to work, open up!"

"I called you in sick."

"What?! I can't do that! I need to go to work!"

"Why?" Devan asked.

"Porquè? Por que estoy viviendo paycheck to paycheck and can't afford missing a day."

"Why are you speaking Spanish?"

"Because I lived in Spain for a while and so I can insult you without you knowing it, tonto."

"You lived in Spain?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around, but when I took a step, I almost fell to the ground as my ankle gave out. I was just now feeling how sore it was from all my activity yesterday.

"Are you alright?" Devan jumped to his feet and tried to help me.

I slapped his hands away. "I'm fine," I snapped at him. "Don't touch me."

I made my way to my bed and sat down, bringing my foot onto my knee and rubbing where it was sore.

"What happened?" Devan asked.

"You don't care."

"Yes, I do."

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. You're hurting."

"I've had worse, trust me."

"What happened?"

I sighed. "I twisted it on Saturday and something popped out of place and hasn't fixed itself."

"Can I take a look at it?"

"I thought William was the doctor."

"I know a few things as well."

I shook my head but lay back on the bed, allowing Devan to take a look at my ankle. He gently bent my foot back and forth as far as it would stretch and then tried to get it to bend farther.

"It doesn't-" I started to say but was cut short when something popped.

I gasped and sat up, biting down on my lip with the sharp pain that shot through my leg.

"I think I fixed it," Devan said.

"Ow," I winced, cursing under my breath. I pulled my foot up, carefully moving it to see how much it hurt, which actually wasn't that much. I think he did fix it.


"Whether you fixed it or not, I should probably ice it."

Devan stood up and went to the door. "Nate, open up!"

"Why?" Nate asked.

"Just open the door."

"What's the password?"

Devan sighed. "I am not playing this game."

"That's not it."

"Open the door or I will jump out the window!" I shouted to him.

"You guys are no fun."

The door unlocked with a click and Devan opened it. My foot was still the same with me being able to walk on it, but there was a limp. Devan tried to help me, but I glared at him and left me alone. I put ice in a plastic bag and wrapped that in a cloth before sitting on the couch, taking up the whole thing, might I add, and holding it on my ankle.

Just as Devan was about to say something, I said, "Get out."

"Scout," Nate said. "You didn't even-"

"No! You get out too! You lied to me! You told me that you weren't going to tell anyone, but yet you went and did it anyway."

"I'm sorry, Scout, but-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Leave me alone."

"Scout, would you just listen?!" Nate shouted, surprising both me and Devan with his harsh tone. "Whether you admit it or not, you need us. Maybe not specifically us, but someone. Someone to be your friend. For what I have seen, you don't like hanging out with Cody and Shane is only a weekend thing. You need a friend that is there all the time for you. That's human nature. People are like dogs, we're pack animals. You are trying to be a lone wolf, but it's that wolf that dies first."

"Trust me, I can protect myself," I said.

"Shut up! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now? You have threatened our lives before and you are supposed to be our enemy."

"You don't kill me because Devan won't let you. Apparently he's in love with me."

Devan looked hurt at my mocking tone.

"And I will let you know that the only life I've threatened was Devan's. I even saved Owen's life because none of the rest of you would."

"And yet you're still alone."

"Who cares if I'm alone? Maybe I want to be alone."

"Even the lone wolf howls for a friend."

"Would you stop comparing me to a dog?"

"Well, you are a bitch so..." Devan pointed out.

I glared at him. "You shouldn't be talking."

"I think I have every right to speak since I am the first and only one who has ever been in your bed in the Loft besides you."


"But of course you don't remember it."

"Would you stop that?! There is nothing to remember! I was told that my memory was supposed to come back, what was it, three weeks or so after I got out of that hospital, and nothing has come back, so obviously there is nothing to remember or nothing worth remembering."

"Kiss me."

"Ew, no."


"What good would that do? Give you or Nate time to stab me?"

"Bring back something worth remembering."

"I would rather die alone, without friends." I glanced to Nate as I said that. "Plus, I have kissed you and it did nothing."

"You're lonely," Nate said.

"I am not."

"Then why are you not continuing to threaten us to get us out of here? Because you don't want us to leave."

"I want nothing more than for you to leave."

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"Because there are people out there waiting for you or one of us to walk out any of the doors so they can shoot us."

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