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"I want to kill him," I said about Roy as soon as he was gone.

"You're not alone," Trenton agreed. "And you made some really good points in your argument there. Some that I wouldn't have thought of."

"So who qualifies more?" I asked him.

"Don't even start that."

"So are you going to kill us now?"

"No, we still need you to get us into the computer."

"I already said that I don't know the password. Marcus never told anyone."

"Actually, he had apparently told Miles."

"Oh, how useful."

"And give me that knife."



"How do you expect me to defend myself?"

"From what?"

"No matter what, someone is going to kill me and everyone here should know that I will not go down without a fight."

"Well then I will shorten that fight. Hand it over."


"Scout, don't cause trouble."

"You've known me my whole life; you should know that I cause nothing but trouble. I'm keeping the knife."

"Scout, now. Or I will lock you up in the Rooms."

"Who has the Loft right now?"

"No one. It's empty since you and those other girls aren't there."

"That's where I'll be, and I'm taking those two with me."

"Um, no, we have things to settle with them.

"You'll have to settle them later. Devan! Nate! Let's go."

They both silently followed me. I could feel Trenton glaring at me, but I ignored him and no one else bothered us, assuming that Trenton was allowing us to go. Luckily, the Loft wasn't locked so I let us in and locked it behind us.

"Where are we?" Nate asked.

"The Loft," Devan answered before I could.

"Uh, yeah, how do you know that?" I asked Devan.

"You brought me here."

I was ready to flip out at him for saying that and I knew that he was expecting me to yell at him, but I held my tongue and instead went into the kitchen, searching for food that hasn't gone bad.

"Scout! Open up!" Trenton banged on the door to the Loft.

"Why?!" I shouted back.

"Now! Or I'll break it down!"

"You can't!"

He really couldn't. Since this was once a prisoner camp, the door had to be sturdy so that they couldn't break out, and that also meant that no one could break in.

"Talk to me tomorrow!" I said to Trenton. "I'm tired and ready to rip your throat out so I think it would be best for you to not bother me right now."

I'm assuming that he left by his no response.

"So all you have is canned food?" Nate asked, looking in the fridge.

"Yeah, unless you wanna eat mold," I said. "That's what you get for kidnapping me."

"Can't you ask them for fresh food?"

"As if they'll give it to me. They are going to kill us anyway so why bother feeding us."

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