Going Downhill

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Marcus' laptop sat on the desk where it always is. I grabbed the charging cord and stuffed it into my backpack and just before I could grab the computer, someone else entered the room, silently. I quickly ducked under the desk, hoping that they didn't see or hear me.

They sat themselves on the chair and I saw the room light up when he turned on the computer. They typed something up and the computer made the sound of a successful login.


"I knew it," He whispered.

I knew that voice. Devan.

How did he know the password?

He picked up the laptop and stood up.

Oh no, he won't.

I pushed myself out from under the desk and into his legs. He toppled over me, dropping the computer. I grabbed it and took off running.


I was shocked, to say the least, when someone hit me. It took me a minute to process in my head what had happened before I got up and chased after whoever that was. It wasn't hard to keep up with them. It was too dark for me to tell who it was or any characteristics. I followed them into the Loft, but as soon as the door of the Loft closed behind me, a knife sliced my arm.

I couldn't help but yell out in pain, which probably alerted someone that I was here.

"Dumbass," The person I had been following muttered before dashing into the kitchen and into the air ducts.

Only one person really knew about those.

"Scout!" I shouted.

She moved faster. It was pointless for me to do something while in the small space, so I waited until we were in the street. Just as I was climbing out, I was kicked in the face and fell back in. I was quick to recover and jumped out and looked around for Scout. I had barely spotted her before two gun shots rang out. One hit me in the shoulder. The other hit me in the leg. The last thing I saw was her feet as she took off running again.


I couldn't run very far and had to stop and hide in an alley to catch my breath. How did Devan know the password? How did he get into the subway? What was he going to do with the computer?

Once my breathing was back to normal, I stuffed the computer into my bag and started walking out on the streets. I couldn't stay Chicago; I would be hunted down and killed. I walked all night until I got to the next town and then went into a coffee shop and set up the laptop. I logged in and opened up the files. Everything was exactly where it should be.

I knew exactly where everything was because I had been the one to organize and keep track of it. Marcus had no idea how to do that, so I was the one who made it and set everything up. I looked to see who was all in the gang yet. It hasn't been updated in a while, so it might not be true. I noticed that Jonah was still alive according to this, so I fixed that. I also entered in the deaths of Marcus and Miles, though couldn't say how they died, or when.

Now I just had to wait until they tried to contact me to discuss this problem of theirs. Marcus' email was still open so I had access to that as well and check to see who had tried to talk to him lately. Most of them were from Dave Luko, but all of them had to do with the gang in some way or other. None of them even mentioned anything from any other topic.

I pulled up a new email that was to be sent to Trenton, but I didn't actually send it yet. I wanted to see what he would do first. For now, I just needed to find a place to stay for a little while.

I found an old house that was for sale, though obviously not selling. The place creeped me out, but it was my best choice at the moment, so I managed to open the back door where no one would see me and get inside.

The house was completely empty and every step caused the floor to creak. No wonder no one wanted it. I chose a room upstairs that was safe to be in. No one could see in through the window because of a tree that grew right in front of it. Since I had nothing else to do, I curled up in the corner and tried to get some sleep.

I couldn't sleep. Every time I would start to doze off, I would have a coughing fit. Each cough killed my throat. I felt nauseous, though couldn't throw up because I had nothing in my stomach. My head was pounding so bad that I thought it was going to explode.

I needed help.

I couldn't go to a doctor; I couldn't pay for a doctor. I couldn't get medicine. I could barely get myself food each day. I was underweight and dehydrated, but I could do nothing about it.

I wish I could cry. I wish I had someone to comfort me. Someone to hold me and keep me warm. But I had no one. And it was all my fault.

In the morning, I started panicking.

Devan had been telling the truth. I had amnesia. How else would I have gotten raped and not know it? How else would Nate have known about it, and not me?

But it can't be true. I wouldn't just forget five months. I couldn't.

I paced around the house, arguing with myself over what was real and what was just lies.

Later I headed out into the city in search of something to eat. I got lucky and found five dollars on the ground and was able to get something halfway decent, which was basically a miracle for me.

I then wandered the streets for a little while longer just so I would know where a few things were. I found a homeless shelter where I could get what I needed for bathroom supplies and washed myself up a little bit, though I don't know if it really made a difference.

I had cut my hair short, to just above my shoulders, shortly after leaving California, and I noticed it was growing back nicely already. I debated if I was going to keep it short or let it grow out again.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked me when they entered the bathroom.

I jumped and turned to them quickly. "Oh, you scared me," I said, then coughed and cleared my throat before answering her question. "Yes, I'm fine." I was definitely not fine.

"Are you sure?"


"Sorry for saying this, but you look terrible."

I just nodded once.

"Do you, uh, do you need anything?"

Yes. "No, I'm fine."

She gave me a look of disbelief, but left me alone.

I'm so stupid! I scolded myself as I walked back to the house. There was my chance to get some help, and I just completely blew it. All I had to do was say yes, and that lady could have gotten me medicine, or something to help me. But no! I'm an idiot and couldn't have done that.

I was light headed by the time I got into the room where my things were, and just about passed out as soon as I sat down.

My health is getting worse and worse. It's only a matter of time before I break down and give up.

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