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"So where is she?" Nate asked. "She couldn't have gone out on the street, they would have shot her."

"So she still is hiding somewhere in the building," Devan said. "And we're at the only exit, so she can't get anywhere without us knowing."

"But she could also hide until we're gone."

"Which won't be long because it won't take long for Meselva's people to start searching this place too."

"So why are we standing at the door where they will be entering?"

There was a moment of silence and then footsteps coming towards me. And since I had nothing better to do, I waiting until they were just about to step around the corner and then I jumped out and shouted at them and they both jumped back in surprise and I fell to the ground laughing.

"You should have seen your faces!" I laughed at them, clutching my stomach.

As I was getting to my feet, Devan and Nate froze.

"The less you fight, the less pain you'll feel," Someone said from behind them.

When I was on my feet, I saw five people standing behind them, two of them had a gun to the boys' backs.

"Well, hey, Trenton," I said. "How are you liking Cali? It's warmer then Chicago by a lot. It's much nicer here. Why didn't we have the gang here instead?"

"Shut up!" He snapped.

Someone walked around the boys and held a gun to my back as well.

"Are you gonna bring up all the way back to Chicago, or just kill us here?" I asked.

"Stop talking," Trenton said.


"Because if you don't shut up, pretty boy here will be in severe pain real soon."

Devan's eyes widened.

I shrugged. "Like I care."

"So you're over him now?"

"Over him? What are you talking about? God, you're just like Devan who keeps talking nonsense about things that you think happened before, but I know that they didn't! Would everyone stop talking like that?!"

"She has amnesia," Devan said.

"I do not!"

"Who are you going to believe?" Devan asked Trenton. "Me or the psycho?"

"I'm the psycho? Says the one who hunted me down and broke into my apartment to 'talk' to me."

"Enough!" Trenton cut in.

"Why haven't you killed us yet?" I asked him.

"And why have you been so quiet lately?" Devan asked Trenton. "I haven't seen activity from you in a while."

Trenton sighed. "I'll explain when we get to Chicago."

"So you are going to wait to kill us there," I said.

"If it makes you happy, then yes."

"I knew it!"

All of the other people rolled their eyes.

"Can I lock my apartment first?" I asked. "And call work so they'll know that I'll be gone?"


"I will go more willingly."

Trenton looked at me for a moment, and when he saw the look of trouble in my eyes, he said I could. So I slapped away the hand of the person holding me and made my way back to my apartment, hiding the slight limp that was now beginning to show in my ankle. As I called work and let them know that I was going to be gone for a while, I snuck a knife into my pants pocket. It wasn't just a kitchen knife; I had kept it because I knew that something was going to happen eventually. I locked the door and then followed obediently.

When we got to Chicago, they tried to blindfold the three of us so we wouldn't know where we were going, but I just glared at the person and they backed off. I then rolled my eyes, sending Trenton a look.

"So why are we here?" I asked as we drove to the gang's hideout. I had to laugh a little at Devan and Nate as they were extremely tense and would jump at any loud noise because they couldn't see anything.

"Because we can't get into our information because it's all on Marcus' computer," Trenton explained. "His computer is locked and no one knows the passcode."

"And you think I would?"

"We're hoping you would."

"Did you ever know Marcus' wife?"

"He had a wife?"

I gave him a look. "How do you think I came around?"

"Well, I just thought that you came from another one of his one-night-stands like that other kid."

"Uh, no. And what other kid?"

Trenton shrugged. "His name is Roy. He's a year or two younger than you and Marcus had gotten some chick pregnant and she managed to get him to accept it as his, though he never took the kid in, he showed up a little while ago saying that he wanted to be in the gang and now he's saying things about the gang belonging to him because he is Marcus' son."

"If you give it to him, I will come and kill you because then I should be getting the gang. Marcus even said himself that he was going to give the gang to me."

"That was before you turned against us."

"I did not!"

"Yes you did," Devan piped up.

I back-handed him in the stomach and he groaned. "Keep your dirty mouth out of this," I snapped at him.

"Anyway," Trenton said. "We need you to get onto his computer and take off the lock so we can get to the information."

"Who says that I know the password?"

"Well, I just assumed."

"Well, you just assumed wrong. Marcus wouldn't trust me with that, so no, I don't know it."


I sat back and pretended that I didn't care at all about what I just learned, but in reality, I was freaking out. I had a brother, well, a half-brother. I wish I could kill Marcus again. He cheated on Mom with another woman and had another child after she had died. No not even then! This kid was only a year or two younger than me. Hailey had died when I was four, meaning that Marcus had done that while Hailey was still alive. I tightened my hands into fists between my legs where no one would see.

"Scout," Devan whispered to me, leaning closer.

"What?" I whispered back harshly.

"Are you okay?"

"Why would I not be?"


Just the name made me want to hit something, or someone.

"I hope you know that I enjoyed killing your father," He told me.

"He's not my father."

"He can't be called a father or a husband if he's done that."

"The only thing that we can agree on."

"Are you going to kill Roy if you see him?"

"I would like to."

"What if they kill you before that happens?"

"They won't."

"You're going to get away."


"Are you going to help me and Nate?"

"I don't want to."

"What have we done to deserve otherwise?"

"Are you really going to have me list off all the reasons again?"

"No, but it would be easier for you to get away if you have two more helping you."

...Devan was right.

I sighed. "Fine, but you owe me."

"Agreed. When are you going to make your move?"

"You'll know when it happens."

He just nodded and sat back up, then leaned over to Nate to let him know what was going to happen.

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