Roy Meselva

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As we stopped inside the garage, I heard people arguing, and one of those people sounded almost exactly like Marcus.

"I am not leaving until I get what is rightfully mine!" They shouted.

That must be Roy.

"You know," I said to Trenton as we got out of the car. "If you let me play that I am getting the gang, I can get rid of the kid."

He considered this for a moment. "Sure, why not? As long as you don't play any games."

I nodded and walked up to where a boy who looked to be 18 was arguing with a couple members of the gang.

"So you must be Rick," I said to him.

"It's Roy," He snapped at me, glaring at me, though I saw him check me out. Ew!

"I don't care. What are you doing here? Trenton tells me that you're trying to take something from me."

I saw the other gang members give me confused looks and then look to Trenton who nodded at them and then they played along.

"I'm trying to take something from you?" Roy asked. He had the same eyes as Marcus. "What would I be taking from you? And who are you anyway?"

"You are trying to take my gang, and I am the leader. Now do you want to tell me again how you think that this belongs to you?"

Roy started laughing. "You? A girl? Running a gang?" He laughed more until he realized that no one else was laughing. "You can't be serious."

"Try me."

"I am Marcus' son and since he is no longer here, I am his successor and should rightfully be the one taking over the gang from him."

"Unfortunately for you, you're too young."

"Am not. Rake from London has his gang under his control at my age."

"You should be the older child then."


"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Scout, Scout Meselva. the first child and the rightful successor to Marcus."

"Since when did he have a daughter?"

"Since two years before you were born."

"I wanna see blood tests."

"I agree, let's find a blood test for this kid."

Roy glared at me when I used such a demeaning title for him. But then asked, "So if you're my sister, is it weird that I think you're hot?"

"Yes, you pervert," Devan spoke up, attempting to kick away whoever was holding him.

I rolled my eyes and went over to Nate and Devan and removed their blindfolds because they weren't necessary any more.

"Hm. This place is different than what I imagined," Nate said.

"And what did you imagine?" I asked him.

"I don't know why, but I had seen it as some old-fashioned place and I was expecting to see, like, I don't know, stuff hanging on the walls as trophies."

"You're weird."

"And you need to leave," Roy said to me.

"Why?" I turned around.

"Because I am not going to let a girl run the gang that I should have."

"You would have to prove to us that you are worthy to even be in the gang before you try to take it over."

"I'm Marcus' son; I shouldn't have to prove myself."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "We still don't have proof of that and no matter who you are or who your parents are, you still need to show us that you would actually help the gang more than harm it."

"Test me then. And I think that you should have to do the test too."

"I'm already leader, I think that that would be enough proof that I am good enough."

"Not necessarily. Devan didn't have to do that so how do you even know that he is a help to the gang?"

"Do you wanna say that to my face?" Devan asked.

Roy's eyes widened at figuring out that Devan was standing right there.

"Maybe I should test you against Devan," I said to Roy.

"No, you shouldn't," He said.

"And why not? If you want to be the best, you have to be able to fight the best and win."

"That wouldn't be fair. He has more experience."

"Exactly, and if you want to lead a gang, especially one as big as this, you have to be good and have enough experience, of which you have none."

"And you do?"

"I've been in this gang my whole life, unlike you who has been living with your whore of a mother."

Roy slapped me. "Don't you dare talk about her that way!"

I punched him in the face and he fell back a couple steps. I stalked up to him. "And don't you dare disrespect me like that. Or I will have to show you what I can do." I pulled out my knife and traced it along his cheek, purposely cutting into his skin. "Do you really want to test me?"

He would have just shook his head, but due to the fact that my knife was still barely cutting him, he had to say, "No."

"Good." I pulled the knife away, cutting him once more in the process and I turned to Trenton. "Get him out of here."

Trenton nodded and stepped up to Roy.

"I am not leaving until you let me do some kind of test to at least get into the gang," Roy said.

"Do you have any experience in fighting?" I asked him.


"Have you ever shot a gun?"


"Have you even used a knife on something other than your steak?"


"Then what makes you think that you qualify for this job?"

"Because I was hoping that I could be taught."

"We are not a school. Go learn somewhere else, and then come back and we might consider you."

"Only consider me?"

"We get quite a few people who apply to join this gang, but we don't always accept them until we need them unless they are exceptionally good. So you will 'try out' to join and then you will be put on our list."

"Really?" Devan asked.

"Shut up," I said to him and then turned back to Roy. "So, come back another time when you might actually qualify."

"Is there anything else I could do to get in? Like if I kill someone important?"

"No. We don't want people randomly killing people because we might need those people."

"So you won't let me in for killing Devan?"

"Do you really think I need help with that? I have him here, right behind me, him with no weapon, and me with one. All I have to do is turn around, flick my wrist and I could kill him. When you can do that, you can qualify."

"I will be back."

"Oh, and you have to be at least 25 to get in."

"What? Since when?"

"Since forever."

"Then what about you?"

"I already told you, I was born into this."


Roy allowed himself to be ushered out of the place.

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