The Password

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Later that day, I told Will, Kyle, and Owen about Scout calling me.

"Wait," Kyle said. "Scout actually tried to contact you?"

I nodded. "She wanted to know if it was real or not."

"So she is accepting that she has amnesia?" Owen asked.

"Um...I guess so. But I'm worried about her."


"She sounded sick."

"Like, what kind of sick?" Will asked.

"She was slightly straining to speak and had cleared her throat a few times. Um, when she cried, when she breathed in, it sounded like she had something in her throat."

"That could be a lot of things."

"Yeah, and unless she gets better on her own, or gets to someone, she's not going to get better, and if she doesn't get better, then she's going to get worse."

"Do you have her number?" Owen asked.

I shook my head. "It was blocked."

"Could you try calling her back? I could trace the location then."

"Do you think she'd answer?"

We all shook our heads.

"How's Dev doing?" Kyle asked Will.

We had all been busy the past few days and Will is the only one who's been at the house.

"Still the same. Quiet, mopey, tired. He's eating more though."

"That's good."

"And he's more willing to let Melly be with him."

"Good. She was so worried about that for a while."

"Today she told me that he actually asked her to sleep with him."

"He's never going to get over her," I said. "Not a chance. If it's been this long and he still hasn't gotten better, then I doubt it."

"We'll just have to wait and see if time takes its toll."


I don't know how many days have passed. Or how many weeks have passed. Has it been a month yet? How long have I been sitting here? I couldn't keep time straight in my head, and it's all because of the pills that I'm taking. I don't know if they're making me better or worse.

No matter how hard I try, I can't get her out of my head. All that I see reminds me of her. This room. She had loved this room because you could see the sun so well from the window seat. I don't remember the sun ever being so dim. That might also be the drugs. Everything seems slightly darker now.

I've never truly wanted for anything in my life. Growing up, I knew that my mum didn't have much, so I never asked for anything. I then came to know that my dad was never going to get me anything, so I never asked for anything either. Once I got the gang I was basically granted the ability to get anything that I want, pretty much, and don't actually want anything. But now there is one thing. One thing that I want. That I wish for. Scout. She's the reason that I am sitting in this room, waiting for the stars to come out so I can wish on one like I had with my sisters when we were young.

"Devan?" Melly knocked on the door before entering and sitting on the window seat with me. "How are you feeling?"

I really didn't want to talk. Talking made me think more and when I started to think, my thoughts always tumbled to Scout and no one else wanted to hear me talk about her. It was better when I could just keep her in my thoughts when I am alone. But they won't let me be alone.

"I'm alright," I answered Melly quietly.

"Did you eat anything today?"

I shook my head.

"Are you hungry?"

"A bit," I answered honestly.

"Lunch is soon. What do you want?"

What do I want? I want Scout. That's it.

"Just toast is fine," I told her.

"Toast is breakfast."

"I'm having brunch."

"Toast won't fill you up enough to count for both meals."

I sighed. "Chicken sounds good."

"Okay." She got up and left.

After a few minutes, I went downstairs to eat and then called Will.

"Hey, Dev, what's up?" He asked.

"How long until I'm off these drugs?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Why?"

"Because I think they are driving me crazy. I don't think they're helping."

He sighed. "I'll think about it."

"Think faster because I think they are doing what they are supposed to be stopping."

"Okay, Devan. I'll be over later. I've got to sort out some things with a border clash with Luko in a little bit."

The gang. I haven't done a thing with it for so long. The other four have taken over for me, but that's not their job. I should be the one doing that, not them. So the next morning, I went to the office and opened my laptop and logged myself in.

Suddenly, it dawned on me. I realized that Scout did know the password to Marcus' computer.........I did too. Oh my God...I knew it too. She had asked if Trenton knew Marcus' wife, which is Scout's mother, Hailey. Trenton said no, and Scout didn't question further. 'Hailey' must be the password. Only Scout would know who Hailey is, unless she told someone, and she told me.

I ran to the kitchen where the other four boys were and shouted, "I know it!"

At first they didn't pay much attention to me because I was still taking medication and was probably just going crazy, but this time I wasn't.

"Nate, I know it," I walked up to him because he had been there with me.

"Know what?" He asked.

"The password! I know the password!"

He gave me a confused look and the other three were now giving me their attention.

"What password?" Nate asked me.

"The one for the computer!" My speech wasn't working as nicely as my mind so I couldn't get out what I exactly wanted to say.


"I know the password for the computer."

"Good for you?"

They must think I was talking about my own laptop.

"Fine!" I shouted at them. "Don't help me then!"

I ran to the garage before any of them could stop me and got into a car, speeding off without them. I got myself on a plane and flew to Chicago.


I don't know how I made it to Chicago, but I didn't care. I snuck around the streets until I got to where I could sneak into the Loft. Most people won't be in the subway, otherwise they will be sleeping. Just to be sure, I checked around the Loft to make sure that there was no one in here, which there wasn't. I then slowly made my way out into the hall. No one yet. I silently crept along until I heard voices. I peeked down the hallway to see three people standing and talking to each other, obviously drunk. I rolled my eyes and then found another route.

When I safely got to the office, I hit a dead end with a locked door. I took one of my knives and jammed it into the lock and twisted it around until I heard a click. I pushed the door open and closed it behind me. 

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