This Is All Your Fault Pt 1 ||8||

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We went back to our seats and you sat there in total silence. Those high schoolers seem a bit off, I had a strange feeling about them.

After we got off the train, our group went off to walk around the city. You've been through this city before. The time you had to capture a double agent, the time where you assassinated a drug lord and tons of others. You weren't as amazed as your fellow classmates.

"(Y/n) aren't you excited to explore the city?" Kayano walked beside you, trying to start a conversation.

"I've been here before." you say in full monotone.

"Great, so you know good places to assassinate korosensei?" Nagisa added who also walked next to you.

"I do, but I rather you guys find it, You guys are being trained for assassins not me."

"Wow." Sugino said in surprise. "It's so hard to tell if your being nice or not."

You gave him a cold hard glare at him after he said that. Nevertheless, you continued to walk.

I wasn't put into this world to impress anyone...

We continued to walk around the city, everyone pointed at places asking you if they're good or not. A few moments later sugino got tired of the assassination plans.

"Guys I feel like we should take break."

"Same I really want some Sugary Kyoto coffee right now." said karma

"How do you feel about taking a break (Y/n)?" Nagisa asked.

You turned around and nodded your head. You really wanted something sweet to drink. We walked around a bit more until we found a concession stand.  (I don't know what to call it....)

The whole class wanted to go through a little short cut in a dark alley way. You thought it was common sense to not go there, but they went anyways. Before you left the group, you told karma that you'll just go another way and meet up there with them later.

You found one of those concession stands, but there was only one which had a big line to wait through. You heavily sighed, reminding yourself that you didn't want to go in this trip in the first place.

You were standing in line for about 15 minutes. Finally you became the next one in line, people behind you went to go somewhere else because they were tired of waiting.

So, it was you and the person in the front we're the only ones there.

After the person was finishing taking their order. You order a small lemonade drink, while you were waiting, you heard someone shouting your name.



"(Y/n)-San! All of us got jumped in the alley way. Karma, Sugino, and Nagisa are all injured, and some High schoolers took the girls away!" By now she was grabbing your arm. You shook your arm away.

"That's your guy's fault, not mine. Why do you expect me to do? I'm not some miracle worker. I can't just time travel to save your friends."

You looked away for a second and looked back at her. Her eyes were filled with tears.

She grabbed your arms again. "(Y/n)-San don't talk like that! They're your friends too! Please just help us! They're really hurt, and I don't know what to do!"

You froze, you felt yourself twitching. She reminds you...of you. When Your were talking to your mother......

"Mommy, please don't leave me again!" You pleaded.

She looked at me with no remorse. "Just leave me alone kid, I need some 'me time'.

Tears filled your eyes. Her breath reeked of alcohol. You grabbed her arm before it reached the door handle. "Please, please don't go. I don't want to be here all myself. I don't want to be alone."

She then jerked your hand away and push you to the floor. All she said to you before she left was "You're such a pest." Back then you were only 7.

When you looked at okuda that memory popped in your head. You remembered the pain you felt back then, no she didn't abuse you, but she did hurt you.


You snapped back into reality. You turned to look at the cashier who took your order. "Oi, bring me rags and ice packs!" You showed them your badge to proved that you were with the government. "Make it quick."

You and Okuda ran back in the alley way. All 3 of the guys were knocked out. You gave okuda some wet rags to clean up their bruises and a few ice packs to ease their pain from the attack.

You went ahead and cleaned up Nagisa first since the first person you saw. You can tell that he was punched in the head and thankfully it was nothing serious.

Nagisa woke up, his body aching with pain. He looked up and saw you there. You then put an ice pack on my forehead. Nagisa tried to move his arm to hold the ice pack for you, but he couldn't move his arm without feeling pain. You lightly helped his arm up and helped him with holding the ice pack.

He was shock how delicate and gentle you were being. You got up and began helping karma. Nagisa looked next to him seeing okuda helping sugino who was wide awake.

Okuda looked at him and smiled. "I'm happy you're awake. Are you feeling well?"

"Yeah; thanks to (Y/n). How did you get her to help us?"

"I don't know really. When I told her about the situation the first time she wasn't going to do anything. I started to panic and once I did she gave me a look. I look I thought I never see from her."

"Maybe she does have a heart. Maybe we are starting to get through her." Sugino said.

Nagisa nodded in agreement. He looked at you, who was helping out karma. He was awake, and his face was shocked on what you were doing.

Karma then grabbed your hand and held it against his face.  

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