2 - Stalker

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Sherlock moved his hands up to my shirt, undoing the buttons but keeping me pinned against the window with his hips. I shrugged out my shirt, letting it fall at my feet as Sherlock pulled his over his head. His body wasn't all toned and six-packed, but it was just as sexy. It looked strong, like his arms. They always bulged in and out of his shirts.

He pushed against me again; the warmth of this body met mine while my back had the cold window. The sensation drove my brain crazy. The different temperatures, I didn't know which to focus on. His lips met mine again, pushing my lips apart and invading my mouth. This is what I will focus on.

He lifted me up, wrapping my legs round his waist and walking to the sofa. He lay me down gently and knelt next to me. He broke away and kissed my jawline before moving down my neck and between my breasts.

I moaned out in pleasure as his hand stoked my leg, moving up to my thigh. I felt his smile against my stomach as he continued to kiss down. "Sherlock" I moaned as his hand reached the top of my thigh. He was millimetres away, and he knew it drove me crazy. I hated when he was close but didn't touch me. He was such a tease.

"Sherlock!" John's voice echoed upstairs. We stopped, looked at each other in a panic as his footsteps grew louder up the stairs.

"Shit" I whispered as we both jumped up, grabbing our shirts.

"Later" he whispered, giving me one last kiss before the door opened. I had just managed to do the last button up when he turned to look at us.

"Oh, Lexi. I didn't know you were here" John looked at me, then back at Sherlock frowning, "what's going on?"

"Nothing" we said at the same time.

"He's shooting the wall again" I said as I walked towards the door, "Get him to stop. I can't spend all my time at the library."

"Alright. Not sure if I can though" John sighed

"Probably not. So I guess library it is" I sighed and walked out the door, pulling it closed behind me.

I took a deep breath in and leant against the wall at the top of the stairs. I breathed out and stood up straight. I knew it was nothing between us, it was merely sex. Something to clear both our heads when we were too stressed and nothing else worked. It was always after he shot the wall a few times. So yeah, I knew exactly what I was doing when I went up.

I got my books from my room before entering the kitchen to see my nan having a cup of tea at the table, "You OK dear? You look flushed."

"Fine Nan. Sherlock's shooting the wall again. John's up there, and I'm going to the library where I can actually study" I grabbed an apple off the table, took a bite and waved good bye.

I walked out the front door to see a black car outside with a man leaning against it. He was wearing a black suit that fitted him perfectly. His black hair was slicked back, hands in his trouser pockets. I stared at him as I shut the door, and he stared back.

"Can I help you?" I asked as I walked down the steps, "Sherlock's a little busy at the moment of that's who you're after". I had reached the bottom step when he finally stood up straight, taking his hands out his pockets and fixing his tie.

"No" he put simply. His voice was amazing. A hint of Irish but covered in this dark tone. He looked down at me with his dark brown eyes. I didn't know what I was looking at, but it wasn't something nice.

"Then I refer you to my first question, can I help you?" I asked again.

"No. Maybe" he smirked before biting his lower lip. My eyes left his and I watched his lips. I couldn't help but copy him. It made him smirk more and laugh a little. "I saw that" he whispered before bringing his hand up and touching my cheek, "Mm, I can see why Sherlock likes you".

"I don't know what you're on about" I breathed out.

"OK. Play dumb" he replied, nodding his head and moving his hand from my cheek. I could still feel his gentle touch.

"I have to go study" I managed to get out and walked away.

I could feel his eyes burning into my back as I walked down the street. Who was he? I wanted to turn around to see if he was still there, but something told me not to.

I reached the library and found a table near the back so I could study in peace. I put my head phones in and pressed play on my study play list. An hour in and I had made eight pages of notes for my exam in three days. Yes, I had left it late but I can't do anything if I'm not under pressure.

I looked up and saw the guy from Baker Street looking at the book shelves in front of me. I quickly looked back down, closed my eyes and looked up. He was gone. Just what I thought, my imagination. He wouldn't be here. I sighed and grabbed my water. Something moved to my right, whipping my head round I saw nothing. I'm going crazy. I must've studied too much.

I grabbed my books and got up. I finished my water before placing it in a nearby bin and walking out. Again, I saw him. But as I looked over, he had gone again, Oh my god I'm going crazy. I sighed and continued on my way.

I reached Baker Street and walked up the steps, but stopped. I quickly turned round and there he was. "Are you following me?" I asked as he put his hands in pockets. His blazer was done up but as he put his hands in his pockets the bottom moved showing the bottom of his white shirt. I looked down and bit my lip as he chuckled to himself.

"I might be. You're fascinating" he said, not moving from the bottom of the steps.

"I'm really not" I turned and put my key in the lock

"Oh but you are Miss Hudson. Very interesting" his voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"How do you know my name?" I turned back around and he was now right in front of me.

He pushed me against the door, putting his hands either side of my head against the door. I had nowhere to go. I stared into his eyes as he looked down to my lips.

"Don't. Bite. That. Lip," He whispered as he leant closer to me, "Otherwise I'll be forced to do things."

I didn't even realise I was. I let my lip go and took a sharp intake of breath, trying to steady myself. "Stop following me". I reached behind and unlocked the door.

I pushed the door open with my bum, and his hands left the door. He straightened himself out as I went in and closed it behind me.

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