4 - Let's Play a Game

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Lestrade handed me a piece of paper.

Wanna play a game?
Tell me, who do you care about most?
John? Lestrade? Molly? Mrs Hudson?
Miss Hudson?
Yes that's the one.

I've seen you. And her. On Johns desk, oh you two are naughty. I'd like to see how naughty she can get.

Don't worry I'll bring her back. Piece. By. Piece.

Miss you.
JM x

I looked up to Lestrade. He's seen me? My heart quickened. Sherlock wasn't looking at me, just at the floor. I moved towards the window and looked out on Baker Street. He was there. My little stalker. He looked up to me and smirked.

"Sherlock" I breathed, not taking my eyes off him, "Who is he?"

Sherlock ran next to me, placing his hand on my back. Lestrade stood on the other side and placed his on my shoulder.

"That...that's Moriarty" Sherlock spoke, not breaking eye contact with him.

Without even thinking I ran out the room and downstairs. Sherlock called after me but I didn't listen. I burst out the door and walked over to Moriarty.

"How DARE you!" I shouted and slapped him round the face. "Don't come near me ever again!"

"Oh Alexa. Don't you want to play?" He smirked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"You won't do anything"

"You sure about that?" He leaned in close, our faces inches apart.

"Lexi!" Sherlock's voice came from the door.

"Until next time" Moriarty whispered to me before turning and getting in to his car.

The car drove away just as Sherlock reached me. Nan was with him. He grabbed me and shook me, "What were you thinking!?" He screamed

"Sherlock get off her!" My Nan shouted, pulling at Sherlock. He let me go and Nan grabbed me instead, "What were you thinking!?"

"Oh so you can do it?" Sherlock waved his hands in the air and walked off

"She's my granddaughter of course I can!" She shouted after him, dragging me by my wrist into the house.

"You do know who that was don't you?" Nan shouted as she boiled the kettle

"Yes" I looked to the other side of the table from where I sat. Sherlock was there, sat with Lestrade.

"Then why go out there? He's bad" she took some cups from a top cupboard and they clanked on to the work surface.

"What did you think would happen?" Lestrade asked

"I don't know. I'm not having him follow me everywhere" I said as Nan put a cup in front of me.

"What? He's following you?" Sherlock stood up, leaning on the table "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't know who he was! He was just some weird stalker. I didn't think he would be some psychopath!"

"Consulting criminal" Lestrade mumbled and we all looked at him, "What? That's what he is isn't he?"

Sherlock told me all about him. He wasn't exactly the poster boy of playing fair. But, he did have flair. I'll give him that.

"I'm going to bed" I said quietly, getting up from my seat

"It's 5:30" Nan said taking my arm, "You need chicken. I'll make chicken pie and beans and potato and -" she rushed round the kitchen, taking various things from the cupboards and fridge "You'll stay of course" she smiled at Lestrade and I moved to the door.

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