5 - Who I Am!

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Sat in lecture a few weeks later I tapped my pen against the notepad next to me. My lecturer rambled on about liability in the reporting world but I just couldn't concentrate.

I hadn't seen Moriarty again. But that didn't mean he hadn't seen me. He must have been watching me, watching where I went, what I did, who I was with.

Sherlock and I were more careful when we had our moments. There hadn't been many since, heavens did I need it though. Every day. But Sherlock was always busy, out and about doing...stuff. Who knows what. I never really ask.

"And that's the hour. Thank you all for coming. Remember to get your placements sorted soon before the end of the year" my lecturer said a little louder than he did for the lecture.

I gathered my books and walked out.
"Lex, wait up!" Jordan's voice came from behind me. I stopped and turned on my heel, "Drinks tonight?" He smiled as he reached my side.

Jordan was lovely. He stood only two or three inches taller than me but he was much broader, being a rugby player does that to you. His waist nipped in making his shoulders look much bigger than they actually were. He trained almost every day. Lectures were nothing to him; he just wanted to play pro. I had a little crush on him, but hell would I tell him that.

"Maybe, I'll text you later. See how I feel" I replied shortly as we walked out the doors to the ground of the university.

The air was warm, thankfully spring was here. I hated winter. We crossed the grounds and Jordan waved me off as he ran to the bus. I walked to the shops nearby to grab some eggs. Sherlock used the dozen eggs Nan brought two days ago in one of his experiments.

Walking in to 221B Baker Street I shouted, "Hi Nan, I'm home". I walked to the kitchen and put the eggs in the fridge. There was no reply.
I looked in the living room, her bedroom and mine. She was nowhere.

I walked upstairs and noticed Sherlock's door was open a crack. I pushed it open gently and saw someone in John's chair. I knew by the hair it wasn't him. "Moriarty" I mumbled under my breath as I walked in and moved round to the front of the chair.

There he was, sitting casually, leaning back and to his left hand which was propped up on the arm rest. His right on the other arm rest and his legs out straight in front.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" I asked calmly, trying not to show any emotion

"I'm here for you" he smirked. The more dangerous his voice, the deeper the Irish sounded. It was so damn sexy.


He stood up and walked over to me, "Oh Miss Hudson. You're the key to kill Sherlock Holmes" he wrapped his arms round my waist.

I daren't move. I don't know what he was capable of. Well, I did. Sherlock had told me. But what would he do to me? Piece. By. Piece. The end of the letter.

"You won't do anything. Sherlock will kill you" I said as I moved back. His hands dropped to his sides as I moved towards the wall. Moriarty stepped forward, cornering me.

"He won't be able to find me" He whispered, looking down at me. His eyes were dark and daring, like he was daring me to move, to do something.

His hand reached my face, moving a bit of hair and placing it behind my ear. Without thinking, as his finger caught my ear, I slapped his hand away.

Moriarty quickly grabbed my neck, slamming me against the bookcase to my right. My feet weren't on the ground; I was eye level with him. A good few inches up. His eyes burned into mine and I couldn't look away.

"Now now, that wasn't very nice." He pressed his body against mine as I felt my throat throb under his grip. I could hardly breathe. "You'll do exactly as I say" he looked down at my lips before placing his on top. It caught my breath, or was it the fact he had tightened his grip? "I told you. Don't. Bite. Your. Lip."

My eyelids got heavier. The room fuzzed. Before I knew it, everything went black and I felt my head hit the floor.

My eyes opened, but things were still fuzzy. I couldn't get the place in focus.

"You're awake" Moriarty voice came with a sing song. I tried to find him but nothing was coming into focus. "I told Sherlock. I warned him" his voice came from my right but moved to the left. I could feel his breath on my neck. "I told him I'd have a play." He whispered in my ear before giving me a soft kiss just under my ear.

"What do you want?" I asked as I brought a table into focus in front of me. My hands were tied to a chair, I looked down and so were my ankles. It wasn't the fact I couldn't move due to passing out, I literally couldn't move. Did he pat me down?

Moriarty moved back around and bent down to look at me. His face looked calm, eyes soft and looking me up and down. "Sherlock can pick them" he traced his finger up my leg from my knee; grabbing my thigh, "You are quite tasty" he licked his lips as I stared at them. He was captivating. Every move he made sent shockwaves through my body, made my heart rate spike.

"Don't touch me" I whispered, trying to sound more confident but failing.

"Oh but I will be touching you, everywhere." He leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.

I didn't flinch. If anything I wanted him to. I wanted him to feel like I was nothing; like I wasn't a threat. How dare he kidnap me! Does he not know who I am!?

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