13 - Jordans Place

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Jim dropped me off outside 221B. "Until next time" he kissed my hand as I got out the car.

I stood by the door for a minute, watching his car go out of sight, before going in and nearly bumping right into Sherlock. "Oh, Sorry" I mumbled as I moved round him. He grabbed my arm, spinning me round.

"Where were you?"



"Does it matter?"

"Yes" I stared at him, not wanting to answer. "Moriarty" He sighed, moving to the stairs and sitting on the second step, "Why are you seeing him?"

"I don't know" I looked down to the floor, shuffling my feet. I really didn't know why. I was just attracted to him in some way, a different way than I was to Sherlock.

With Sherlock it was his mind. How his brain worked, how smart he is. It just drove me crazy. Yet with Jim it was something else... Maybe something darker.

"He's dangerous. You're in danger with him" Sherlock took both my hands, pulling me in front of him.

"I'm fine" I looked down into his eyes. He looked so worried; so scared. "Why don't you ever believe me when I say I'm fine? What made you decide I'm some delicate little flower that needs protecting?"

"Because you are" Sherlock's eyes shot up to mine.

I just stared at him, my blood boiling. Those anger management courses were not helping me right now. The venom rushed out of my voice, "How DARE you!" I whipped my hands out of his grasp, "You think you know me yet you've never asked me anything. You don't know who I am or what I've been through!"

"You've lost both your parents. That can't be easy" he said softly

"No it's not easy at all! Especially when I watched my own dad die!" I screamed at him, walking to my door

"What?" Sherlock stood up and followed me, "I didn't know -"

I spun round, "No, you didn't. Because you didn't ask! You've never asked about me!"

"What could I ask that I couldn't find out?"

"You didn't know I watched my dad die. There's one. That he was shot, two. That he jumped in front of that bullet for me! It could've been Oh so different! I wouldn't be here and my dad would still be alive. But no, he was shot because I was a fucking curious child!" I screamed at him, moving closer to his face. I could feel the tears falling but I didn't care. I couldn't hold them back, not for this. Not my dad. I held the tears in for so long after that day, I deserved this.

"Alexa, I -" Sherlock started, touching my arm but I shrugged him off.

"No Sherlock. No" I shook my head and walked into my room, slamming the door behind me.

I rushed round my room, grabbing clothes and such, and throwing them into a bag. I couldn't stay here tonight, I couldn't stand the thought he was up there.

I walked out my room and saw Nan in the kitchen, "You OK Lexi dear?" She put her cup of tea down and looked at me. She obviously saw my backpack, it was bright red and hard to miss.

"Yeah. I'm going to study with Jordan. I'll probably stop over."

"OK love. Will you be here tomorrow for Molly's birthday?"

"Yeah. It's at two right?" nan nodded and we said our goodbyes.

Jordan's Mum ushered me in and kept on offering me tea. She was such a lovely lady. She reminded me of my mum so much.

We were sat on his bed, looking through our notes while 'Friends' was on in the background.

"Who was that bloke earlier?" Jordan asked as I highlighted a sentence

"It's not important" I shook my head and smiled

"Not a boyfriend?"

I looked up to see him smirking at me, "No, he's not" I laughed and put the top back in the highlighter, "Just someone that Sherlock knows." Jordan nodded, pursing his lips and looking at the TV. "Where's your dad?" I broke the silence, changing the subject too

"Off somewhere for business. I don't know where" he picked up his pen and went back to writing some things down

"What does he do again?"

"It's boring. Just in some big firm with something...I never really pay attention" he mumbled, not looking at me.

"Is he a solicitor? Don't worry, I won't think any less of you for it" I teased. But he didn't smile or look at me.

"No he's... look I don't like talking about my dad. He's a dick" he looked up to me and half smiled, but his eyes looked sad.

"Has he left?" I grew more curious about him; my investigator coming out.

"No. He's just always away, always busy. And when he's back we just argue. I hardly see mum when he's back, she just seems to hide away. So I don't know how happy she actually is."

"That sucks. My parents used to argue so much. But I knew they were happy" I opened up; as he shared a little I thought I would too.

I hadn't told Jordan about my past. Richie was the only one who knew, he lived through it with me. Well most of it. I couldn't hide stuff from him. I missed him so much. But I just couldn't bring myself to text him now.

"What happened at home?" This time it was Jordan's turn to change the subject

"Argument with Sherlock. He just annoys me sometimes" I sighed and closed the books, "Thanks for letting me stay."

"It's fine. I'll be leaving at around four for practice. That alright?"

"Yeah. I'll actually manage to have a lie in. I'm usually woken by Sherlock shooting something, or him and John arguing, or even the door being bashed in by some client" I got off the bed and grabbed some shorts and a top from my bag, "It'll be nice to wake up without any of that" I smiled and walked to the bathroom.

On my way back, Jordan's Mum passed me a duvet and pillow. When I walked in to Jordan's room, he was lying on the floor with his duvet.
"I said I'd have the floor" I said kicking the bottom of his foot

"You're the guest" Jordan smiled, putting his hands behind his head. The duvet moved down his body a little bit as he stretched. It showed his broad, muscular chest. I took a deep breath in, trying to control my emotions.

I smiled and got in his bed, covering myself with the spare duvet. I couldn't get involved with him in anyway, especially if Jim was going to be in my life. What would he say?

Four o'clock and Jordan woke me up by kicking the dresser, "You alright?" I asked sleepily

"Yeah. Trying to sneak out and I cause more noise. Story of my life" he laughed as he slung his bag over his shoulder, "What's the plan for the day?"

"Got a friends birthday today, will have to go back to Sherlock's for it" I sighed, flopping back into the bed

"You'll be fine. I'll catch you later" he waved and went out the door.

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