1 - Sherlock

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"May she rest in peace, amen." The priest made a cross with his hands in the air as the coffin lowered into the ground.

I stared at the coffin, at my mum, as it stopped at the bottom. I threw a rose on top and stepped back. My best friend Richie wrapped an arm around me, rubbing the top of my arm as he gave me a little squeeze. I leaned my head on his shoulder as the dirt was thrown back on top.

"At least she's at rest now" he said trying to comfort me. I didn't work.

I still couldn't get over it. It all happened so fast. She was diagnosed three months ago and now she's gone; cancers a bitch.

"Come on. Let's get to the pub" Richie pushed me away and over to our waiting car.

At the local pub, all our family and friends were sitting around having a few drinks and thinking about my mum. Well, they better be anyway. Richie brought over my whiskey to the table I had found and sat opposite me.

"Here" he passed me the glass.

"Thanks" I took a sip and looked into the glass. The clear brown liquid burnt my throat, but it was definitely what I needed.

"So what now?" Richie said as I looked up to him. He had been my best friend for 10 years and the only constant in my life. My parents were in and out, either together or separate. Richie was there when I needed him most; when my dog died, my rabbit, and my dad. And now he was here at my mum's funeral. I looked over his shoulder and saw my Nan.

"Oh god" I mumbled as she locked eyes with me and started to scuttle over.

"Lexi dear", I stood up and gave her a hug, "Oh my goodness, look at you" she looked me up and down at arm's length, "I wish I stayed in contact more. I'm so sorry dear".

"It's fine Nan. Honestly. I know you're busy" I half smiled.

I looked over her shoulder to see a man who I'd never met walking over to us. He wasn't dressed right, not for a funeral.

"Mrs Hudson, this place is rather depressing" he said, standing next to my Nan.

"It is a funeral you know" I snapped at him.

"Oh Sherlock, this is Alexa. My granddaughter" my Nan smile at me, holding my hands, "and this is Sherlock -"

"Holmes I presume" I cut Nan off, not looking away from Sherlock. Of course it was him.

"You've heard of me" he said blankly

"Who hasn't?" I looked him up and down. Taller than I imagined.

"Guess we can thank John and his little blog for that" he looked around the room and back to me, "Where is John?"

"How would I know?" I let go of my Nan's hands and crossed my arms over my chest, "Maybe you should go. You obviously don't want to be here".

"Lovely to meet you" Sherlock said blankly before forcing a smile and walking away.

"Oh, Sherlock!" Nan shouted after him before turning back to me, "I'm sorry about him. He's a little -"

"Rude?" Richie popped up. I completely forgot he was even here

"You get use to him" Nan smiled at us, "Now, when will you be moving down?"

"What?" Richie stood up and pulled me to the side, "You're moving?"

"Mortgage hasn't been paid off so the house is being repossessed. I'm out. Nan said I can move down London with her" I explained. Richie looked at the floor and shuffled his feet, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you".

"It's fine. I get it" Richie sighed before giving me a hug, "I'll miss you".

"You can visit! It's only like two hours on the train. That's nothing" I pulled away and smiled at him, looking at him dead in the eyes, "You're my best friend. I'll be calling you like every week and texting you every day so it's not like I won't talk to you ever again".

"Yeah I guess" Richie smiled.


"SHERLOCK!!!" I screamed and ran upstairs. I slammed open the door to see Sherlock stood by the fireplace holding a gun out straight. "SHUT UP!"

"It helps me relax!" He shouted at me before pulling the trigger again. The bullet hit the wall on the opposite side of the room with a bang and a crack as it split the wall.

"Yeah, you look very relaxed!" I screamed at him, completely annoyed. Why does he do this every time I have to study?

He lowered the gun before throwing it across the room, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just -" he started before screaming and moving to the window.

"Thank you" I said calmly. The ringing was still in my ears from the gun shots. I shook my head before walking in, "What's wrong?" I sat on the sofa in front of the now bullet ridden wall.

"Everything. Watson wants...Lestrade decided he...and now Moriarty..." he rambled quickly.

"Oh my God, slow down!" I shouted over him jumping up from the sofa and walking over to him.

"John will stay. Of course he will. Lestrade is a dick, but he dotes on you. And I have no clue who Moriarty is" I leaned back on the window looking towards Sherlock.

"You don't need to know him" He whispered before leaning in close.

His lips gently touched mine before I pulled back, "Nan's downstairs" I whispered as he looked me in the eyes.

"Makes it more exciting" he breath was hitched as he pulled me close. His arm wrapped round my waist while the other hand leaned against the window.

I moved my hands up his chest and round his neck, pulling him in closer. "We can't get caught" I whispered before leaned back in and kissing him again. We knew we shouldn't. But that's what made it so much more exciting. Nan would hate me and kill Sherlock if she knew we hooked up. A lot.

His body pressed against mine, pinning me against the window. Who could see? All those Londoners minding their own business, looking at their phones, not thinking to look up at the windows to see two people getting very handsy.

Moriartys Girl - A Sherlock StoryWhere stories live. Discover now