9 - Ice Cream

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"What happened?"


"You're lying AGAIN!" Sherlock shouted as he grabbed my shirt and slammed me against the wall. This was a side to him I had never seen before. I don't think I ever wanted to see it again. "I hate it when you lie" he hissed as he stared into my eyes. I could feel them filling up with tears. I tried not to let them out but one gently rolled down my left cheek.

"Sherlock, please. You're hurting me" I whimpered.

He let go of my shirt and backed away. He wouldn't look at me. Sherlock made his escape upstairs and I moved to my bedroom.

Later that night, there was a knock at my door. Without even saying anything, Lestrade walked in and sat at the end of my bed.

"What?" I asked, sitting up from my hide out under my duvet

"You alright?" I nodded and moved my arms over the top of the duvet. His eyes darted to my wrist wrapped in a bandage, "What happened there?"

"Nothing" I mumbled, moving my arms back under the duvet, but Lestrade grabbed the one and pulled the bandage off revealing my cut.
"Did he do this?" He looked up to me and I shook my head.

"I did it" I pulled my arm out of his grasp and inspected the cut myself. It looked alright. At least it wasn't bleeding any more.

"You're really that upset?" Lestrade frowned at me

"No" I sighed before telling him what happened. Well, up to the point I cut the ropes. "He was sloppy. I got out and came back to Sherlock" I lied at the end. I couldn't tell him everything. I didn't trust anyone with that information.

"Lexi, please don't see him again" Lestrade leaned his elbows on his knees as he looked down to the floor, "Sherlock's a mess up there. I promised your Nan I'd watch out for you however I could with you moving down here. And this is the one thing I'm pleading with you."

"I'm fine. Honestly" I smiled as I got up and gave him a hug.

"Can you come upstairs?" He asked, still in the hug.

"Fine" I sighed and we both got up.

Upstairs, Sherlock was nowhere to be seen. I moved to his bedroom to see him sat on the end of his bed, gently rocking, "Hi" I whispered, barely audible. His head whipped round, he had been crying.

"Alexa" he breathed, jumping up and grabbing me into a passionate kiss. I gently moved back until I reached the door and Sherlock pressed himself against me. I should stop this. What would Moriarty say?

I pulled back, "Sherlock we can't."

He looked down at the floor and closed his eyes, "What did he say?"

"He said he'll hurt me if you were to touch me." His eyes shot up and he moved away from me for a change.

"I'm sorry for what happened downstairs. I just don't want you hurt. I don't want anything bad to happen to you" He sat on the bed and I moved so I was stood in front of him.

"I can take care of myself" I smiled, crossing my arms.

"You're just so amazing you know. But Moriarty isn't who you should be around. He won't play nice" He looked up to me and I saw pain in his eyes.

Is he...is he saying I can't handle Moriarty? Am I nothing? The rage built up inside me again, clenching my fists I threw open the door and walked out.

"ALEXA!" Sherlock shouted after me as I ran downstairs and out the front door.

I'm not sure where I was going but I couldn't stay there. Sherlock thought I was nothing, like I couldn't look after myself. Fine, he didn't know about me, but why the hell should he know? I know nothing about him! He doesn't share anything with me. Do I actually know him? Is he someone I can actually continue this...this... *thing* with?

I managed to get to the river and leaned against the cold fence. I looked out over the river and took a deep breath in. This wasn't happening. How was Moriarty fucking everything up?

A hand touched my shoulder and I turned round. Lestrade had followed me. I turned back to face the river and he stood next to me, leaning on the fence. "So" he sighed breaking the tension in the air.

"I can't look after myself apparently" I didn't look at him but I could feel him looking at me

"We don't want to see you hurt" Lestrade spoke softly. It was different to how he usually spoke, "You've been through enough. Now, we just want you to live a normal life."

"And how is that supposed to happen? Hey!?" I shouted turning to face him, "How am I supposed to be normal when I come from a line a drug lords? I live with Sherlock Holmes. Moriarty seems to have taken a liken to me. And now, no one thinks I can look after myself? You've seen the files, how am I supposed to live 'normal'? Please do tell!"

He took my hands in his and pulled me in for a hug. I let everything out and burst into tears in his shoulder, "I told your nan I would watch out for you. She needs to know you're safe. We are all looking out for you here. Some of your dad's clients are here and they will find you. So we are trying to keep you safe" He pulled back, hands on my shoulders and stood arm's length away, "I know you don't need protection. But I would feel a whole lot better if you just let me."

"There may be some things you can't protect me from" I whispered as I wiped the tears off my cheeks

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you"

"Thank you, Greg" I smiled and he sent one back.

"Now come on. Ice-cream" he put his arm around my shoulder and walked me off to the streets to get a big ol' bowl of ice-cream. Just like my dad used to.

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