27 - Miss Adler

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Jim left in such a huff yesterday I didn't have chance to think about what was said. He cared for me? He nearly said he loved me!? Really!? Is he mental? Whoa, let's not go there.

I got out of bed and looked in the mirror, my hair needed a brush but other than that I didn't look half bad. I made my way to Jims room, knocking gently. No answer. I knocked a little louder, "Jim?" I said through the door. Still no answer. I opened his door to find him still fast asleep. I walked in, closing the door, and made my way over to him. He looked so peaceful while asleep, so innocent.

I didn't even know what I was doing, next thing I knew I was lying next to him. The cover was down at his hips, showing off his strong back, shoulders and arms. I leaned up on my elbow and lightly touched his shoulder. His skin was warm under my cold hand. Jim gently moved under my touch. His breathing changed and he turned round to look at me.

"Morning" I smiled as his eyes fluttered open, frowning at me

"Morning?" He pushed a piece of hair out of my face and placed it behind my ear, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk."

"What about?" He continued to stroke my cheek, looking into my eyes, "You look beautiful by the way"

"That. That's what I wanted to talk about" his hand stopped on my cheek as I spoke

"Oh...ok" he sat up and the cover fell lower, showing his stomach.

His...flat...hard...stomach... stop it.

"Erm, why did you say it?"

"Because it's true," he sighed and ran his hands through his hair, "I hate that it's happened, I didn't want it to happen. But it has, I'm not going to deny it" he looked at me with his big brown eyes. They looked so sad and worried; why? What about?

"Jim, I don't know what to do with that." Of course I liked him, but surely that wouldn't be the best plan. Us together with this set up? No it wouldn't be good....would it? I took a deep breath, "I do like you. I'm not sure what it is but I do. I just don't know if it's a good idea."

"OK. I just wanted you to know" Jim smiled and cupped my face before kissing me. "Get dressed. We have a guest for lunch."

Midday come around and I sat in Jims office in some dark jeans, strap top and a pair of heels. I felt like I needed to look the part for this guest; meeting in his office meant it was someone quite important, but not someone close.

Jim walked in wearing a tight grey suit, tight round his butt. Wow, those trousers are rather tight...that ass looks -

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, "ready?" Jim smiled as he settled into his chair, "Don't worry, she's harmless."

The maid opened the door and a woman followed her in. She looked perfect. She was wearing a pencil skirt and sheer blouse showing off her amazing chest, and what looked like an expensive bra. Her shoes had a red sole; LVs....ex-bloody-spensive.

"Don't we all look serious" she smirked as the maid closed the door, "Cheer up loves." She walked into the room and sat on a chair opposite Jim.

I watched her walk and her hips swayed, heels clicked and looked....perfect.

"Miss Adler, lovely to see you" Jim said, not looking anywhere but at her face

"And you Jim. Who's the girl?"

"Alexa," Jim got up and walked over to me, "This is Irene Adler, a dominatrix."

"Dominatrix?" I asked looking up to Jim confused, "why do we need her?"

"She's here to play Sherlock" Jim eyes lit up when he mentioned Sherlock, "To mess with his head."

"Plus, he needs me to crack the code" she stood up and walked over too, stopping by the other couch opposite me and Jim.

"You have it, I need it, Sherlock will do it. If not, then you'll be dead" Jim said with a touch of venom.

"He knows how to make a girl feel special" she pursed her lips into a half smile, and looked at Jim like he didn't scare her. But I could see the fear in her eyes; she believed Jim and so did I.

The only difference between me and her was I wasn't scared of him. I embraced that fear. "Yes he does" I stood up next to Jim, putting a hand on his arm, "was there an actual reason you needed me here?" I looked at Jim who smirked before I moved my attention to Miss Adler, "Or were you just showing me my next toy?" She took a deep breath in as I spoke. It was cute.

"Just thought you two should meet seeing as she will try be getting rather close to Sherlock. And you've been the closest anyone can be" James put an arm round me, pulling me in close to his side, "So lunch?"

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