10 - Here You Are

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I walked out my bedroom door after throwing on some leggings and a long jumper, such a "can't be bothered" day. It had been three days since the time with Moriarty and the incident with Sherlock. I hadn't seen either since, nor heard off them.

Nans voice came from the kitchen, "Alexa, you having breakfast today?" I peered in and she was running round like a looney.

"No nan, I'll grab a coffee on the way" I gave her a hug before leaving the room

"You need to eat!" She shouted after me before I closed the front door.

There was a slight wind today, making the jumper a good choice. I had a number of books to return to the local library before I headed into lectures. I ran up the steps and entered the library, moving to the desk.

"Hello again dear. Were these books of help?" Katherine, the library assistant smiled. I had got to know her over my many visits due to Sherlock shooting at the wall. She was lovely, an older lady with greying hair and little round glasses. She took my books and scanned them through the computer to say I had brought them back on time.

"They were thank you" I smiled as I felt someone staring at me. My heart beat faster; I knew who was staring at me. "I'll probably be back at some point to get more" I waved and turned to leave. There he was at the doors. Jim in his perfectly fitting suit. I walked over and stood next to him. "So, here you are."

"Here I am" he smirked, taking his hand out of his pocket and taking mine, "What are you going to do with me now?"

"I'm off to uni. Don't know where you're going" I pulled my hand out of his grasp and walked away. He, of course, followed me just a few steps behind.

"Oh come on Lexi" he said behind me after a couple of minutes.

I stopped dead and whipped round to him right in front of me. His eyes were brown and staring me down. I waited for him to speak, but he just stared at me. Neither of us wanted to break the silence.

I huffed, "I'm going to be late for classes." Walking off again, he was right behind me. "Unless you're going to take up journalism, I suggest you go away" I shouted behind me as I closed in on the university.

"But I like the view" I could actually feel the smirk.

I looked up at the gates and saw Jordan waiting for me. I smiled as his eyes locked on to mine; he smiled before frowning obviously seeing my little stalker. I sighed and turned to Jim, "Please, leave me alone." I went to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Have dinner with me"

"Not exactly a question was it?"

"No, it wasn't"

I turned to Jordan to see him walking over to us. "If I say yes will you let me go to class?" He nodded "Fine. Classes finish at five"

"I'll be here then" Jim let me go and looked over my shoulder, raising an eyebrow, before he walked away.

"Hey, who was that?" Jordan had reached me, he put his hand on my back as I turned around to face him

"No one. It's nothing" I smiled and we both walked into the building

"Does he work for Sherlock?" Jordan asked as we climbed the stairs

"Something like that." We walked into the lecture hall and found some seats near the back.

It was now 1pm and we had survived three hours of lectures. Half an hour for a quick lunch before the next three hours of lectures, luckily there was a little break in these as we were working on the computers.

Jordan handed me a can of cola from the vending machines before we walked over to the tables in the lunch room.

"Who was that guy from this morning?" Jordan asked, opening his can with a hiss

"I told you, no one" mine hissed open and I took a huge gulp.

"He didn't seem like no one. Seemed like he knew you"

"Thanks to Sherlock I know a lot of people" I smirked, looking down to the can on the table.

"No, as in he KNOWS you" he put a lot of emphasis on 'know'.

"He doesn't KNOW me" I copied, "And even if he did, is it any of your business?"

"He just looks familiar"

"That could be good or bad"

"Got an uneasy feeling with the way he looked at you. I mean, he was walking a couple of steps behind you, staring at your ass!"

"Can you blame him? I've been doing my squats" I smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"I've noticed" Jordan looked down as he said that

"Now who's staring at my ass?" I teased him

"Not staring. I've just noticed. I mean, your jeans are looking a little fuller then when you first started"

"Guess some of my pregnancy booty hasn't gone yet."

Jordan looked up to me, shocked at the mention of my pregnancy. I had asked him and the rest of my friends to not mention it. It was a sore subject. He bit his lip and looked around the room, unsure on how to respond, "Come on. Let's go get the good computers" he stood up and walked out the room. He didn't even wait; he was out the door and turned left by the time I even stood up.

"Yesterday, the fire that broke out in that block of flats was found to be arson and the police seem to lead it back to this man" our lecturer put up a police sketch, "A couple of the residents said they had seen him enter the building a few days before and go up to the roof, stay there for around an hour and then come back down. He had said hello to two people, one in the lobby and the other in the lift. They both said he had a Dublin drawl to his voice yet no one can seem to find him; hence why the papers are putting it out. If we were to look at this..."

His voice trailed off. I stared at the sketch. Dublin drawl? James Moriarty. He killed those people. He started that fire. But why?

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