21 - The Mayors Ball, Part 2

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I moved and stood by the side of the stage as the mayor spoke about the coming year. I opened my clutch and took out the hand gun I had packed before leaving the house. Lestrade was going to know who shot Joey, and to stay away from me.   

The mayor's right hand man, Steven Johnson, came off the stage in my direction. I hid the gun behind my back as he got closer, "Mr Johnson, may I ask you a few questions? In private?" I fluttered my eyelashes at him and he smirked.

"Certainly" he followed me as I moved backwards into a room behind the stage. He closed the door behind him and moved towards me, "So, what are these questions?"

"Well, Mr Johnson, I know you're a very powerful man. I've heard you are part in the high level of drugs we have in the city, is it true?" I asked and he stopped in front of me, I backed up against a table and sat on top, making sure I don't show the gun.

"I don't know where you heard that" he frowned and looked me up and down, "what are you?"

"A reporter" I looked over his shoulder to see the door open and Lestrade walk in, closely followed by Jim, "Your Grim Reaper" I moved the gun out from my back and held it against his head. He didn't budge. He just stared at me.

"ALEXA!" Lestrade shouted as he came closer

"Stay out of this!" I shouted over to him, "You should have arrested him years ago Lestrade. But you never did, why? Because he was Mr Johnson; powerful man. Did he pay you off too?" I turned my attention over to Lestrade, not moving the gun.

"I don't know what -" Lestrade started and I laughed

"Oh you knew. You just decided to ignore it. Just like you did Joey."

Lestrade moved closer to us, Jim shut the door causing Lestrade to turn round and notice him, "You're part of this. This is your doing!" Lestrade moved towards Jim and I moved the gun to him

"Don't even try it Lestrade!" I shouted and cocked the gun. He stopped still and turned back round, "I will shoot"

"You wouldn't. Not me" He answered. He was right, I wouldn't. But I wouldn't let him know that.

"Try me." I turned my attention back to Steven Johnson who hadn't moved; at least he was a fast learner. "So, you. What do we do with you?" I mocked with him. From the corner of my eye I could see Jim smirking; he was loving it.

"What are you doing Lex?" Lestrade piped up

"Mr Johnson here has had his hands in all sorts of pies, even when I was a kid. I knew the name, knew the face. And now I can do something about it." I moved the gun back to him, "You killed some of my dad's colleagues."

"I've never shot a gun in my life!" he protested

"Oh no, you didn't. But you told them to. You were the ring leader of it all. Until Joey overtook you. Why Joey? Was it because he would do all the things you wouldn't? He would actually get his hands dirty. These cuts all on my arms are from him, only a matter of days ago." I turned to Lestrade, "Before I shot him." I added. Lestrade didn't look like he believed me. "Oh I did Greg." I smirked and got off the table. I kept the gun pointed at Mr Johnson as I moved to Lestrade, "Seeing what I have, living what I have. Did you really think a few anger management classes and moving on down to London would help me? Get rid of my past, who I am!" I shouted at him as I got closer, "Greg, you need to learn" I kept on staring at him as I pulled the trigger.

Lestrade jumped and looked over to Mr Johnson. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw him lying on the ground. Blood ran out of his chest, bullet right to the heart. I looked up to Jim who was staring at me, walking towards me.

"It does turn me on seeing you handle that gun" he leaned down and kissed me. My heart was still going; I loved the feeling. I really needed Jim on me, right there and then. It was as if killing someone was an aphrodisiac to me.

"Alexa?" Lestrade looked over to me, confused.

"I'll be seeing you Lestrade" I put the gun back in my clutch and walked out the door. Jim followed me soon after, we exited through the back doors to a waiting car.

"Just as planned" Jim smirked as we made our way home.

"Jim?" I turned to him and he looked over to me, "Fuck me" I breathed as I leaned into him, kissing him, passion flowing through it. He smirked into the kiss as I moved my body closer.

He gently pulled away, "At home."

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