15 - Moriarty

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I had been awake in the hospital for around six hours when the contractions really started on strong.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed as I felt the urge to push.

"OK Alexa. Keep it coming" Laura said while all I could see was the top of her head between my legs. Dignified.

"Lexi, come on" Richie stood next to me, Sherlock to the other side.

"Another two pushes and baby will be here" Laura grabbed Richie and brought him between my legs

"Get away from there!" I shouted at him as he took Laura's place

"He needs to learn. Don't worry he's amazing" Laura smiled

"He's my best friend! I don't want him to see - ARRRGGGHHH!" I started but another contraction and I needed to push.

Sherlock took hold of my hand and I squeezed so tight, I could see the pain in his face.

I felt baby come out and I was so relieved to not have to push any more. But then the realisation hit in.

Richie stood up and put my baby on my chest, "It's a girl" he smiled and a tear fell from his eye.

I looked down at her. She had wispy brown hair and Sherlock's nose. Her lips were pouted and a light pink colour. No crying, no breathing, nothing. It was like I was looking at a little doll.

I stroked her cheek, she was warm but I could feel a cold spike under it. A tear of mine fell onto her tummy as Sherlock put his hand on my shoulder.

"She's gorgeous" He whispered and kissed her on the top of her head.

I heard the door open and I looked over, Richie was leaving. "Wait!" I shouted after him.

Laura came over to my side and looked at me sympathetically, "I'm sorry my loves. Baby 13" she said simply before following him out.


I looked in the mirror on the back of my door. I had put on a gold dress that hugged my figure perfect. It ended mid-thigh and was hanging off my shoulders. I paired it with some black straps heels and my hair naturally straight down my back, no fuss.

The doorbell rang and I looked at the time, 2:05. I heard nans voice and Molly's. I was close to leaving when the doorbell went again; more hellos and more steps up to the next floor.

By the time I finally opened the door, it was 2:33. I walked upstairs and I saw Molly first. I ran up and gave her a huge hug, "Happy birthday!"

"Oh thank you Lexi, thank you" we pulled back and looked at each other. She was wearing a lovely blue dress that reached the floor, "Look at you!"

"Look at you!" I copied and made her do a twirl, "You look fantastic".

Sherlock appeared over her shoulder and my smile became forced.

"Molly, happy birthday" he smiled and they hugged

"Thank you" She smiled and looked over to me, "Drink?"

I nodded and she walked away. I was left alone with Sherlock.

"The past few weeks have been..." he started

"Shit" I finished for him.

"Something like that" he looked down as I heard the door bang open.

My head shot round as eight or nine men in balaclavas ran into the room, all pointing guns at the crowd.

"Alexa!" One of them shouted. I couldn't tell which one it was. Sherlock grabbed me and pulled me behind him.

"Don't give her to us, we'll shoot everyone" the same bloke said.

I looked round to everyone. Lestrade was calling it in already, I could hear sirens in the distance.

"Take me then!" I shouted and pushed passed Sherlock

"Are you crazy!?" Sherlock shouted after me.

One grabbed me and spun me round, holding a gun to my head, "Anyone follow, and she's dead."

I was dragged out the room and down the stairs. Just before we got outside they tied my hands behind my back, my ankles together and put tape over my mouth. I screamed as much as I could as they dragged me out to a car. A crack to the head and I was out cold.

I woke sitting up. I could feel blood running down the side of my face as what sounded like a door opened.

"Get her in some proper ties. That rope won't do" From the distance came a nasty voice. One that sounded way too familiar.

Again, I was dragged by two men and slammed against a brick wall. Metal clamped round my arms and ankles as my eyes focused.

"Well well well" a man walked forward out of darkness. He was tall and slim built, bald head and piercing blue eyes. I knew those eyes, "Alexa Hudson. We meet again." He ripped the tape off my mouth.

"Joey Ryan" I sighed as he stopped right in front of my face.

Joey Ryan was another drug leader my dad dealt with on numerous occasions. He was spiteful, cold and would kill his own mother if it benefited him. He shot my dad.

"You need to watch who you're friends with" he smirked as he leaned in to my ear, "My son is totally in love with you."

I squinted at him, trying to work it out.

"My little solider" he laughed and walked away. Jordan came in through the same door his dad had, "Did good didn't he? I knew we'd find you one day."

Jordan looked down to the floor, unable to look at me in the face. "How could you Jordan?"

"I asked him to. If he's taking over from me one day, he needs to learn this" Joey took out a gun and threw it to his son, "Go on Jay, shoot her".

Jordan looked at the gun and then up to me. He was expressionless. My heart started to beat faster. Jordan raised the gun towards me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the shot.

"Leave her" the familiar Dublin voice echoed in my ears.

I opened my eyes to see the gun still pointed at me but Moriarty had entered the room.

"Sir, I need her dead" Joey said looking at Moriarty.

"And I need her ALIVE!" He screamed before taking the gun off Jordan. His whole body fell as the gun was removed from his grip. "You kill her, and you're all dead." He turned to look at me. I couldn't read his face. It was cold and dark. Moriarty walked towards me, stopping right in front of me and leaning down to my ear, "You'll be sorry you let Sherlock touch you, and lying to me." He kissed my neck and walked away, "I want her alive and in one piece." Moriarty walked out the room.

Joey smirked as he walked to a bench, full of so many different tools.

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