20 - The Mayors Ball, Part 1

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Late afternoon, I stood in my wardrobe after my shower for the ball in a few hours. I looked at all the dresses we had purchased earlier; they were all so fancy and expensive looking. I could choose any of them and look the part. I stared at the dress the sales women had shown me after Jim's intrusion. "It'll do" I sighed and took the dress out of the bag and hanger.

A few hours later, I was ready. "Well, well, well. Look at you" Jim's voice came from behind me.

I turned to see him in a sexy, black tux. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had loosely curled my hair and pinned it so it fell down my left side, my makeup was simple yet effective; Smokey eyes with long lashes and bright red lips, and the dress fit perfectly. It was blood red and hugged my figure in all the right places. It flowed out just above my knees and had a small train behind. The sleeves hung off my shoulders, showing off my neck and collarbone.

"I have something for you". James walked over and took out a box from his pocket. He opened it up to show a necklace, covered in diamonds.

"Are those...real!?" I asked, shocked at the beauty of the necklace.

"Yes" he took it out and placed it round me neck, "It's estimated worth is around - "he clipped it behind my neck and leaned in to my ear to whisper the final part, "five million quid."

"Oh my God!" I shouted as I touched the necklace, I couldn't quite believe it.

"And you'll need something on these ears to match" he pulled out another, smaller, box. Inside was a set of five-drop diamond earrings. "These are around two million, each." he smiled as I put them in my ears.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, looking at him in the mirror.

"Like I said I own you" he whispered and kissed just below my ear.

"So you buy me diamonds?"

"Yes. Complaining?" he asked, spinning me around"

"No" I smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips, "Let's go."

We pulled up and the door opened, I put my feet out first (just like Jim had told me earlier) and got out as gracefully as I could. Jim was already by my side when I stood up. He smiled as I took his arm and we walked up the steps to the hall.

There were a few photographers from local papers covering this ball, so lights flashed as we walked on through. Jim didn't stop. He didn't need to be noticed; part of the job.

Inside, the hall was decked out in all manner of glamour. People wondered by in just as beautiful dresses and suits. I looked round the main hall and noticed Lestrade talking to the mayor. I took a deep breath in and let go of Jims arm, "I'll be back."

Jim followed my eye line, "Don't go into too much detail."

"Can I say I'm with you?"

"Of course. Five minutes and I'll be over" he kissed my cheek and made his way to the bar.

I wondered over to Lestrade, he saw me coming and excused himself. We met half way and he looked me up and down, "This isn't exactly hiding out." He took a sip of his drink.

I looked over to the bar and saw Jim watching us and looking back at his watch, whiskey in hand.

"I haven't got much time" I explained, looking down to the floor

"Those are some expensive earrings" he took one in his hand and I moved my head back up to look at him

"They are. Listen, Greg, don't tell Sherlock I was here"

"Why not?"

"I need him to know I'm safe. It doesn't matter how I am, just make sure he still believes I'm safe and -"

"We found Joey Ryan" he interrupted. I clenched my jaw at the sound of his name, "Shot in the head. Did you know?"

"No" I said, a little too quickly for my liking.

He nodded and took another sip, "Listen. I'm here to help and protect you. Just because Joey's gone doesn't mean no one else will come looking for you" he whispered, bringing me in close.

"I know. And I am safe"


"I'm with Moriarty"

"What!?" he shouted and the people near us turned to look. We half smiled and moved further away from the crowd, "Are you sure you're safe with him?"

"Of course. I've never felt safer"

"Really? Nothing happened to you in nearly three years. Then he shows up and suddenly you're kidnapped and one of the biggest drug lords is dead? And you're safe?"

"I am" I held myself high and felt a hand on my back

"Alexa" Jim put simply, staring at Lestrade.

"I know you killed Joey Ryan" Lestrade looked at Jim, and he just smirked

"Never touched him"

"It was you. I'll find the proof"

"Good luck" Jim tried to pull me away but I stood still. I didn't want ot move just yet, "Alexa, please"

"Not yet" I stared at him and he let go of my waist

"I gave you five minutes"

"One more." Jim walked away and I turned back to Lestrade, "Right no interruptions just hear what I am saying. I'm not coming back to Baker Street. I'm safe with Moriarty; he said he'd protect me. I don't want anything more to do with Sherlock Holmes or John Watson, or you" I looked over to Jim who didn't look too pleased I had told him what to do, "See anything tied to me or Moriarty, ignore it. Don't come looking for us."

I went to walk away, but Lestrade grabbed my arm, "Like what?"

"Like anything," I shook my arm from his grip, "Goodbye Greg." I kissed his cheek and walked over Jim. He didn't look at me, I could tell he was looking at Lestrade as he bent down and kissed my cheek. It didn't feel like any other kiss he gave me before. It was obviously to show who I belonged too. "I need a drink."

"Champagne?" Jim asked as we moved to the bar

"No. Whiskey, neat" I said to the bartender. He nodded and got my drink.

"Girl after my own heart" Jim smirked as it was put in front of me

"He said he wanted to protect me" I knocked the whole glass back.

"Lestrade?" I nodded, "You don't need protecting, do you?" Jim stroked my cheek, "He just doesn't see what you can do. Well, he has but doesn't know it's you." I turned to look at him leaning on the bar, "He thinks it's me, I'm flattered. Even my shot isn't as good as yours."

"He needs to know" I downed another whiskey.

"Well, let's show him then" he whispered in my ear, passing me my clutch.

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