8 - Kitten

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After a few moments, Jim stood and retrieved his clothes. I knew I needed to get up too, but there was no way that was going to happen. My legs felt like jelly, my body sunk into the bed. I closed my eyes as it aches to keep them open.

My breathing still hadn't returned to normal as Jim leaned over me once more, kissing my lips gently, "My little kitten" he whispered into my lips, not moving away from them as he spoke, "You won't let Sherlock touch you again. Understand?"

I nodded the best I could, opening my eyes to look at him. His eyes were back to a green, there were still hints of brown in them. So he was happy yet mad? I needed to get to know him more... "And if he does, then I will send you back to him piece by piece" he kissed my cheek before leaving the room. The door slammed behind him, making my heart jump.

I managed to sit up and look at my surroundings. I found my clothes and popped them back on. For Sherlock to touch me, I'd have to be let go. Is he letting me go?

I walked out the room to the staircase. He was in the hall, leaning against a table by the doors talking on his phone, "I'm pretty sure it is. If you want my help, then you best make me a good offer. I don't work for free." he moved the phone away from his ear and placed it on the table behind him, "Let's get you home."

I walked down the stairs slowly, "You kidnap me, and now you're letting me go? I don't understand"

"You don't have to" He opened the door as I reached the bottom step, "Come on."

"What if I don't want to?" I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the bannister.

"Then I'll make you" he stalked over to me before grabbing my waist, pulling me into him. Thanks to the step, I was nearly the same height as him. Better access to his eyes. They had turned brown again, he was angry and I loved it.

"Try me" I whispered, leaning in close. Jim moved his head closer as our lips touched. His hands ran round my body before picking me up and taking me outside.

The door shut and I was placed in a waiting car. Our lips never broke contact even in the car. I'm guessing the driver closed the door as Jim lay me on the back seats and him on top of me.

The car pulled off as he unbuttoned my jeans again. Jim pulled them down to my ankles, leaving them there, before pulling me close, legs in the air until he got between them. He was trapped there. My legs could hardly move anywhere. I was trapped.

I hadn't even noticed he had his trousers unbuttoned until I felt him slide back in to me. I grabbed his hair as his thrusts got harder and faster. It was much rougher than up in the bedroom. "My little toy" he hissed in my ear, kissing my neck.

I didn't last long this time. I felt the surge, the pressure and I let go. Jim on the other hand carried on. He grabbed my face so I'd look right at him. My eyes open I watched him. His shoulders tensed and I could tell he was closing in. It made my body shake again, the wave started again. Just knowing I had that effect on him was enough to send me over the edge for the second time. Jim bit my neck again but on the other side this time, and it still felt amazing. Just like the first time. We caught our breath and I pulled my jeans back up, he had only moved my pants to the side. It was hot that he needed me that badly, so soon.

We pulled up in front of 221B Baker Street and the door opened.

"Until next time" James whispered, kissing my hand before I got out the car.

I turned round as I got to the front door to see his car drive away. The door flew open to Sherlock standing there, worry flooding his face.

"Oh my God, Alexa!" He grabbed me in to a hug. I loved his touch. But then I remembered Jim's words: "You won't let Sherlock touch you again".

Did this count? Or did he just mean sexually? I didn't want to take that chance. I pushed Sherlock away and walked in to the hall, "Where were you? I've been here for hours waiting for you to return. You were -" he stopped and looked me up and down. Oh no... He knows. "Who were you with?" He asked blankly as his jaw clenched

"No one" I whispered, moving backwards towards the kitchen.

"I can tell. Messy hair, your zip is only half up, your bra looks like it's been fiddled with and don't get me started on your shirt buttons." He closed his eyes as I reached the door frame.

I looked down to my buttons, the last one wasn't done up and the two above it were done up wrong.

"Don't get mad" I pleaded with him as he moved closer to me, "Jordan from uni. He asked me for drinks and well ..." I lied. I didn't want to know what he would do if he knew it was Moriarty.

"You're lying" Sherlock's face was inches from mine, his hands rested on the door frame so I couldn't escape, "You're biting your lip. You do that if your nervous. You pull at your pockets if you're lying" I looked down to my jeans, there I was pulling at my pockets and I finally felt my teeth in my bottom lip.

"Stop it" I whispered, not wanting him to do any more deductions on me. I hated it. He knew I hated it.

"Who were you with? You don't know many people here. Only me, John, your Nan, your university friends..." he trailed off, "It won't be another one of them because you would've used their name instead of Jordan's. You wouldn't have lied. No. It's someone else" he rattled and grabbed my waist, "But whom?"

His phone vibrated in his pocket. My heart skipped a beat as he leaned back to answer it.
"Hello...Why are you calling?" I looked up to his eyes and over to the phone, "What do you mean?" Sherlock's eyes darted to mine. He moved his phone away from his ear and hit speakerphone.

"Hi kitten. You thought I wouldn't see you. Tut tut tut," Moriarty. The line went dead. I carried on looking at the phone but I could tell Sherlock was staring at me.

Moriartys Girl - A Sherlock StoryWhere stories live. Discover now