22 - The Plan

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The next morning I woke in Jims bed. He was nowhere to be seen. I gained feeling in my arms, I couldn't move. I looked up to see my hands tied to the headboard. Down to my feet and my ankles were each tied to a bed post.

I thought back to last night. Oh he was good. My hips had small bruises already forming from where he had gripped me tight. My thighs had tiny cuts from a whip. Oh there was too much to tell. Jim Moriarty proved he owned me.

The door opened and I looked over to Jim entering in some long flannel trousers. "You alright there?" He smirked, leaning back on the door frame, holding a mug.

"Perfectly fine" I smiled as he walked over, placing the mug on the bedside table closest to me. He sat on the edge and bent down, kissing me lightly on the lips.

"Want me to untie you?" He whispered, placing his hand on my hip and stroking up and body. I got tingles everywhere he touched, hairs standing on end, his hand carried on up my arm and he locked his hand in mine. I could still feel his hand over my body; I had it etched in my memory if I ever needed it again.

"Depends, we got something planned for today?" I could stay here all day with him. The pain he could cause, it made me weak. The feeling, the suspense. All of it made me feel up for it, it turned me on. Should I really be turned on by it? That question ran through my head so much the night before as he did so much, used everything and anything he could get his hands on to cause me pain. And I loved it.

"Unfortunately, we do" he gently undone my restraints on my wrists before stroking my body back down to my ankles and undoing them. "Get sorted. Half an hour, my office. That coffee's for you by the way". Jim walked out the room and I sat up on the bed, bending was a weird feeling after a night of lying straight.

After I got dressed in my own room, leggings and a t-shirt, I wondered down the staircase with the mug in hand; I only had a small amount of coffee left. One of the maids opened the front door and a man walked in dressed in black, shades on and a long jacket. He looked straight at me on the third step before walking passed the stairs and into Jims office.

I went down the last few steps and got to the same spot as the maid who closed the door, "Who is he?"

"Sebastian ma'am. Sirs business partner." She took my mug and walked to the kitchen.

I entered Jim's office and shut the door behind me. Jim was stood behind his desk, leaning on it and looking at some papers. Sebastian stood up straight in front of the desk, hands behind his back.

I looked him from head to foot: brown hair, shaved to a number one at the bottom, moving to a four at the top. There was a slight tan line round his collar, not completely brown on his neck but enough; overseas minimum of eight months ago but no longer than a year. Standing straight but slightly leaning to the left; left handed as he carried something on his left. A bag? A gun? His coat was off so I looked at his shoulders; a dip on his left shoulder; a sniper. Guess all that time with Sherlock has paid off.

"Ah Alexa, finally. This is Sebastian. Sebastian, Alexa" Jim said, without looking up. Sebastian looked over and nodded to me.

"Hello" I mumbled, walking over to the desk and sitting on the edge, "what's this all about?" I looked at the paperwork that Jim was reading

"The plan" Jim looked up to me and smirked, "and it's a good one."

Jim went over it with the both of us, every detail. "And then, he'll die." Jim smiled triumphantly.

"The plan was fine before she came along" Sebastian shot me a look; he didn't like me.

"But she's here. And I promise you, it'll be Oh so much sweeter" Jim was really enjoying this. And if I was being honest, So was I. "Sherlock cares about her. It'll be perfect."

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