30 - The Day, Part 2

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Pulling up outside the police station, my legs turned to jelly. Lestrade had been everything to me when I moved down to London. He had kept me safe, safe from me. He knew everything and he was still there for me. He had been the father figure I had always wanted growing up; he never wanted me hurt or in danger, just like a father was supposed to be. Mine put me in danger, got me hurt on numerous occasions. It may have been my curiosity a bit too, but dad should have said no; should have left me at home.

I entered the station and made my way to his office. I knocked on the door before going inside.

"Lexi" he smiled and got up from behind his desk to give me a hug, "Look at you! You look wonderful" he motioned for me to sit.

"Thanks. I wanted to look nice today" I smiled as he sat behind his desk, closing a file and throwing it to the side

"What do I owe the pleasure? Don't think you've ever visited me at the station. Plus going quiet there for a while."

"I will be leaving soon and I just wanted to neaten any mess I've made"


"Yes. I'm sorry I went off and didn't speak to you or anyone else. It will all make sense soon enough"

Lestrade leaned his elbows on the table, head in hands. He looked down at his desk and I looked at my dress. My purse was in my lap and the sequins glittered in the light. I smiled at it, remembering when I got it; it was one of the few items I had brought from Baker Street to Jims with me.

"Do you remember this purse?" I looked up to Lestrade and his head shot up, "My lovely sparkly purse,"

"The first thing I bought you" he smiled at my purse. "You had been in London for what, four months? One fight with nan, ice-cream and a shopping trip later, we had a purse." We both smiled at the memory. "You'll let me know you're safe though, right?"

"At some point" I stood up and walked to the door, "Greg, you mean so much to me. I want to thank you for everything and I hope you will keep being the perfect man you are."

He stood up and gave me another hug, "Please, just one message. Every so often, just so I know."

"OK." I smiled and walked out, not looking back at him. I couldn't look at the one man who could have given me a better understanding on love and on boyfriends. But no, my role model for men was a drug lord who taught me how to shot, how to kill. No wonder I was so attracted to Jim.

"What do you mean?" Molly asked as we sat in one of her labs

"I'm going away and I needed to let you know"


"Molly, I always considered you a close friend. We didn't spend much time together but the times we did were always fun" I smiled, remembering a night out during last summer where we drank too much and ended up dancing on a bar somewhere. Greg had to come pick us up.

"But, why are you going?"

"I just need to. Make sure you pop in to John and let him know. I tried to ring him but he didn't answer and he wasn't at Sherlocks" I gave her a hug before walking out the room and to the stairs.

I got out my phone, running through the contacts to Richie's name. I clicked on it and rang the number. It rang four times before he picked up, "Lex?"

"Hi Richie" I smiled at the sound of his voice, "Long time no speak"

"Yeah, how have you been?" his voice had a hint of happy plus sadness

"Not bad. I'm sorry I never called after that -" I started before he interrupted

"No I should have called. I was the one who walked out"

"Honestly it's fine, it was a lot to take in" I sighed as I remembered back to that day.

"I shouldn't have walked out though, I am sorry."

"It's fine, really." I continued on my way up to the roof.

"No it's not Lex. I was a shitty friend and a cock and balls best friend."

"No. I should have told you, which is why I'm calling you now" I took a deep breath in and started on what I've told all the others, "I need to leave for a while. I'm not sure when I'll be back but I probably can't contact you after tonight. I'm sorry Richie" for the first time that day, I felt tears prickle my eyes and run down my cheeks.

"I don't get it, why are you leaving?"

"I can't say, I'm sorry." I gathered myself together and continued, "I'll let you know when I can. I promise. Goodbye" I hung up before he could say anything else. I don't think I could handle his voice again. I opened the fire exit door to the roof; Jim and Sherlock were already there.

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