16 - The Past Comes Back

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Blood dripped down my face, filled my mouth, and covered my legs. The things Joey had done to me. My lip felt fat and sore, my legs were stinging and my head was banging. I could hardly stay awake, but I refused to go. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"So why does Moriarty have a soft spot for you?" He leaned in close to my face, grabbing hair roughly, "You're nothing special." He spat in my face before digging a knife into my arm. I screamed as the blade cut through my skin. Hot blood dripped down my arm and onto my dress.

I looked over to Jordan who had stayed in the room while his dad tortured me. He never made a sound, just watched.

"Your Dad wasn't either. A waste of space. Stupid of him bringing you along, his weakness" Joey put the knife to my other arm and pressed it in, "Is that what you are to Moriarty now? A weakness?" I felt my skin burst and the cold knife inside me as the door swung open.

"That's enough" Moriarty's voice rang in.
Joey removed the knife and backed away. A click of the fingers and I was let out of the restraints.

I fell to the floor in weakness. I noticed a gun near me. I looked over to it but didn't make it obvious. Tears fell from my eyes as I heard Moriarty's steps grow closer. He was involved. How was he involved?

"You may leave" Moriarty said to Joey as I grabbed the gun.

I stood up and pointed it at Joey. He laughed. Jordan looked shocked. Moriarty just stood there.

"How dare you do this. You killed my father. You are nothing to me" I said, never leaving his face

"Lex, you don't have to do this" Jordan said, putting his hands up

"Did he not tell you the truth Jordan? He tried to kill me at 15. Instead he killed my dad. My dad gave his life for mine. Now you can feel what my dad felt; a bullet." I pulled the trigger and it hit Joeys head.

Jordan stumbled back and fell. He was staring at his dad lying on the floor, not moving. Blood poured out from the hole. A perfect shot, right in the middle of his forehead. I never miss.

I looked over to Moriarty who smirked at Joey. I emptied the barrel and threw the gun to Jordan. He just looked at it, "If you can't get used to a dead body, I suggest you actually go into rugby and not drug dealing." I unbuckled my shoe strap, kicked them off and walked out the door. Moriarty wasn't far behind.

"How many people have you killed?" Moriarty asked as we got outside.

"I lost count" I sat on the floor, I couldn't walk any further.

"Are you alright?" Moriarty sat next to me.

"Fine. The guy who killed my dad, tried to kill me, is gone." A car pulled up in front of us and the driver got out. It was Moriarty's car. He helped me up and into the car. "Take me home."

"You're coming back to mine"

"Take me home Moriarty"

"Jim" he hissed at me.

"I'll never call you that again. You were working with him. Did you know when you first threatened Sherlock? Did you know it was me?"

"I was pretty sure. But when you told me your dad's name-"

"Confirmation," I sighed as I looked down at my dress. It was ripped and covered in blood. I was so upset; it was one of my favourite dresses.

"I'm sorry. When I found out they had you I raced here. I would never have let them kill you" he turned to me, turning my head to look at him. He looked sad. "Do you know how that gun got there? At your feet?" He smirked as I tried to read his face again, "I put it there. I needed for you to kill him."


"I needed to see it. Needed proof you were how everyone said you were. You never miss" He leaned in and kissed my lips carefully.

"I don't feel great" I whispered as he pulled away. The car went black. And I was out, again.

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