29 - The Day, Part 1

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Today's the day; the day to kill Sherlock Holmes. I stood in front of my mirror and thought about what I was supposed to wear. What do you wear when you're going to kill someone so close to you?

I walked over to my dresses and fingered through them all; not a cocktail dress, too formal. But not a summer dress, too casual. I picked out a black dress that ended just below my knees and I paired it with some black heels. Black for a funeral. Downstairs, Jim was waiting for me.

"You ready kitten?" he smirked as I got to the bottom of the stairs, "Gorgeous dress" he took me by the waist and dipped me back. I grabbed his jacket at the chest as he did to steady myself, "Look so tasty."

Bending down Jim brought his lips to mine, just slightly touching before I pushed closer to him. He smirked into the kiss; he knew exactly what he was doing. He did that on purpose.
Jim broke away from the kiss and stood me back up, "I'm off to see Mr Holmes."

"Have a nice time" I smiled and he walked out the door, Sebastian hit my shoulder as he brushed passed me and followed Jim out, "Seriously?"

"I don't work for you" Sebastian said icily as he stopped by the door. I walked up behind him and took his gun from the holster.

"No you don't. But you will"

Sebastian turned round to look at me, I moved his gun behind my back, "And what makes you say that?"

"Put up with me as I'm not going anywhere, or do you not want your gun back?" I gently moved it back round, hanging it on my finger in front of him, "I'm not some little girl who needs your protection. I'm not someone who needs you, so that's why you will be working for me. I can do it all myself, but why would I when I can ask others to do it for me?"

Sebastian took the gun and I put my hands on my hips. He leaned in close, whispering "Exactly like Mr Moriarty. You two are exactly the same." He walked out the door and in to the waiting car with Jim. I grabbed my purse and made my way to my own waiting car.

I stood outside 221B Baker Street for the first time in what seemed like years. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Nan opened it and stood shocked, "Alexa!" she grabbed me into a hug, ushering me inside to the kitchen.

I sat at the table while Nan made me a cup of tea. There was a workman on the stairs, fixing something. Well, he wasn't. I noticed the gun in his toolbox; one of Jims hitmen. He kept hammering something, causing me to forget my train of thought.

Nan sat opposite me after placing two cups on the table, "How have you been?" Nan smiled

"Brilliant. I've been busy, and fine" I took a sip of my tea.

"Are you brilliant or fine?" Nan frowned as I did so.

"I came here for a reason Nan" I took a deep breath in and placed the cup down on the table.

"Sherlock and I were intimate for a while" I blurted out quickly, not looking at Nan. I couldn't.

"You....you were....what?" Nan stuttered before she got up and paced the kitchen, "You and Sherlock? How...how long?"

"Two years, give or take"

"Oh my god. How did I not know?"

"We didn't want people to know. It was nothing serious" I took another sip of my tea, "Until Rebecca."

"What...? Sherlock's?" she stopped and looked at me, her hand covering her mouth. I nodded in response. "Why are you telling me this? I didn't need to know!"

"You won't be seeing me for a while. I'm not sure how long for, but we won't be able to talk at all. I wanted it all to be out before I do go." I stood up and smoothed out my dress, "I'm sorry nan. I wanted to tell you earlier but the longer I left it the harder it was."

"Oh don't be sorry" she grabbed me and pulled me in to a breath taking hug, "I understand love. But why do you have to go?"

"I can't explain, but it will make sense soon."
I left the house and got back into the car. One down, four to go.

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