28 - We Need Each Other

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Since Irene Adler has been working for us, we've had a lot of time on our hands; Jim stayed home more and I, well, I just did what I always did; wondered round the house, working out, watching TV and eating.

I was in the pool one day when Jim walked in, bending near the edge to talk to me, "what do I owe they pleasure?"

"Adler's cracked the code. It's done" I swam over to the side he was on and held on, "She's no longer under our protection."

"What will happen to her now?"

"Who knows. There's many people after her" Jim looked down to me and smiled, "You look good wet"

"So do you" I smirked

"Don't you dare splash me" he warned

"OK, I won't" I grabbed his jacket and pulled him in with me. Jim came up to the top of the water as I laughed.

"Oh you're dead" he lunged for me but I swam back

"Catch me" I said playfully.

I tried to get away but he was a stronger swimmer, grabbing me and pulling me close.

My back was to him as he held me up; I was too short for the deeper end to touch the floor but he wasn't. Jim nuzzled in to my neck before giving it light kisses from my collar up to my ear, "I've not done it in here yet" he purred in my ear.

"Well today is your lucky day" I smirked as he helped me turn round to face him.

Our lips lightly touched as he pushed through the water to the side. My back hit the side, the kiss deepened and his tongue caressed mine.

I loved how he felt, how he tasted, how he knew exactly what to do to make me weak; sexually and non-sexually. He was everything I thought I needed, so why was I fighting something happening between us? I mean, we may as well be together. We live together and are only having sex with each other...right

I pulled away from the kiss, "Jim since meeting me have you been with anyone else?"

"Well, I er....I mean it's hard to say what exactly -" he stuttered

"Oh my god you have" I pushed him away gently but not too far, his hands were still on my waist and mine on his chest, "when?"

"Ages ago. Before my feelings for you but just after you moved in"

"Ooooh my god" I couldn't believe it. Here I was thinking I was the only one, but I wasn't good enough..? "So she was here?"

"Yeah, but she went before you even woke up though"

"Oh that makes me feel so much better" I said sarcastically as I moved away from him to the steps to get out.

"Lexi, it was nothing" he started to follow me out.

I got up and grabbed my towel, wrapping it round me after drying my hair a little "I just....Why?"

"Think I was trying to deny the feelings if I'm honest" he looked down to his feet as he removed his jacket "wasn't long after that I realised I did like you."

"Is that meant to make me feel better?"

"I don't get why you're acting like this"

"Because while you've been off on your little adventures, I've been here bored out my brain. Locked up like some sort of prisoner!" I waved my hands in the air as I walked off, Jim followed me out the room

"You can go out, just take-"

"A guard, I know!" I shouted back to him as I reached the living room, falling onto the sofa, "I want my own space sometimes you know."

Jim stood by the sofa, leaning forward carefully against the arm of the sofa. I lay on my back, closing my eyes as I thought about what has been going on since Jim Moriarty came in my life.

"Are you following me?"
"Might be. You're fascinating"
"I'm really not"
"Oh but you are Miss Hudson. Very interesting"
"How do you know my name?" I turned back around and he was now right in front of me.
He pushed me against the door, putting his hands either side of my head against the door. I had nowhere to go. I stared into his eyes as he looked down to my lips.
"Don't. Bite. That. Lip." He whispered as he leant closer to me, "Otherwise I'll be forced to do things." 

"Stop staring Moriarty" I pulled away from him, but his hand stayed on my waist.
"Jim. Call me Jim" he moved his eyes down as he spoke.
"OK. What do you want from me, Jim?" His hand grabbed my waist as I said his name. His eyes darted back to me, full of desire.
"I..I don't know" he stuttered as he pulled me in.

I pressed my lips against his. Jim kissed back.

I opened my eyes to see the gun still pointed at me but Moriarty had entered the room.
"Sir, I need her dead" Joey said looking at Moriarty.
"And I need her ALIVE!" He screamed
"You kill her, and you're all dead."
Moriarty walked towards me, stopping right in front of me and leaning down to my ear, "You'll be sorry you let Sherlock touch you, and lying to me." He kissed my neck and walked away.

"I know you for who you truly are. What you can do. Join me. We'll be unstoppable."
"What would I do?" I asked as his lips brushed mine

"Seeing what I have, living what I have. Did you really think a few anger management classes and moving on down to London would help me? Get rid of my past, who I am!" I shouted at him as I got closer, "Greg, you need to learn" I kept on staring at him as I pulled the trigger.
Lestrade jumped and looked over to Mr Johnson. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw him lying on the ground.

"I need to know so I can keep you safe"
"I'm fine." Jim walked over to me, "I don't know what you're so worried about."
"People have seen us together. They'll take you to get to me"
"Like I matter to you" I whispered as I walked away and up the stairs.
"Is that so wrong?" 

I looked back up to Jim still standing there, waiting for me to talk. I mattered to him? He cares for me? I mean, he's Jim Moriarty. He kills people....I kill people. "We both kill" I mumbled as I stood up and walked over to him
"What's your point?"

"We need each other" I placed my hands on his shoulders and looked in to his eyes

"We do" he breathed out as his hands snaked round my waist. Jim closed the gap between our lips and moved his hand to cup my face, pulling me in to the kiss harder.

I had denied it for so long, it felt so right being there, kissing him, being this close.

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