32 - The Last Day

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I looked at my suitcases on the bed as guards collected them. I had packed my entire wardrobe to take with me. I wasn't sure where I was going, so I needed everything. I had a final look in the bathroom. I'd miss that bathroom. It was so majestic with the huge rainfall shower and a hot tub bath; there were many lovely times in there. My bedroom looked like the day I moved in now all my personal items had gone. The bed was stripped down to the white duvet and cream mattress, ready for washing.

Out in the hall it was eerily quiet, except the car boot closing from outside. One last look round the hall and into Jim's office. I walked over to his desk and found the file on his desk. I picked it up, flipping through the pages. My file.

Everything he needed to know about me was in there. I held onto it tight as I walked out to the car. Sebastian held the door open for me as I got closer, "Told you you'd be working for me" I smirked at him before getting in.

"That you did ma'am" he mumbled before closing it and driving out the gates.

At the airport we drove onto the strip and to a private plane, Sebastian again held the door open for me. "Did he always care?" I asked him, standing up straight.

"Of course ma'am. He wouldn't have let you get that close if he didn't."

I continued my walk to the plane behind guards taking the suitcases on board. I walked up the few steps before turning round, looking over the airport but more talking about the whole place, the whole country, "Goodbye."

I stepped in and sat at the table facing the cockpit. I looked up to the seat opposite me and into the eyes of Jim. "You didn't stick to the plan."

"When have you known me to stick to anything we arrange? I even ignore the safe words at times" He smirked as he took a sip of champagne.

"That wasn't how it was supposed to go at all."

A glass was placed in front of me by a passing air-steward, "Sherlock figured it out between us. It had to change slightly" Jim looked over to me as Sebastian entered the plane, "Thankfully Sebastian stuck to it though. I actually thought you were gonna shoot me."

"I was tempted" I smirked and took a sip of my champagne

"You got way too close" he smiled, "Sebastian, well done for the shot." Sebastian nodded to the two of us.

"Our lovely sniper" I took a sip of my drink, "What about Sherlock?"

"He's alive" I shot my head up to look at him, how did he know? "You missed again. He fell just before the shot, missing him completely."

"How did you know I missed?"

"You wouldn't hit Sherlock. I know you wouldn't. I am glad you didn't hit me though."

"So that was the test? See who I cared about most? What now then?"

"Now, you have two choices again. Stay here with me, or get off the plane and go find him. Make your choice" Jim finished his drink.

I looked over to Sebastian and back at Jim. This man, this crazy psychopathic man who got his kicks seeing others die, others bleed. This messed up man who loved seeing me in pain that he would hurt me anyway he could and make me bleed. This man who would let me hurt him; let me make him bleed. I needed him just as much as he needed me. We were two psychopaths together.

"Just don't tell me you love me" I smirked as I leaned back in my chair.

"Never" James smirked back and nodded to Sebastian who closed the plane door.

"Where're we off to then?"

"How about Venice?"

I smiled at him as the plane took off and we were in the air. I may not be perfect, but neither is Jim Moriarty. We're both emotionally unstable and in need of help. What better help is out there than from each other? Maybe we don't have to kill again, but something tells me we will. Just like we will be back in London soon.

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