14 - The Truth

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I woke up again at 10am and got myself sorted before leaving the house. Jordan's Mum had left a note on the fridge that she would be back around 12 and the door can be left unlocked. Can see what type of neighbourhood they lived in. Leave our door unlocked and everything would be gone, even the kitchen sink.

I left the house at around 1130 and made my way to the bus. On there, I felt like someone was watching me. Has to be Jim. Has to be. I looked round but no one was actually looking at me. They all had their noses in books, kindles, papers or phones. Paranoia again.

I got off around the shops to grab a drink before walking the rest of the way to Baker Street.

I closed in to our street and, again, felt like someone was watching. I spun round, a 360, yet no one was about. I frowned and walked a little quicker. This feeling had started to get annoying now. I was sick of being paranoid and always looking over my shoulder.

I climbed the steps before hearing someone shout my name, it was Lestrade.

"Afternoon" I smiled as he left the car and joined me on the steps.

"You OK? Sherlock said you were angry last night" I unlocked the door with a huff and walked in, throwing my bag down by the wall.

"Anything else he shared with you?" I walked into the kitchen and boiled the kettle.

Lestrade leaned on the door frame and looked down to the floor, "You told him about your dad."

"Greg. I can't do this. He decides he knows me yet asks me nothing"

"He knows enough to like you"

"Sherlock doesn't like me. He tolerates me" I walked passed him, grabbing my bag from the hall and throwing it into my room.

"From what I've heard, it's been more than tolerating" He smirked

"That's the past. He can deal with his problems himself. I've had to" I moved back into the kitchen, grabbing some mugs.

"Have you called Richie?"

I stopped in my tracks. "No"


"I can't"


"Because I can't!" I shouted, slamming the mug down on the kitchen side. I started breathing really heavy and realised I couldn't look at him anymore. "I have to get ready" I mumbled as I walked over and into my room. Hearing footsteps go up the stairs I knew he had left. I collapsed against the wall, falling down and bringing my knees to my chest.

I couldn't talk to Richie. It was horrible when I last saw him...


"Nan!" I grabbed her hand and placed it on my stomach, "Feel it?" The baby kicked again and Nan shouted in joy.

"Oh how lovely! Oh I'm so excited! A great grandmother. What do I want to be called? Great granny? Gran-gran?"

"Gran-gran sounds good" I smiled as Sherlock entered the kitchen.

"Can I talk to you Lex?"

"I'll leave you two" Nan got up, kissed my head and walked out the kitchen. Her footsteps could be heard going upstairs to Sherlock and Johns place. John must have been up there.

Sherlock sat in Nan's seat and stared at me.

"Spit it out" I joked, smiling

"Think we need to tell her" he finally said

"What!? Nan would kill you" I lowered my voice in case she could hear

"But I need to spend time with my child. And if I spend too much time with it, it will be weird."

"No. You'd just be Uncle Sherlock"

"But I'm the baby's Dad!" He whisper-shouted at me

"You can't be Dad. You just can't" I got up and walked out the door.

A sharp pain hit my side and I fell to my knees
"Alexa!" Sherlock shouted and ran over to me, "Mrs Hudson! John!" He shouted up the stairs and they came running.

"What's wrong Lexi?" John knelt next to me, trying to get me up

"I can't. Pain in my left side. Oh god it hurts!" I started to cry because of the pain. I doubled over again, unable to get straight.

"Ok, if your comfortable there stay there. Sherlock ring the ambulance. Sher-Sherlock!?" Johns head whipped round. I opened my eyes to see Sherlock backing away towards the kitchen, "Sherlock! She needs your help!" John shouted.

I didn't see anything else as the pain returned and I blacked out.

I woke up lying on my side in a hospital bed. Sherlock was sat on the chair, asleep. How long have I been asleep? I looked round the room and noticed the window blind was down. It must've been night time at least.

"Sherlock?" I whispered and he stirred. His eyes blinked open and jumped up, taking hold of my hand.

"Alexa" he said softly and stroked my face.
I looked into his eyes, they were red. He looked flushed and upset. "What's wrong?"

"It's the baby" his eyes filled with tears, "We've lost it" he choked as a tear fell.

"What? No? How?" My eyes started to fill up with tears, I blinked them loose and they fell heavy down my cheeks.

"The doctor said some of your injuries were deep. Deeper than whoever stitched you up knew. So inside it...it all did something and put pressure on the baby" Sherlock leaned forward and I grabbed him round the neck. We just held each other while we cried into each other. I could still see the bump, and feel the heaviness if it still there.

The doctor came in shortly after I calmed down. He said I needed to birth the baby naturally. I had to actually go into labour and push my baby out. My dead baby. How can a woman do this!?

I was told my midwife would be in shortly with a trainee. I said that was fine. I was too numb to argue. I didn't want anyone there. I really wanted to go through this by myself. Obviously I knew I couldn't, but that's all I wanted to do.

Sherlock walked out the room to get us both a drink. I was alone with my thoughts for a few moments before the door opened again.

"Hello dear" a woman's voice came, "I'm Laura. I'm your midwife today, don't worry I will stay with you the whole way" she smiled as the door opened again, "Ah, here is Richie our trainee midwife. Is it OK he's here too?"

"Richie!?" I looked at my best friend

"Alexa!" He shouted, running over to me, "What the hell!?"

I burst back into tears and grabbed him, "Oh my god! I'm so glad you're here"

"Didn't even know you were pregnant" he pulled away and looked at me, "Who?"

And like on cue, Sherlock walked in. "I got you blueberry -" he looked up at me and Richie while Laura was putting an IV drip in my arm.

"This guy!?" Richie turned back to me and pointed to Sherlock.

"There's so much to explain" I smiled as I felt a tight pain in my stomach.

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