19 - Changing Rooms

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The next day I wondered downstairs to the kitchen. Jim was already there, eating breakfast. At the hob a woman stood, making eggs and bacon. I looked her up and down, she was tall and pretty; a slim frame and short blonde hair. Who is she? Does Jim 'own' her too?

"Alexa, please sit" Jim's voice came from the breakfast table. I carried on staring at the girl as I walked over, "She just cooks for me" he said as I slipped in a chair next to him.

"I didn't ask"

"You were thinking it though" I looked over to him and he was looking back, "I could tell by those daggers you were throwing." He smirked as the girl put a plate in front of me; pancakes and bacon, but no egg. She slipped another egg on his plate before leaving the room.

"No egg for me?" I asked

"You're allergic"

"How did you know?"

"I can find out everything I need to know about you" he smirked at my shocked face before going back to his food.

I started picking at mine, thinking about last night. Was he going to say anything? Is he waiting for me to bring it up? I hadn't eaten anything when Jim finished.

"You need to eat before we go out" he stood up and went to walk out the room

"Are we going to talk about it?" I blurted out as he reached the door.

He stopped and slowly turned around. "Nothing to talk about" he licked his lips before continuing, "Just know I will get you back." He turned on his heel and walked back out the room.

We walked into a store on one of the most expensive strips of London, I had only walked passed and never up this road. I always felt like I couldn't even afford to walk down it.

As we entered, we were greeted by a smiling sales associate who passed us both a glass of champagne. I was right; I wasn't rich enough for this road. I guess that was about to change.

"Sir, would you like to see the new collection?" a brown haired girl asked Jim. I starred her down. This was the second girl I felt jealous about, I felt threatened by.

"Yes. Some from the private collection too" Jim wrapped his arm around my waist, obviously noticing what I was doing.

"Very good" she smiled and walked away.

Jim turned and wrapped his other arm around my waist, pulling me close, "Do you always get this jealous?"

"Don't know what you're on about" I mumbled, not looking him in the face. He grabbed my face, making me look up to him.

"Oh you do. And I love it" Jim leaned down and kissed me as the girl came back into the room.

"The dresses are just in the other room. Would you like to follow me?" she smiled at me and I moved away from Jim, but he followed too.

"Think she was just talking to me" I put my hand up to stop him from walking any further

"I want to see though"

"You will, when I wear them" I smirked and continued on my way.

I had tried on so many dresses all I wanted to do was go home and change into shorts. I was changing back into my clothes when the curtain opened, grabbing my top I tried to cover myself as I turned round to see who it was.

Jim stood there and smirked at me, desire in his eyes, "Oh I've seen it all before kitten"

"I'm getting changed" I put simply, pulling my top on.

"Oh no" he pushed me up against the mirror, pinning me there. "I told you I'd get you back."

He kissed me hard and passionately, his hands caressed my body before pulling my pants down. Jim gently stroked the inside of my thigh as his lips wondered down my body, moving my top out of the way to get to my skin. His lips were gentle and light as they worked all over my body. It was such a contrast to when they were on lips; hungry and needing more.

He reached between my legs where his tongue circled, making me go crazy. I grabbed his hair as he lifted one of my legs over his shoulder, getting in closer. I moaned as a finger slipped in, "Jim..."

"Shhh" he said against me, "They'll come looking" he looked up to me as I looked down to him; it was so sexy seeing him there.

I tried to stop myself from moaning, but it was so difficult. I bit my lip and grabbed his hair harder. I had to do anything to stop myself from making noise; I couldn't find anything else to grab hold of.

"Jim...I can't..." I panted before he broke away and stood back up straight,

"What do you do to me?" he whispered before kissing me again. I tasted myself on him, I thought it would be weird but it wasn't. It was sexy.

"Miss Hudson, I just found something else for you" I heard a voice outside my cubicle

I broke away from the kiss, "Just a moment" I shouted over to her before Jim grabbed my face and leaned his forehead against mine.

"Just you wait for tonight" he kissed me on the cheek and moved away. I picked up my pants and popped my head out the curtain.

"Yes?" I smiled, trying to cover my body with the curtain

"Here. This one would be lovely for tonight and it's all in your measurements" she smiled and handed me a dress

"I'll take it along with the others. I'll just get dressed." she nodded and walked out. I turned back to Jim who was staring at me, biting his lip. "Don't bite that lip" I winked before pulling my clothes on.

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