11 - The Car Ride

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Jordan was about to leave my side for the bus when Jim's car pulled up in front of me. The driver got out, walked round and opened the door for me.

"Fancy" Jordan nodded to the car.

"I'll see you later" I gave him a hug before joining Jim in the back.

The door shut and we drove off. He didn't look at me, just continued to stare out the window. "So what's the pla-"

"Who was he?" James butted in

"Jordan? He's in my lectures"

"I don't like sharing" James turned to look at me, "It's hard enough watching you and Sherlock."

"We haven't spoke for a while."

"And Lestrade? How does he come in to all this?"

"He's just looking out for me" I looked down and twiddled my fingers in my lap, unable to look at him. He had been watching. Somehow.

"I don't like it". He turned his face back to look out the window.

Now or never.

"So that fire. Busy weren't you?" I put it bluntly, no need to beat around the bush.

"That wasn't me. I was in a meeting with Mr Holmes"

The mention of his name made my whip my head to him, "Sherlock?"

"No, the other one". He still didn't look at me. "So there's no way I could have started that fire. I just chose the wrong place for a think".

"I don't believe you"

"Call him. He'll tell you exactly what I just said" he handed me his mobile. I took it but placed it between us in the seat

"I'm not phoning him"

"So you believe me?"

"You had something to do with it. I know you did".


"We had a lecture on it. A sketch was shown and it was you"

"Mycroft will sort that out" he continued to look out the window, "What do you study, law?"

"Journalism, I want to be an investigative reporter"


"That was the lecture. We had to look into the files of the fire and see how we could find out who you were. Looking through CCTV and stuff"

"Interesting" he repeated. "Did you say it was me?"

"No. People would ask how I knew. And trust me I didn't want to explain that."

"Next week?"

"Next week's lesson I may miss" I leaned on my elbow on the car window, resting my head against my hand.

"Why? Going somewhere?"

"It's about Curtis Childs. He worked for my dad until he died and Curtis took over. He promised to leave me and Mum alone if we leave them alone. So this is me, leaving him alone."

Curtis wasn't someone you wanted in your life. He wasn't the best when Dad was around, he'd look at me like I shouldn't be there. He was the one who shot me. He thought a girls place was the kitchen, that's where his wife pretty much lived. Whenever Dad and I went round, she would be baking some sort of pie. I never heard her speak. Well, as the old saying goes "women should be seen, not heard"...or was that children? I'm not even sure if Curtis has kids. Never heard about them or saw them. Then again, it was no world for a child. Dad was stuck with me there unfortunately for him.

"You're probably going to look into him when you are out there in the big bad world." James picked up his phone and started typing on it.

I didn't even want to think about that part yet, what would I tell my boss if he asked me?
"Sorry boss, I can't go investigate him as my dad use to be his boss in the drug world until he died and Curtis asked me to stay away. Oh, and he shot me"...That would go down a storm,

James looked at me but didn't turn his head the whole way. I looked up and caught him staring. I bit my lip nervously before looking out of my own window. His hand rested on my knee. I looked down at it and followed his arm up until I reached his face. He looked angry.

"Don't bite your lip" he took his other hand and pulled my lip free. His thumb lingered there, stroking my bottom lip for a few seconds before he leaned in and kissed just my bottom lip. It sent shockwaves through my body. The things this guy could do without even trying, did he know? Could he tell how he made me feel? Surely he could...he was pretty much 'Evil Sherlock'. If Sherlock was the good guy that is... Some days I was unsure.

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