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Alex's Pov

I wake up to the sound of loud giggling and laughing. I opened my eyes. And I see Cristina. Oh shit I forgot to pick her up. After everything happened, it slipped my mind.

"Cristina what are you doing here. Oh crap I was supposed to pick you up" I sighed.

"It's okay, evil spawn. I called your phone. It went straight to voicemail. And then I saw the news and I rushed down here" she explained to me.

"Guys I'm hungry, can you get me something to eat"? Mer asked.

"Yes what would you like"? I asked.

"Maybe just a cheese pizza with sausage" Mer replied.

"I will come with you Alex" Cris states. I was confused but I went along with it.

"Okay" I said nervously.

We leave the room. We were half way down the hall. And Cris asks me.

"Alex, is there something you haven't told me"? She questioned.

I look at her confused.

"What are you talking about"? I asked in confusion.

" what I mean is, do you like Meredith more than a friend should"? She asked again.

I gave her a look.

"No I don't. I love Meredith of course, but not like that" I stated.

"Really, cause cuddling is a couple thing" She assured.

"Come on, Cristina can you drop this already"? I snapped.

"Sorry, evil spawn" She remarked. She dropped the question as we had to the kitchen.

I just ordered Mer's pizzia. After I get Mer her food. We head back to her room. We get there Mer's in tears. I rushed to her side. Cris stand next to me with the same look on her face.

"Mer what's wrong"? I asked worriedly.

Mer hands me a note. It said this

"Hello, I guess you enjoyed my present. Don't worry more is to come". Signed person you fear. I threw the letter in the trash. Cristina grabs the letter and unfolded. She put in her purse.

"Oh my god"! Someone has been stalking you" She said horrified.

"When I find out who this, I'm going to kill them"! I grumbled. There was so much anger in me. I felt like I was going to explode.

"We will find this person. And put that bastard in jail for doing this, okay" She expressed with a frown.

Mer just nods. Cristina leaned into Mer and I did the same. We hugged for a while. We didn't care who saw. I will protect Mer, even I have to kill. I don't fuck around with threats. As we hug tears stream down our faces. Neither of us bothers to wipe them away. I pulled out of the hug and wiped my eyes angrily. Then I stormed out of the room. I was so angry. Like what kind of sicko would torture someone like this. It was infuriating. Reading those sickening words. The way it said there's more to come.

Two weeks later

Mer was finally released from the hospital. Every time someone who enter the room. She would flich and hide. I knew something was going on. Mer has been off. She isn't her normal sarcastic self. Her bitter irony wasn't the same. It was like the Meredith I knew and loved disappeared. And was taken over by a ghost. Cris had to go back to Zurich. She said she will be back as soon as she can.

Eventually complete shut me out. She stopped talking me. There was a pain in my heart when she stopped talking to me. I couldn't explain the feeling I was having. It felt like a part of me disappeared. I decided to give Mer some space. I stopped checking on her. Even my mood started to change. I was blunt like I use to be. My attitude was hard to control. People started to get frustrated with me. Me and Jo started make up. But it was still tense everytime I mention Mer. She gets all snappy and goes off. After that we don't talk for awhile. Then we make up. It's like a cycle or something.

Jo's pov

It's been two weeks since our fight. Alex was around more. I guess Meredith is shutting people out. Honestly I'm worried about her. Alex has been moody and hard to be around. When I see Meredith at the hospital she looks like a ghost. She just does her work and rarely smiles. It's very concerning. I'm use to Meredith trying to steal Alex away. It's kind of werid having Alex home. Not that I'm complaining. I bumped into Meredith as I scrubbed out. "Woah sorry" I said.

"Not it was my fault" she said lifelessly. She turns the corner. As she turns I could see that she was crying.

"Meredith are you okay"? I asked concerned.

"Not really" She muttered.

"Do you want to talk about it"? I asked.

"Not here" She said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me into the nearest on-call room.

We get into the on-call room. When she pulls out s note and hands it to me. I begin to read it. It said.

"Hello, I guess you enjoyed my present. Don't worry more is to come". Signed person you fear. I flipped it over and it said. "It wasn't accident you dumb bitch. And you got away, you will pay for the trouble you caused. This side is just for you. If you say anything about the back of this. I will slit your throat open and watch you die a horribly painful slow death. So if you don't want me to do that keep your mouth shut you stupid slut" signed your special lover. Oh my god. As I read it I felt sick to my stomach. It reminded me of my husband. Tears fell from my eyes. I looked over to Meredith. She looked so fragile.

"Oh my god! Does anybody know about this"? I asked shocked.

"Alex and Cristina only know about the front" Meredith said miserably.

"Meredith you can't hide this stuff from people who love you. It's not healthy" I explained sympathically.

"That's not only thing that happened" she stated.

"Meredith" I exasperated.

She breathes in and exhaled before speaking again.

"That night, I was trying to sleep. When I heard someone in my room. I was terrified and your the first person I have told. That's why I have been so distant. I'm scared for my life. And since I told someone. I'm probably going to die tonight" she explained with a look of dispair.

I knew what it was to being terrified every day.

"Meredith I know Alex told you I was married. But there's a reason I left. He use to hit me and I finally had enough. I changed my name and left. I live in fear that he will find me, everyday" I finally told someone. It felt good to let it all out. We hear a pager beep. She looks down at her pager.

"Sorry I got to go, thank you very much for making me feel better" she thanked me with a smile and closed the door behind her.

A part of me was so worrying about her. This person was watching her every move. I feeling kept gnawing at me. I raced out of the on-call room as fast I can. I asked someone where she went. They told me. I head that way. When I got there she was already gone. But was werid was that I noticed something odd. I wasn't sure what is was. I picked it up. It was a post it. I opened the folded post it. It said nothing. I put it in my pocket and head back inside. But some part of me couldn't shake the feeling. It was a stomach wrenching feeling. But before I could react, I got paged. Ugh really it's probably an intern needing help starting a Central line.

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