Life Changes in Seconds

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Maggie's pov

Mer was taking forever to get her ass put of bed. The kids were already up. I get Ellis ready and give her baby food. Baliey asks for waffles.

"Auntie Maggie, can we please have waffles"? Baliey asked with a cheesy smile.

"Yeah we can" I reply.

"Yay"! He squeals.

I just laughed to myself. I grab my phone. I look up recipes. After my first batch I gave up. Then an idea came into my head. I dialed the number. It began to ring.

"Hello"? Alex answered.

"Hey, Alex do you mind if I use your waffle recipe. I tried to look one up. But my first batch failed and Baliey really wants waffles" I complained.

"Yeah I will send the recipe, Maggie I got go see you at work" Alex stated before he hung up.

I started to make them again. After they were done. I noticed that Mer was still not up. She is so irritating sometimes. I run up the stairs. I walk over to Mer's door. I knock on the door. She doesn't answer.

"Mer, time to get up", I said as I was knocking on her door.

"No, Maggie I can't go to work today I just know something is going to happen", She begged.

"Mer, come on your going be late, get up now",! I argued in frustration.

"Fine"! She snapped.

I watch her head to the bathroom. I head down stairs to feed the kids. After a little while Mer finally goes downstairs.

"Those waffles look great", She chipped.

"Thanks, I used Alex's recipe. I asked him if he minded and he said no", I state as I wash the leftover dishes.

"Oh tell him thank you" , She replied quckily as She realized we only had little over half hour until work started.

"Mer we should get going", I implied.

Mer grabs the kids and we get into the car.

As she was driving. I felt a jolt. I didn't know

what was happening. The car shifted brusquely. They were tiny little cries from the back seat. I was scared for my life.

"Mommy, what's going on"?, Zola asked scared.

"I don't know sweetheart, I will make sure we are okay", Mer tells her with a calming tone.

The steering wheel locked. We were going 45 mph. I saw tried to turn the steering wheel but it wouldn't budge. The car kept going. This time Mer tried the break. She slammed her foot on the break. Nothing happened. I start to panic. I saw we were heading into the car in front. Mer tried the steering wheel one last time. This time She was able to swerve out of the way. I braced myself for impacted.

"Mer, watch out,! I screamed.

"Mommy slow down"! Zola Screeched as we turn upside down.

The car tumbled over. My head slammed hard. I could feel a terrible pain in my ankle. I knew it was either broken or spranged. I was hanging upside down. The car was now on its roof instead of the wheels on the road. I started feeling really light headed. My stomach ached. My vision was getting less clear every minute. The last thing I saw was Mer checking me for a pulse as tears fall.

"Maggie, please wake up, the car is going to blow up soon", I heard Mer beg me to wake up.

"Mer", I grasped on to her.

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