Abandonment Issues

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Mer's pov

I woke up with a blinding light burning into my corneas. My arms ached, my head was throbbing. I opened my eyes and saw Alex curled up restlessly on the chair next to my bed. Baliey was thoroughly looking at my charts. I saw Alex looking at me. He moved closer to me and pulled off my mask. He smiled at me as tears welled behind his eyes. I shifted slightly as tears flowed down my pale cheeks. I was still panicking. I could tell he starting to worry. I begin to open my mouth slowly.

"A-l-e-x" I mumbled softly as He caress my cheeks with both his hands.

"It's okay I'm here. Shhh it's okay" He calmly put his finger to my lips.

I begin to relax in his arms. I could feel her pulse stop racing. "Alex I'm sorry I scared you. I didn't mean to. It was that it was just too much to take in at one time. I was scared and I caused myself to go into shock" I apologized as more tears poke through my tired eyes.

"It's okay, I'm not mad. I was terrified I was going to lose you, but not mad at all. Don't ever think I was mad at you, Okay" He reassures me as He kissed me softly on the lips. I kissed back softly and pulled back. I let out a breath before speaking again. "Okay" I smiled as a smirk crossed my face. Alex leaves the room. I slowly shifted in the uncomfortable hospital bed. I have always hated sleeping in theses bed. When I was in my intern year, we had not used theses for sleep. I guess you could of called me whore back then. Derek was my boss, who I met at a bar. Alex was just this jerk, who called me a nurse. Now Derek's gone and has been for 4 years. Alex is my person, and second soulmate. I don't know what I would do without him. He has always been my rock since day one.

Cris kept checking up on me. I kept asking Maggie and Cris where Alex was. But they wouldn't tell. Which I find a bit strange. Alex wouldn't not visit me. "Cris I'm serous where's Alex"? I asked in frustration. She turns away from me. I automatically knew something was wrong. I had this gut wrenching feeling. Once Cris opens her mouth. It will be out there. I would know. Cris slowly walks over to my bed. She grabs the chair and pushes it closer to me. She sits down and draws in a deep breath. I could hear my heart pounding. Did I really want to know? Is he okay? He has to Okay. She slowly breaths out. I could see her lips trembling.

"Cris what is it?" I stated as panicked look crossed her face. "Mer, Alex had heart attack"Cris states. I feel the air starting to be stucked from my lungs. Cris notices me. "Mer he's okay. He's talking" Cris reassures me as I let out a cry. He's okay. I need to stop getting so worked up. I love him more than anything. "Take me to see him" I begged her. She gives me a sorrowful look. "Okay, I will ask" she replied as she left the room to ask someone. Maggie was by the front door. She had a small smile crossing her brown cheeks.

"Mer, I'm so happy your okay" Maggie says as she hugs me. I hugged back. "I'm happy, I'm okay too. I was just really shocked and scared. I didn't mean to scare you guys or causing Alex to have a heart attack" I chocked out a sob. Maggie pulls me closer and kisses my temple. "Mer, it's okay. We are not blaming you. Alex's heart was working double time. It could of happened at anytime. It's not you're fault at all. It's actually good we caught when we did. Mer, you need to take it easy. Nothing that can hurt you. It's best you not have sex"Maggie explains to me. The last words about sex. Especially coming from my sister. It caused me to blush. "Maggie this is werid coming from you" I laughed. Her face turned bright red too. "Mer"! She exclaimed as she grabbed her face in embarassment. "I'm sorry mags" I chucked. "You can see Alex, Okay Mer" Cris states as she comes up to my bed with a wheelchair.

I slowly get out of the bed and hopped on my foot to the wheelchair. The laughs and giggles came from Amelia, Cris and Maggie as I got into the wheelchair. I turned my head in their direction and roll my eyes back. They stop laughing and decided to push my wheelchair instead. I slapped their hands away. I shot them glares. I put my hands on the wheels and pushed my way to Alex's room. My arms were getting tired. Maggie and Cris watched me in amusement waiting for an apology. I sighed and decided to give them apologetic look their ways. They all nodded in unison as they helped me to Alex's hospital room. I finally reach Alex's room. His eyes are closed. I felt the tears well up behind my eyes but I don't let them fall. I move my wheelchair closer to Alex. Alex starts to stir in his sleep. He's eyes fly open. He looks at me and a huge grin crossed his face. He sits ups in his bed. "Alex why did you have to have a heart attack. You scared me. I don't know what I would do without you" my voice cracks. His eyes widen with concern. "Mer, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I guess my heart just couldn't handle the stress" he answers back as he wiped the now falling tears from under my eyes. "Alex l love you so much. You can't be keep doing this" I sighed as I reached my eyes and wiped the left over tears from falling.

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