Deal Breaker

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Mer's pov

After we get to the car. Jo's laugher had died down. Cris was focused on the road. While I was trying to figure out how I was going to tell Alex. I could buy a onesie that says your going to be daddy. No, that's too cliche. Ugh, what am I going to do? It's not just that I can blurt it out. I have to tell him some how. But how am I going to tell him. I know Alex is the most supportive person I know. Through out my career, He was always being my rock. He would be my cheerleader when I didn't think I was good enough. When I got nominated for the Harper Avery Award, he was more elastic then I was. And when I actually won. I was amazed on got it and he wasn't jealous. Derek would of been jealous, but also supportive. There's times I miss him more than anything. He was my first one. You can't just forget about someone, who meant so much to you. It's just not that easy. And I will never forget him ever. He will always be there in my heart.

As we were driving, I felt the car swift. Of course my mind starts to think the worst possibilities. Cris grabs the steering wheel quickly and gets back on the road. She pulls up to the edge of the road. I think she saw how petrified I was, when we started swerving. The flashbacks of my car accident shot back at me. The screams, maggie, zozo on the ground, watching her die. It was all too much. Cris turns to me and Jo.

"Mer, Are you alright"? Cristina asks as she looks over at me. It takes me a couple moments to process if I was okay. I didn't realize I was holding my breath. I let out a puff of air. "Yes, I'm okay. It just made me think of my accident" I clairfy as I put my palm of my hand rest it on my chest. My heart was still pounding rapidly against my chest. Jo looks over at me and I could see that she saw how scared I was. She raised her hand and placed it on my hand. I grab her hand tightly. "Mer, it's okay to be scared, you went through something pretty traumatic. Even for a normal person, who hasn't been through all the tragedies you have been through" Jo states as she holds my hand and with her other hand, she brushes her fingers through my hair gingerly.

Cris puts the car back and drive. She refocuses on the road. The roads are covered with snow. The snow kept falling from the grey sky. Jo lets go of my hand and stops brushing through my hair. I was feeling really tired. After finding out, I'm pregnant. That's a lot to deal with. Is this going to be a deal breaker? I doubt that Alex would dump me. If he did then that's the old Alex and I didn't like that Alex one bit. We have worked so hard to change that Alex.

Cris finally pulls into the parking lot. I get out of the car feeling kind of nauseous. It was a bumpy ride. Every bump she hit, made me feel sick. The nausea took over and hurled right there in the parking lot. Jo gets out next and hands me a cup of water. After I was done, I took a gulp of water. The water caused me to gag and throw up once again. Jo gives me a sympathic smile. Cris rubs my back to help me from chocking again. "Mer, do you want me to do the ultrasound"? Cris asked with a small hint of hope I would say yes. I never see her so happy about me having a baby. Maybe it's because it's Alex's. "Really, you would do that for me"? I asked with a surprised look on my face. "Of course, Mer I would" she laughs and it causes me to spit out the water I was drinking on the ground. I start to laugh as we walk into Grey Sloan. Jo trails behind us as me and Cris hold hands as we are laughing.

A huge boom of a voice shouted at us."Guys, you're in a hospital, Now act like it"! Baliey scolded as she pointed at us angrily. Our faces turned into shock and we turned around. Then Baliey realizes it was us.

"Meredith, what are you doing here"? Baliey questioned, as she moved her hands. I felt my stomach churn. My face starts to turn pale.

"Are you okay, Grey"? Baliey asked again with concern shown on her complex face.

Before I could answer, I raced to the nearest trash can and puked my guts out again. Jo and Cristina speed walked to me. My stomach finally settled, but I started to feel light headed. Jo notices me swaying back and forth. "Mer, Meredith. Mer, are you okay? Mer answer me"! Jo cried panicked. I felt myself starting to fall but, before I could tell them. My knees buckled and I was sent flying back. My head hit the hard cold floor. My vision became blurry. "Mer"! Cris yelled with tears running down her cheeks. My eyes got very heavy and the last thing I heard was Jo yelling. " Crash cart"! Jo yelled trying to remain calm.

Jo's pov

It was three in the afternoon. I just got home from a long shift. My patient was having multiple organ faliure, but sadly he didn't survive the surgery. The surgery was too much for his heart. My phone binged. I opened my phone and saw a text from Mer. Me and her have gotten closer over this year. After I watched her get shot right in front of me, three times. It was a lot and I was terrified of Paul finding me. So I hid in the scrub room with Alex. He was so distraught, heartbroken. I felt so devastated for him. It wasn't fair how they have to ruin everything, because they are stronger and more powerful.

I knocked on the bathroom door. I listened to Mer's cries. It was heartbreaking. Cris opens the door and I walk in. I had a smile on her face until I saw Mer's face. My face turned into instant concern. My eyes traveled to the test on the sink. Oh no. I started to feel so sorry. I know Alex wants kids and has wanted them since Izzie and him got married. But it was destroyed because Izzie left. And once again, she almost ruined his life again.

"Mer, it's going be okay. He won't be mad. He won't treat you the way Paul did. Alex wants kids and a family. The white picket fences, parks for his children to play at. He will be a great father" I explained softly as I wipes her tears away.

"Thanks guys for helping me feel better. I'm just terrified. The last I had tell someone I was pregnant, he didn't take it well. As I came closer to her began to flinch. My face turns into worry. "Mer I'm not going to hurt you" I stated calmly as I wrap my arms around her. "Mer, Alex it's not going to react the way Paul did" Cris whispers. I could tell when she heard his name it sent shivers down her back. Cris and I saw how panicked She was and we hugged her. Our tears slid down our cheeks.

"Cris, could you give me a ride to see Alex"? She asked hoping she had no way on saying no. Cris smirks up at mer. "Of course, Mer" She states as she pulls out her keys from her pocket. I give her a slightly smile. I knew she could tell I was hiding something. "Jo what is it"? She questioned with a hint of worry. I look up from my feet and up at her. My smile starts to disappear. I clear my throat softly. But still trying to sound strong.

"Mer, can I speak to you for a minute"? I asked as I tried hiding. "Has Paul tried to contact you"? I asked as my lips curled in fear. Hearing his name made her flinch. Her lips were trembling. "N-no he hasn't" She stammered. My voice was almost so soft you couldn't hear my mumbles about the terrifying threats. Cris's eyes widened in terror. "Mer I'm scared. His letters haven't stopped. They say when he gets out he will get back at me and kill me" I chock out as I started to hyperventilate. Mer and Cris wrap their arms around me as I let out heartbreaking cries. Mer let go of me and wiped my tears away from my bloodshot eyes. "It's going to be okay, Jo. He won't get you and I will make damn sure of it" She reassured me. I started to let out giggles. Pretty soon we were all laughing our way to the car.

When we get to the hospital. Mer gets out of the car first. I was still worried about her. I know it's tough to tell someone your pregnant. When I told Paul the first time. He swung at me. I ran down the hall and hid for hours. Then the next day, I was forced to have an abortion. I still live with the guilt, regret to this day. That was 5 years ago. After I was forced to give up my baby and after the last beating, I ran away.

I get out the car next and hand her a cup of water. After She was done, She took a gulp of water. I guess the water caused Mer to gag and throw up once again. I give her a sympathic smile. Cris rubs mer's back to help her from chocking again. "Mer, do you want me to do the ultrasound"? Cris asked with a small hint of hope She would say yes. I saw a huge look of surprise on Mer's face show. "Really, you would do that for me"? Mer asked with a surprised look on her face. "Of course, Mer I would" she laughs and it causes Mer to spit out the water She was drinking on the ground. She starts to laugh as we walk into Grey Sloan. I trail behind them as Mer and Cris hold hands as they were laughing.

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