A Spark Of Hope

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~ sorry this chapter is so late. I got a little writers block~

Alex's pov

Three hours later...

After Zona visited me to see if I was okay. I was laying on the chair next to her. She still not awake yet. Deep inside fear is gnawing in my core. I know something is not right. She should be awake by now. I start to feel more panicked. I call the one person who could keep me from breaking down. "Alex, I'm in the waiting area. Are you okay"? Cris asked from the other side of the line. I could tell the worry was eating her up too. "Not really, I'm worrying about Mer. She hasn't woken up yet" I stated as I stared at Mer's face. Cris is quiet after hearing my sad tone in my voice. I wasn't going to cry. Mer was going to make it and there's no other way. She not going to die on me. I need her more than I need air to breathe. I know it seems like an Exaggeration, she means the world to me.

"Alex, do you want me to come upstairs."? Cris asked trying not to pry. I took a shaky breath. "Could you?" I asked trying not fall apart. I could hear movements from the other side of the line. "Yes I'm on my way." Cris answers before hanging up. I decided to leave the room, otherwise I would just break down. Cris comes up to me and pulled me into hug. I embrace the hug even though I wasn't in a hugging mood.

Cris's Pov

I was sitting in the waiting room, trying to hold myself together. I honestly didn't know if Mer was going to pull through this time. After all the chaos over the years. I have been slowly giving up my hope. Maybe there will be a spark of hope. You never know. My phone rang in the silent room. The only you could hear was the blaring ringtone being played on my phone. "Alex, I'm in the waiting area. Are you okay"? I asked from the other side of the line. "Not really, I'm worrying about Mer. She hasn't woken up yet" Alex stated. "Alex, do you want me to come upstairs."? I asked trying not to pry. I could a shaky breath being taken. "Could you?" He asked trying not fall apart. "Yes I'm on my way." I answered before hanging up.

I walked up to the elevator desperately wanting the pain that was resurfacing to just go away. As I pressed the third floor button on the elevator pad, I began to feel tears slip from eyes. I blinked back the aching tears and walked through the elevator door. My eyes scan the room trying to find where Alex was. I couldn't stop worrying about him. It was like he was stuck in my brain and is refusing to leave. I reached the door and pulled it open, instantly feeling the power the empty hopelessness was burdening. Alex looked up from Mer's face and stared heartbreakingly at me. I felt an ache burning into my heart. I have seen Alex like this many times, but this time seemed more broken then the other times.

"Alex I'm here." I said walking up to the chair he is in. I could tell he was barely keeping it together. Alex let out a sighed and stared back at Mer's face.

"Okay." Alex mumbles as he continued to stare at Mer . It was heartbreaking. How Alex looked.

There was a knock at the door, causing me and Alex to turn our heads. Jackson and Amelia stood in the door way with Jo behind. The tension in the room rose drastically as they made their way into the room. The nervousness ate me up inside, while I was eagerly waiting for the news.

"She should be stable enough now." Jackson said as he checked the chart. April stood there next to Jackson nodding her head. I felt the nervousness starting to disappear.

"Okay thanks, Avery." I said as I grabbed the chart from his hands. My eyes scanned over the chart, checking every box and leaving check marks. Everything was good. Her bp was slightly elevated, but nothing to worry about. Jackson and April left the room and closed the door behind them. I turned to look at Alex. Mer slowy started opening her eyes. I could hear moans coming from her mouth.

"Mer, we are here. Shh, it's okay." Alex said as he watched Mer open her eyes. I was so happy. My person is back.

"A-lex." Mer says with a raspy voice. Alex got up from the bed and walked over to the sink, handing her a cup of water. She took the cup from his hands and took a gulp. "Where am I?" Mer asked as she rubbed her eyes. I took a deep breath.

"Mer, you collapsed after we got here." I said as I rubbed a soothing hand down her back. Mer starts to have a frantic look on her face. "Shh don't worry the baby is fine." I said with a hopeful smile. Mer starts to relax a little.

"Oh that's good." Mer softly yawned out.

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