Filled Lungs

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Mer's pov

I woke in bed with Alex's arms wrapped around stomach. Yesterday was so fun. Alex and the kids having a war. Even though I was deafeted by Alex. I will get my revenge. I rolled over on my back and faced Alex, who had his eyes staring at my neck. He had this look on his face. It was a mischievous grin. He smiles as he leans down to kiss my neck softly. I look over at him and press a kiss on his lips. He rolls on his back and looks up at the ceiling.

"Mer I love you so much" He whispers softly.

"Alex, I love you too" I state as a smile crossed my face.

I got up from the bed and headed down to the kitchen. The kitchen was still a mess. Paper towels everywhere, nerf balls scrattered acrossed the room. The room was a disaster. I walked to up the sink and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. After I turned on the dishwasher. In the distance I could hear my phone ringing. I walk to the living room and answered the phone.

"Hello,this is doctor Meredith Grey" I answered.

"Hello" Someone voiced in a pitiful tone.

I could hear the poison on the other line. The voice was so wicked. I could feel my blood freeze. My heart pounded in my chest. All the horrifying memories started to haunt my brain. The images flashed painfully into my eyes like lightning struck my arms. My arms felt like jelly. My throat felt dry.

"W-h-o is this"? I stuttered weakly.

The person on the other line breathed a harsh breath. I could feel my body freezing in place. I couldn't move. It was like I was stuck in time.

"You know who I am Brooke" Paul mocked.

All of my nightmares struck my brain. I could feel his hands grabbing me forcefully. His voice burned into my thoughts. I felt my blood run cold. The sex room, him beating me made freeze in my brain. It was like I was trapped in his spell.

"What do you want from me"? I asked trying to regain my strength.

"Oh Brooke. You think you got away. It's far from over" He menced.

"Why are you doing this"! I demanded.

"Oh Brooke. When I get out. You will pay" Paul taunted as he laughed evilly.

I felt tears burn onto my cheek. I could hear my breathing quicken. I could also hear Alex calling me.

"Mer"! Alex called.

I didn't respond. I just stood there with the phone in my hand. I was frozen in place.

"Meredith" Alex yelled again.

Alex then came running down the stairs. Alex ran over to me. He noticed tears in my eyes and snatched the phone out of my hands. As he brought the phone to his ear. His face turned into a scowl when he heard who was on the other line. As I laid my head on his chest. I could feel his heart was pulsing. His face was red. His breath became ridged. He cleared his throat harshly.

"Leave Meredith alone"! He bellowed and slammed the phone down.

He wrapped his arms around me protectively, but not too strong. He didn't want to crush me with the anger that was raging in him. I felt safe in his arms. Alex pulled away and look into my eyes. He wiped the falling tears from my eyes. He kissed my forehead gently before cleaning is throat.

"Mer he won't get you. I will do anything in my power for that not to happen. You're safe. I won't let them ruin our lives" he calmly comforts.

"Alex I'm scared. I'm scared every night I go to sleep. I petrified to go anywhere. I haven't even stepped a foot in the hospital since I was released" I numbly stated as tears flowed down my face.

"Mer you're safe I won't let them. I love you too much. I can't lose you again" he says sweetly as he wraps his arms around my waist.

In his arms I felt so protected. I always do. Alex would never let anything bad happen to me. He beat up duluca because he thought he was hurting her. Yeah he really did damage. He felt really bad. Him and Andrew are all fine. Not my fine. I'm still shaken up. Having a gun to you can really mess someone up. I haven't been able to fully admit it out loud. Part of me is petrified that he will get out of prison again. Every time I close my eyes, I start to think of the horrible things he did to me. One of Alex's doesn't know. Cris knows, but not Alex. If I tell him. I don't know how he will react.

I pull away from his grasp and kiss him softly on the lips. He gets up from the ground. The ground I broke down crying on. The pain from slamming down on the living room floor. My knees still felt like they would buckle any bump from the air around me. He put out his arm and pulled me up from the floor. I got up and grabbed on to him. Alex's arms wrapped around my waist tightly. I could tell Alex knew something was up.

"Mer it's going be okay, I won't let anything happen to you" Alex soothing says as he rubs my back.

"I know. I just so scared Alex" I say in almost a whisper.

"Mer, Izzie called me" Alex says with a frown.

I started to feel my lungs filing with air. It was like I couldn't breathe. I could hear Alex telling me to breathe. My heart was pounding. The fear reached my mind. My brain was clouded with poising memories. It flashed so quickly. I didn't even notice that Alex was shaking me. It was like I stuck in this nightmare. Alex was shouting. But I started to panic.

"Mer"! Alex shouted as he was shaking me.

I continued to stare in space. It was like I was gone and my brain was being taking over. My mind was being controlled by a poisonious memories. Alex's shouts sound more like murmurs. I started seeing spots and my eyes closed tightly. All I could hear was Alex's frantic cries and begging me to stay awake.

"Mer! Please stay with me! Okay I need you to stay awake" Alex cried.

But nothing was going to shake me out of this dark pit of horror. I think I was too scared I actually stopped my heart. I have no idea how I did it. But it's too late.

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