Chapter 4

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    "Everyone! Get to the top of the hill!" I heard Timberstar's voice cry out.
Cats flooded into camp with kits and elders, getting them up the hill. I made sure my mother was ok, and once I saw her scrabbling up the muddy climb, I ran as fast as I could to join my litter mates. Once everyone got up the hill, the water crashed into camp, turning our humble home into a swirling current. Suddenly, the water started climbing up the hill, and it didn't stop.
    "Everybody! Keep going!" My father yowled.
We all started running, but my foot got caught between two rocks, causing great pain. I yowled for help, but the Clan didn't hear me. Suddenly, Wasppaw appeared. He parted the rocks so I could get out, and we ran. But, with my injury, I was left behind once again. Then, I realized this was the setting of my dream. I would come to the cliff, Wasppaw would be there to witness my death, and I would never become a warrior. I slowed down my run to a trot as I came to the cliff. There he was. Wasppaw was there, waiting for me, screaming for me to jump. The water was close. I turned and saw the rush of water coming my way. Then the cold water slammed into me, it was colder this time. Knowing it was coming, I was able to dodge the log and stay conscious. I broke the surface and gasped for breath, but was quickly swept back under. Suddenly, something tugged on my scruff. I was being dragged back to shore, by a cat?
    "Wasppaw?" I mewed, choking on water.
The strange cat didn't answer. I couldn't see who the cat was until we got on land and it released me. I coughed, and looked at my rescuer. A silver tabby she cat. But, her eyes were pure white and her fur was covered in stars. She was from StarClan.
"Am... am I dead?" I asked.
The cat shook her head.
"You guys sent me that dream to warn me." I said.
She nodded. Then she walked towards me and whispered so softly, it tickled my ear fur.
"Flame will spark, but it must shine as bright as a star, for darkness and destruction will descend, destroying everything in it's path. Let the Flame grow, and it will blind the darkness." She said ominously.
And just like that, she was gone.
"Flamepaw!" I heard Wasppaw yell.
As he rushed towards me, I tried to get up. But I was too weak, and I fumbled under my weight. My eyelids went heavy, and I let darkness consume me and my thoughts.
I woke up in the medicine den. Well, what was left of it. The bitter taste of herbs at the back of my mouth. My limbs were numb, but I could get up if I tried. So I did. I wobbled to my feet and limped out of the empty, broken den. I walked out to a heart stopping scene. Everything was gone. The fresh kill, the dens, the prickly gorse barrier, everything. The only thing left were broken branches, and the miserably damaged medicine den. Cats were everywhere, either cleaning, building, or organizing hunting patrols. I noticed Shadefur talking to Timberstar, and when he noticed me, he bounded over.
"Thank goodness your ok!" He purred, licking my ears.
I purred and leaned into his warm, dry fur. With mine still wet, I guessed I hadn't been asleep long. Then I saw Mistystream, my mother, bounding towards me, Cloudpaw and Smokepaw at her side.
"My kit, oh my sweet kit!" She purred louder than three cats combined.
My litter mates batted at me playfully.
"Wow, how did you survive that?" Cloudpaw asked, astonished.
"I thought you were fish food!" Smokepaw laughed.
"Give her space." The bold voice of Timberstar rang out.
My family parted as he padded towards me.
"I would like to talk to you, Flamepaw," He mewed. Looking at my parents and litter mates, he added, "alone."
I nodded, and we padded to the crack in the hill that made his den. I found a corner in the den and sat.
"What happened when you got washed away?" He asked.
I tried to remember, then I explained all I could.
"A StarClan cat rescued me. She was a sliver she cat." I answered.
He nodded.
"Did anything else happen?" He asked.
I nodded.
"She gave me a prophecy."
And for the first time, I saw fear on my leader's face.

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