Chapter 35

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"Wow! Really?" Sparkle gasped after I explained.
"You are a very special cat, Sparkle. This is where your destiny lies. But remember, Clan life is a lot harder than it may seem. You are used to only looking after yourself, but now you will have to look after an entire Clan of cats. Are you sure you are up for this?" I reminded.
"Yes, Flamestar. I am ready to follow my destiny." She answered confidently, becoming more serious.
I nodded.
"Then you shall journey with me and Waspclaw to Crystal Rock tomorrow. That is where we share tongues with StarClan. But for now, you will need to rest. I imagine that you are quite weary from your journey?" I meowed.
She nodded eagerly. I showed her to the medicine den, and explained the various herbs stashed in various dug out holes against the wall. She took on quickly, and eventually curled up in her nest. I could tell she was exhausted. I padded out of the den, and headed toward my den. But then I stopped. I had completely forgotten about Waspclaw. I padded to the warriors den to see the tabby fast asleep. I giggled a little, and padded over to him. I licked his ear and whispered.
"See you tomorrow."
Then I padded over to the leaders den. I slowly stepped inside. It was cool and dark. I went to the small moss nest and curled into a ball. I felt chillier, missing the warmth of my Clanmates. I wrapped my tail over my nose, protecting it from the chilly breeze. It was almost Leaffall, so Leafbare was right around the corner, so we had to get the fresh kill pile back up fast. But soon I adjusted to the environment, and sleep washed over me.
I felt a small paw prodding my side. I opened my eyes to see Sparkle hovering over me.
"The sun is over the trees, shouldn't we head out?" She asked.
I got up quickly and bolted into the clearing. Cats were busy everywhere. Waspclaw was waiting by the entrance. When he saw me, he padded over.
"Goodmorning sleepyhead." He teased.
I flicked my tail over his ear.
Once I had announced our depart, me, Sparkle and Waspclaw headed out the entrance and toward the mountains. To reach the mountains, we would have to pass through CliffClan territory. Once we got to the river, we passed over the familiar log that had fallen across.
"Thank StarClan this didn't wash away in the flood." I murmured to myself.
We padded swiftly across a small clearing until we came back to the safety of the trees. I flicked my tail for them to freeze. The wind was blowing to us, carrying the strong scent of a near patrol. We hid in a thick patch of bramble. I heard Sparkle grumbling and hissing as bramble tucked and poked at her thin pelt.
    "Quiet." I hissed.
She suddenly stopped moving as we heard voices and paw steps growing closer.
    "Timberstar dead?" Said a tom.
    "Yep, I found him floating in the creek at the bottom of the cliff. He had obviously fallen." Answered another.
    "So, is Shadefur leader now?" Asked a she cat that sounded like a apprentice.
I held my breath as the paw steps grew closer. Suddenly, the wind changed and a Leaffall gust ruffled our fur, and carried our scent right to them.
    "ForestClan?" Asked the apprentice.
    "Shh!" Hissed the first tom.
They padded toward our bush.
    "Show yourselves!" Called out the second tom.
I stepped out, signaling for my friends to follow. I was correct, two toms and a she cat apprentice of about eight moons.
"Who are you?" Asked the apprentice.
The first tom, who must have been her mentor, flicked her strictly with his tail, telling her to hush.
"My name is Flamepelt. Well, Flamestar. We are traveling to Crystal Rock today so that I can receive my nine lives. For seasons, we have been allies, so please, don't stop that now. We shall pass through the forest towards the mountain, and there will be no trouble." I promised.
"Shadefur's dead." The second tom concluded.
I nodded solemnly.
"We will escort you as far as the mountains, so no funny business." He proposed.
I nodded. We padded through their territory quietly. It soon started to drizzle with a cold rain. Then we came to a sudden climb. I looked up as rain stung my eyes. At the top of the slope, a small opening.
"Crystal Rock." I whispered.

A New Beginning: Book 1  Flamestar's PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now