Chapter 34

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Everyone turned to look at him.
"I have something to say, Flamepelt." He said dryly.
I froze, remembering the warrior ceremony when Waspclaw stood up to Timberstar.
"Please speak." I croaked.
Suddenly, his blank face turned into an amusing smile.
"I would be honored to escort you, Flamestar." He offered.
I felt warmer, and stronger. I stood straighter as I noticed the approving smiles and mews of my Clanmates.
Maybe being a leader isn't so bad. I thought happily.
"Thank you, Waspclaw. I would be glad to have you as my escort." I thanked him.
The meeting ended and the cats dispersed. The sun was low on the tree line, so I decided to go eat and relax. I padded to the almost empty fresh kill pile.
"Looks like the FireClan cats didn't leave empty handed." I murmured under my breath.
I scanned the clearing to see Reedfur's body gone. The elder's had already buried it. I picked out a shrew, and ate is hastily. I had not eaten, and my journey with Mistystream had drained my strength. Suddenly, I saw a faded orange kit, running up to a faded gray tom. The memories of my childhood, when there were no worries. I saw myself running back into the clearing to see my mother flustered by my first mouse. My siblings by my side as we came back from our family hunt. All of my clanmates cheering my name at my warriors ceremony. The clearing soon became filled with the faded cats of my memories. But one cat shone bright out of them. The brown tabby that had always been there for me. I remembered how he had killed Timberstar because he thought I was dead, he had tried to save my life during the flood, and he had been there when my siblings weren't. Then I noticed that he no longer was faded, he was real. He turned and looked at me, a soft smile on his face. He padded over to me, and we touched noses.
    "So, we are leaving tomorrow?" He asked.
I was too busy staring at the blurry images.
    "Is something wrong?" He asked worried.
I looked up at him. His eyes reminded me of the forest.
    "No, everything is perfect." I purred, a smile forcing it's way onto my face.
He nodded relieved. He layed down beside me, and we groomed each other. I felt much better as his warm tongue rasped over my ear. Then I noticed a bright grey she cat stand out. Rainmist stood staring at me with a smile. When she saw that I had noticed her, she nodded with approval, and what seemed like, honor. Then all my memories evaporated before my eyes until only Rainmist stood alone among the flurry of my living clanmates. She then looked at Waspclaw, and back at me. Her eyes were trying to tell me something, but I couldn't make it out, then she slowly faded away until all that remained was a somewhat empty clearing. Then a soft voice whispered in my ear.
"Your destiny awaits with him." It spoke.
I looked at Waspclaw who had his eyes closed. He was grooming a piece of matted fur. It had been tangled due to blood.
"You should have that looked at." I suggested.
He looked at me with a mischievous gleam in his eye.
"It's not mine." He mused.
I nodded. Lightningstar would think twice next time he decided to attack camp.
"Hey, want to go for a walk?" He offered after a few moments of silence.
I nodded, getting up to stretch. We padded to the camp entrance, but there was a rustling in the brambles.
Has FireClan returned? I worried.
But then a small tortoiseshell she cat made her way into view.
"Excuse me, but I am looking for a Flamestar?" She mewed politely.
"And who's asking?" Waspclaw burst in before I could speak.
He gave me a quick warning glance. I nodded, understanding. This was a stranger, there was no need to be throwing my name around, at least until I got my lives.
"My name is Sparkle. I was a rouge who lived just beyond the mountain range. I journeyed here because a kind starry calico came to me in my dreams. At first I thought it was something I ate, but then she came to me again the next morning. I was awake though, so she must be real. She told me that I had to come to the forest cats over the mountains and ask for a cat named Flamestar. So, I came. It's not like I had anything better to do. It took me about a day. But here I am, so please tell me that I came for no reason! If cats need me, then I want to help!" She explained.
I motioned for Waspclaw to follow me as I padded a few fox lengths away.
"Oakfoot sent her. She is meant to be our new medicine cat! Trust me on this one." I whispered.
He let out a hesitant sigh, but looked at me with trusting eyes.
"OK. But understand if I keep a close eye on her, OK? I don't want to lose you, Flamestar." He agreed.
We padded back to the eager tortoiseshell.
"OK Sparkle, I am the cat you are looking for. Please come to my den, and I will explain everything." I meowed.

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