Chapter 36

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"This is where we leave you." Said the first tom.
I nodded.
"Thank you. And, what were your names? For recognition in the future." I added.
The tom realized that I meant well.
"My name is Gorstail, this is my friend Ashfeather, and my apprentice Riverpaw." He introduced.
Riverpaw waved her tail excitedly, as Ashfeather just gave a curt nod. We said our goodbyes, and began our long climb. The rain had began to strengthen as we went up, turning into huge drops that drenched our fur, leaving us shivering. Me and Waspclaw pressed close together for warmth, while Sparkle pushed ahead. The rain did not seem to effect her as much, since her thin pelt seemed to repel most of the rain. It made since, since this terrain covered most of the rouge territory, she would have to had gotten used to it by now.
"Have you you lived alone your whole life?" I shouted over the rain.
"I was a kittypet when I was a kit, but then they abandoned me, so I have lived here for as long as I can remember. That's why my name is Sparkle. I would of changed it, but I couldn't think of anything good that wasn't already taken. So, 'Hi! I'm Sparkle!' Is what I say to other rouges. They laugh at me and say that I should go back to my mother. Then, I leave them with a nice scratch, and go on with my day." She explained looking down.
    "Sorry." I said quickly, not wanting to make enemies with our medicine cat.
She just shrugged.
    "It's not your fault. And plus, I'm with you guys now! I will finally be appreciated for my talent." She meowed.
    "What talent?" I asked.
She looked at me like I was dumb.
    "Well, healing cats of course! I know my way around wounds and diseases. Why did you think I agreed to be your medicine cat? I just don't know the names of the herbs and what they are all used for. But the calico said she would help me, so I'm sure I'll be fine." She retorted.
I nodded. We padded for what seemed like forever, until we came to a sudden flat space. It was smoothed by many generations of paws. It led to a small cave, big enough for two cats to pad side by side, and tall enough for a cat to stand on it's hind legs, but you would bump your head. We glanced at each other.
    "This is it." I sighed.
    "So, do we go inside?" Sparkle asked curiously.
    "We have to wait until nightfall, which will be soon. Hopefully this rain will clear up." I muttered.
The rain had turned into a downpour, and their was very little shelter on the cliff top. We huddled close under a small ledge that barely cover us even when we wrapped our tails tightly around our shivering bodies. I was exhausted after the climb, and my drenched fur weighing me down didn't make it easier. Soon, the rain slowed down, and the clouds broke into shreds, revealing a low sunset.
"We should probably head down." I declared.
The rain had finally stopped. The path was a slighter up hill climb, but it then descended down and down. It was pitch black, causing us to guide each other by touching tail tips. We padded until we came to a small opening. In the middle was a small rock, it looked like a crystal. We waited as the moon made it way across the sky until it reached the tiny whole on the roof. Suddenly, the whole room was illuminated with a glorious light. I padded to the stone, signalling for Sparkle to follow. We touched our noses to the cold stone.
Then everything went dark.

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