Chapter 27

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I narrowed my eyes. I felt every hair on my pelt tingling with tension.
    "Liar! You killed my mother, and I have a witnesses to prove it!" I hissed.
Smokeytail layed her ears back.
    "I did nothing of the sort. Do you want to know what happened?" She asked, eyeing me closely
I growled softly, but reluctantly nodded.
    "I had just gotten back from a hunting patrol, but because of the flood scaring away all the prey, none of us had found anything. So, of course, knowing how Lightningstar is, he took drastic measures. He knew that ForestClan was over loaded with prey, so he sent us out again, this time onto ForestClan territory. I didn't agree, but I didn't was to argue with a angry cat with six lives. So, we headed out, but as soon as we set foot in your territory, Stormtail leaped out and attacked. He grabbed the scruff of my apprentice, Amberpaw, and threw her into a bramble bush. I tried to run over to her, but Mistystream ran in front of me. I shouldered her out of my way, but she got back up and bowled me over. I kicked her off of me, and she ran into the bushes. That was the last time she was seen until the end of the battle. I grabbed Amberpaw, and called for a retreat. When we got back to camp, we were battered and scratched, nobody was badly wounded, but we were empty handed once again. Lightningstar ordered us all to tend to the elders for the rest of the day. So now you know. I did not kill your mother." She finished.
I stared at her in disbelief.
    " must be lying, could this be possible?" I gasped.
She just shook her head. But as she opened her mouth to speak, Lightningstar called out again.
    "I said, SILENCE!" He yowled.
He looked directly at me, and when our eyes met, he let out a sly smile revealing gleaming razor sharp teeth. This was not a cat to reckon with.
    "So, this must be the famous Flamepelt that Timberstar keeps bragging about. If I'm correct, you seem to have the interesting ability to cheat fate? Well, then you might as well challenge your old leader here for the role! Ha! I bet you would have him quaking at your paws! Ain't that right, Timberstar?" He spoke, eyeing my leader with his icy blue stare.
Did he know about Timberstar's amount of lives? Or was he just trying to cause trouble?
    "I assure you, Lightningstar, that Flamepelt here is as loyal to ForestClan as any of your fear stricken followers." He challenged.
Lightningstar unleashed a loud growl. He unsheathed his claws, and reared back.
    "You dare challenge ME? Well, you won't think twice about doing that again, once I'm done with you!" He shrieked.
But just as he was about to lunge, a small black paw smacked him in the face.
    "Lightningstar. Don't go off breaking the will of StarClan over a silly quarrel! This is a night of truce. I'm sure you've had your share of battle for one moon! Give it a rest! Please?" Said the tortoiseshell.
Lightningstar sheathed his claws, but stood glaring for a moment longer before whipping his position back to sitting and staring at the clearing below.
    "You're right Lillystar. This scrap of fur isn't worth my time. Now, let us get one with the gathering." He muttered.
Then a large white tom with black flecks stepped forward. He had sat silently with a blank stare, seeming to not notice the quarrel going on only mouse-lengths away.
That must be Birchstar. I thought.
He cleared his throat, then began to speak.
    "I will start this gathering by honoring a fallen warrior. Windwhisper joined StarClan this morning due to a bad rat bite he had gotten fighting a rouge rat in our territory. The rat had the scars of cat claws. We guessed it had gotten chased into our territory by a rouge, given we live near the old abandoned Twoleg barn. (The barn is basically a Clan of rouge cats, kind of like BloodClan.) We sat vigil last night, and he was buried this morning," He spoke softly with honor in his voice.
He waited for a few moments to let all of the cats have their own little vigil. Windwhisper had been a kind tom. He had been known well by all the Clans as if he was one of their own. Even though I didn't know him, my head drooped with grief. I had heard many stories of his young days. He had fought more with words, than claws and teeth. Much blood was saved do to his voice. In fact, he gave so many speeches, he practically lost his voice. He would be missed. But, he would rest peacefully in StarClan for many moons to come.
    "But, with old losses, come new arrivals!" He called out in a cheery voice.
He nodded at a smallish cream colored she cat.
"Morningblossom gave birth the three healthy toms. Rockkit, Vinekit, and Frogkit." He finished.
Mews of congratulations broke out throughout the clearing. Morningblossom shuffled her paws nervously. Suddenly, Reedfur called out.
"Shouldn't a mother be at camp with her kits?" He asked dryly.
There was no warmth or welcome in his voice for the new kits.
"Well, the kits are almost a moon old, and no longer need Morningblossom's milk. So, I thought that she would be able t come to this gathering. The father, Stormeye, is back at camp watching over them. So, no Reedfur, the mother does not always need to be at home with her kits." He answered.
Reedfur just nodded solemnly.
Then Timberstar stepped forward.

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