Chapter 21

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    I ran to him, and threw myself at him, trying to put him up. But my paws went right through his. This was not real, and I wasn't actually in this moment. Timberstar scrabbled at the edge, trying to find paw hold.
    "Waspclaw! Help me!" I heard Timberstar cry out.
But, Waspclaw just shook his head, and turned away. Not looking at his leader, he added.
    "I will never forgive you for what you did. You do not deserve my help. You will forever feel the shame of your betrayal, wherever cats like you go." He meowed.
Then, he whipped around and sliced his claws across Timberstar's face. Yowling in pain, he let go, falling into the rocky river below. I ran to look over the edge as Timberstar's body lay still and broken on one of the rocks. I screamed and ran down the path to my leader's side, but my paws were frozen. Grey mist swarmed around, and I fell into a pool of darkness.
    I awoke with a start. My sides heaved and my paws stung, as if I actually had run across the stony cliff. I immediately got up, and ran out of my den towards Timberstar's. The moon was high in the sky. Is was almost full, and the gathering would be held soon. I wondered if Timberstar would mention the attack from FireClan at the meeting. I shook the thought out of my head and stayed determined. Waspclaw was the darkness, and he was out to kill Timberstar. I had to warn him, no matter what Rainmist said. I stopped at the crack in the hill, and too a deep breath.
    "Timberstar?" I whispered.
I heard desperate movement inside the den. Then, Timberstar answered.
    "Come in!" He mewed.
He had been awake.
I padded in slowly, to see him sitting up straight. I noticed something in the shadows, but I couldn't make it out. It looked sort of like a cat.
"What do you need Flamepelt?" He asked.
I padded and sat in front of him. I sighed. I had to do this, no matter how much I would regret it.
"I... figured out what the prophecy meant." I meowed shakingly.
Timberstar stood up immediately, shock on his face.

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