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1 year ago

April's pov

Once again my parents and my brother were at it. The only thing heard throughout the house were their voices. My mother getting mad at my brother for mouthing off at her and mad at my father for not saying anything about it. My father, pissed because there's always something that happens with my mother and brother.

"Landon West!" Laura, my mother, yells from upstairs

"You can't keep doing this!" Anthony, my father yelled at Landon

"You can't treat me like this. I'm sick of it! You should never talk to your mother like this!" Laura screamed

"DO NOT DO THAT!" Anthony yelled at the top of his lungs

They kept going at it for the next few minutes. I glanced at Caleb, my other brother, from across the room. I felt bad that he had to listen to this. He's the oldest out of us three kids.

I know he's tired of listening to this. I'm tired of it too. Caleb tried to speak up last time but that didn't go well for him. His eyes met mine and he gave me a small smile.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this. It must be a lot huh?" Caleb said

"I mean, I guess. I've gotten used to it. Now that you're living in Toronto it's been happening more and more" I confessed

"Why don't you come live with me? I mean, you told me you wanted to transfer to a different school right? Apply to University of Toronto!" He told me

"I never really though of that, I'll think about it okay?" I said as our mother walked back into the kitchen

"Landon needs help, serious help" Laura said quietly

While we were talking we could tell that something was being thrown. He threw a few things actually. His phone was one of the things and I'm not sure what else he threw. I think he also punch the wall.

The kid is only 14 and his anger always gets the best of him. I just want him to be okay. I want him to get help. I want my Landon back

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