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Willy and I were in the middle of watching friends when there was a knock on the door. I got up as Willy paused the tv. I opened the door and saw Mitch. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I pulled him in for a hug. "I wanted to swing by and say goodbye to Landon since he's leaving in a little and I wanted to talk to you" He stepped inside.

"Alright what would you like to do first?" I asked. "I want to talk to you first. Sorry if I was interrupting something" He said looking at Willy on the couch. "It's all good. How about we got on the balcony?" I suggested. He nodded his head and grabbed my hand as we stepped outside.

"Wow this is an amazing view" Mitch said. "Yeah and it's very peaceful" I said.

"Okay so I came here to ask you something" He announced. I nodded my head at him encouraging him to go on. "April West, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"I would love to be your girlfriend, Mitch Marner" I smiled at him. He smiled down at me and leaned in colliding our lips. We pulled away still smiling. "God I was so nervous to ask you" He breathed out. "Why? I would have said yes no matter what"

"I was just worried that you would say that we can't or you would mention Caleb and I don't mean that in a bad way" He explained. "No I get it. It was a little rough at first for us but now we are together and I couldn't be happier" I pecked him on the lips. "Me too" He whispered.

We walked back inside and Landon was sitting on the couch with William and Caleb. "Mitch! You're here!" Landon exclaimed and rushed over to us. "Yeah I wanted to say goodbye before you left" Mitch told him. "I'm gonna miss all of you" Landon admitted. "We're all gonna miss you too bud" I said.

"What happened between you guys? I'm getting a vibe that something happened" Landon looked skeptical at us. I laughed and shook my head at him. "I finally built up the courage to ask your sister to be my girlfriend" Mitch announced.

"What? That's great" Landon hugged me. "I'm happy for you guys" Willy chimed in. "Congrats you guys. I'm happy you're together and I'm sorry for how I acted before" Caleb told us. "It's all good now. We are very happy that you've accepted us" Mitch said.

"You guys deserve to be happy" Caleb said. "Thanks" I wrapped my arms around Caleb and gave him a nice hug.

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