twenty four

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It's been a month in toronto and the boys love it here. They enrolled in school and absolutely love it. The maple leafs season has been going well as they are now in the playoffs. April is looking at this one apartment that she adores. She was gonna meet with the real estate agents and have everything sorted out.

April and Mitch were going out tonight. They were going to a nice restaurant in the center of Toronto.

April sighed as she went through her clothes trying to figure out what to wear for the date tonight. She decided to call Kappy's girlfriend, Annika, and ask for her help. Annika answered the phone in a matter of seconds. "Hey girl. What's up?" Annika asked. "I'm having a crisis. Please help me" April begged. "What's the problem?" Annika asked. "I don't have anything to wear for my date tonight with Mitch. Like I literally have nothing!" April exclaimed.

"I'll be over in 10. I'm coming to the rescue" Annika laughed. "Oh my gosh. That you so much" April said. "Don't worry girl. I've always got your back" Annika said.

Annika showed up 10 minutes later just like she said she would. She had brought three different dresses to choose from. She had a plain mid thigh black dress, a navy sweetheart neckline dress, and an off the shoulder pinkish silky dress.

April went with the off the shoulder dress. She slipped on some light pink heels to match with her dress and she styled her hair in curls and Annika did her makeup.

(this is the cutest dress I've ever seen)

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(this is the cutest dress I've ever seen)

"Holy shit. You look amazing!" Annika exclaimed. "Thanks" April smiled. April was all ready. Landon came to see if April was ready. It was already 6 and the dinner reservation was at 6:30. "You look great. Mitch is waiting at the front door for you" Landon informed her. "Thanks Landon. You and Nathan be careful tonight okay? And don't trash the place" April said. They walked towards the front door. "I promise we won't" Landon smiled. "Alright. Bye kiddo" She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. "Have fun" He said as she walked away to go find Mitch. 

Approaching the front door Mitch was facing the other way. He had hear the clicking of her heels. He turned around to face her, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. "Hi" She said softly. "You look stunning" He said looking at her in awe. "Thanks, you look pretty good yourself" She said blushing at his compliment. He gave her and smiled and held out his hand for her to take. She gladly accepted and they left the apartment. In the car on the way to the restaurant they had a mini concert. Mitch pulled up in the parking lot and hopped out of the car to open the door for April. He opened her door and held out his hand for her once again. She slipped her hand in his and said thank you. 

They walked into the building hand in had and took the elevator up to the top floor where the restaurant was located. The hostess brought them to there table and handed them the menus. "This view is breathtaking!" April said as she looked out seeing the entire city. "Not as breathtaking as you" Mitch said. April laughed. "You're so cheesy" She picked up the menu and started looking over it. "Only for you" Mitch leaned forward and smiled up at April. She peeked at him over the menu in her hands and couldn't fight the smile that made it's way onto her face. "Dork" She mumbled. "But I'm your dork" Mitch laughed and April joined. They were interrupted when a waiter came over to take their order. 

"How's the apartment search going?" he asked. "I found this adorable place and I'm talking with the real estate agents about seeing it. It's at a good price as well and it's the perfect size for me and the boys." She explained. "That's great to hear. Although I wouldn't mind us living together permanently." Mitch wiggled his eyebrows and she laughed shaking her head at him. "I couldn't. We couldn't. It's just easier for the boys and I to live on our own until they move out for college in a few years" 

"I'm looking forward to it. Then we can live together" He smiled. "I guess that's not too bad" She smiled back. 

After the date they headed back home. As soon as they entered the apartment April took off her heels. They then both walked to Mitch's room. "I'm gonna go wash up" April told him after grabbing a change of clothes and walking into the bathroom. April had taken off all her makeup and stripped out of her dress and hopped in the shower. Once she was done she changed into a pair of shorts and one of Mitch's shirts. 

Stepping out of the bathroom April noticed Mitch changed into shorts and a t-shirt. He was laying on the bed on his phone. She walked over to him and laid next to him. "I had a great time with you tonight. I missed going out with you" She wrapped her arms around him. He set his phone down on the nightstand and wrapped his arms around her. "I missed it too. I'm sorry I've been so busy" He kissed her on the forehead. "It's alright. You have playoffs to prepare for" She said and sighed. "Let's go to sleep" He whispered in her ear. They let go of each other for a brief moment when Mitch went to turn off the lights. Then he climbed back into bed with her and wrapped his arms around her. He placed light kisses on her shoulder and neck. When he thought she was asleep he whispered in her ear, "I love you"

i am so sorry for not updating this book in nearly three whole months. i'm not even gonna lie i have just not been motivated to write at all in the past few months and i'm trying to get back into writing but i don't exactly know where i'm going with my stories anymore. sorry guys. love you all ♡

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