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Thursday rolled around and it was time for Mitch and I's date. I was excited. I don't know what he had planned so I chose a casual dress. (pictured above)

Mitch was picking me up at noon and it was already 10:45am so I started getting ready. I took a shower, blow dried my hair, washed my face, brushed my teeth, did some makeup, and got dressed.

When I was finished getting ready an hour had already passed. I still had fifteen minutes until he got here so i headed out into the living room.

William and Landon or sitting on the couch watching tv. They were watching some hockey movie. And the notice me walk in they both said hello. Then Landon asked me why I was dressed up. I rolled my eyes because I knew this is the way Landon was going to tease me.

"Not that it's any of your business but I'm going on a date" I told him. "With who?" Landon said. "With Mitch" William laughed. I rolled my eyes again and my phone started ringing. I answered it.

"Hey April I just pulled up outside" Mitch informed me. "Okay I'll be down in a minute" I said. "Alright bye" Mitch said and I hung up.

"I'll be home sometime later" I told them. "Okay do you want us to tell Caleb?" William asked. "Yeah that would be good. See you guys" I said and walked out of the door.

I made it out of the apartment and got in Mitch's car. "Hey" I greeted him. "Hi" He said and started driving. "So are you gonna tell me where we're going?" I questioned. "Let me think about it, nope" He smirked at me. "Why not" I groaned. "You'll find out in a few minutes. and you'll like it" He told me.

A couple minutes later we arrived at the small park. Mitch parked the car and went in the back to grab something. He came around to my door and open it for me. "Why thank you" I said. I stepped out of the car and noticed Mitch had a basket. "A picnic date" I smiled at him. "I had a feeling you would like this" He smiled back.

We walked over to the grassy area and he set a blanket down for us to sit on. He set the picnic basket on the ground. We both sat down.

"I had a really fun time last night" He told me. "Yeah me too. I loved seeing Landon so happy" I said. "He's a great kid. I enjoyed being around him" He said. "Yeah, he was super happy to meet you and Auston. I'm glad he was able to come out here to Toronto" I said.

We started talking about random things and getting to know each other a little more. Then we got to the topic of my family. I was reluctant to tell him at first but it wouldn't be so bad to tell him.

"So what's your family like? Caleb doesn't talk about them much" He asked. "Yeah its a very complicated story to tell" I chuckled softly. "You wanna tell me?" He said. "Sure but get read it's gonna be a semi long story" I said. He nodded his head.

"It started around a year and a half ago almost a year. Landon had one of his incidents. Caleb was out visiting and there was a lot of yelling going on upstairs. There was a lot of commotion upstairs and you could tell that the argument wasn't exactly gonna die down. I don't know how long they were up there but eventually my mother came down in the kitchen and she said that Landon needed to go to a mental hospital because she couldn't deal with his insanity anymore. It was that day that I decided that I would come to Toronto and transfer colleges"

"That's horrible of your mother to say and do. How can you speak that way about your own child? And actually have the guts to send him away even if he didn't totally need to go away?" Mitch said. I shrugged my shoulders and continued talking.

"After Landon was admitted to a hospital it was like my parents completely cut him out of their lives. they didn't go to see him, they didn't go to check up on him, and I didn't go to see his improvement and his progress. Caleb was early ever able to see him because he was here in Toronto. He had his hockey life going on and didn't have time to see him even when he had Games in Chicago. I visited him probably twice since he had been admitted and then I just decided that I would go there and I would bring him to Toronto for a week. That's how we got here." I finished the story.

"Do you talk to your parents anymore?" He asked. "No, not really. I don't think I've talked to my dad in over a year and my mother keeps calling me but I stopped answering because she only has something bad to say" I said.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that" He said. "Thanks. I try to push all of hay in the past so I don't have to focus on the bad things that happened" I explained.

"Thats good. Are you happy here in Toronto?" He asked. "Yeah, I am. I'll always miss chicago because it was my first home but I am much happier now in Toronto" I said.

"Would you ever consider moving back to Chicago?" He asked. "Yeah probably. But I don't think I would go anytime soon. I'm very happy here. I'm happy to be here with you" I smiled at him and grabbed his hand.

He linked his fingers with mine and said, "I'm happy with you here too"

We packed up all the stuff and put it in the car. We walked around the park for a bit holding hands. When it was around 4 o'clock we got in the car and he drove to my place. He parked the car and we exited the car.

We linked hands again and we headed up to my apartment. I unlocked the door and we walked in. Caleb, William, Auston, and Landon were in the living room playing fortnite. They all looked over at me and Mitch.

"Hey guys" I said and walked into the room. "Hey how was your date?" Caleb asked. "It was good but it's not over yet" I replied. We turned around and went into the kitchen. Mitch grabbed a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave and I grabbed a brown and placed it on the counter.

"We can go in my room and watch netflix if you want" I told him. "Sounds good" He said.

Mitch and I spent about two hours in my room watching a movie but sometimes getting distracted by each other. Mitch had to leave so I walked him to the door. I stepped out in the hall with him

"I had a wonderful time with you today" I told him. "I had a great time with you too. Maybe we can do it again?" He said. "I would love to" I replied.

He placed my hands in his and leaned down. We kissed for a few seconds and he pulled away. He smiled at me. "Goodbye April" He said. "Goodbye Mitch" I said. He turned away and walked down the hall. I walked back into he apartment smiling like an idiot.

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